class ManifestCacheFactory extends DefaultCacheFactory (View source)
Assists with building of manifest cache prior to config being available
protected | string | $args | from DefaultCacheFactory | |
protected | LoggerInterface | $logger | from DefaultCacheFactory |
Note: While the returned object is used as a singleton (by the originating Injector->get() call), this cache object shouldn't be a singleton itself - it has varying constructor args for the same service name.
Creates an object with a PSR-16 interface, usually from a PSR-6 class name
__construct(array $args = [], LoggerInterface $logger = null)
No description
create(string $service, array $params = [])
Note: While the returned object is used as a singleton (by the originating Injector->get() call), this cache object shouldn't be a singleton itself - it has varying constructor args for the same service name.
protected bool
Determine if apcu is supported
protected bool
Determine if PHP files is supported
protected CacheInterface
createCache(string $class, array $args, bool $useInjector = true)
Creates an object with a PSR-16 interface, usually from a PSR-6 class name
Quick explanation of caching standards:
- Symfony cache implements the PSR-6 standard
- Symfony provides adapters which wrap a PSR-6 backend with a PSR-16 interface
- Silverstripe uses the PSR-16 interface to interact with caches. It does not directly interact with the PSR-6 classes
- Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface is the php interface of the PSR-16 standard. All concrete cache classes Silverstripe code interacts with should implement this interface
Further reading: