GridFieldDropdownFilter::addFilterOption() — Method in class GridFieldDropdownFilter

Add an option to the dropdown that provides a filter

$ GridFieldRefreshButton#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldRefreshButton
CheckForUpdatesJob::afterComplete() — Method in class CheckForUpdatesJob
Package::addBadge() — Method in class Package

Adds a badge to the list of badges {$badges}

$ UpdatePackageInfoTask#allowed_typesProperty in class UpdatePackageInfoTask

The "types" of composer libraries that will be processed. Anything without these types will be ignored.

ApiLoaderClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\Maintenance\Util

Handles fetching supported module details

CWPSiteConfigExtension::addLogosAndIcons() — Method in class CWPSiteConfigExtension

Add fields for logo and icon uploads

CWPSiteConfigExtension::addSearchOptions() — Method in class CWPSiteConfigExtension

Add user configurable search field labels

CWPSiteConfigExtension::addThemeColorPicker() — Method in class CWPSiteConfigExtension

Add fields for selecting the font theme colour for different areas of the site.

CWPSiteConfigExtension::AppleTouchIcon114() — Method in class CWPSiteConfigExtension
CWPSiteConfigExtension::AppleTouchIcon144() — Method in class CWPSiteConfigExtension
CWPSiteConfigExtension::AppleTouchIcon57() — Method in class CWPSiteConfigExtension
CWPSiteConfigExtension::AppleTouchIcon72() — Method in class CWPSiteConfigExtension
ArchiveHandlerClass in namespace Colymba\BulkManager\BulkAction

Bulk action handler for recursive archiving records.

$ ArchiveHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class ArchiveHandler

RequestHandler allowed actions.

ArchiveHandler::archive() — Method in class ArchiveHandler

Archive the selected records passed from the archive bulk action.

$ DeleteHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class DeleteHandler

RequestHandler allowed actions.

$ EditHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class EditHandler

RequestHandler allowed actions.

$ PublishHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class PublishHandler

RequestHandler allowed actions.

$ UnPublishHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class UnPublishHandler

RequestHandler allowed actions.

$ UnlinkHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class UnlinkHandler

RequestHandler allowed actions.

BulkManager::addBulkAction() — Method in class BulkManager

Lets you add custom bulk actions to the bulk manager interface.

BulkManager::augmentColumns() — Method in class BulkManager

Add bulk select column.

HTTPBulkToolsResponse::addHeader() — Method in class HTTPBulkToolsResponse

Overridden here so content-type cannot be changed Add a HTTP header to the response, replacing any header of the same name.

HTTPBulkToolsResponse::addSuccessRecord() — Method in class HTTPBulkToolsResponse

Add a record to the successfully modified list

HTTPBulkToolsResponse::addSuccessRecords() — Method in class HTTPBulkToolsResponse

Add a list of records to the successfully modified list

HTTPBulkToolsResponse::addFailedRecord() — Method in class HTTPBulkToolsResponse

Add a record to the failed to modified list with its error message

HTTPBulkToolsResponse::addFailedRecords() — Method in class HTTPBulkToolsResponse

Add a list of records to the failed to modified list with a common error message

$ BulkUploadHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class BulkUploadHandler

RequestHandler allowed actions.

BulkUploadHandler::attach() — Method in class BulkUploadHandler

Retrieve File to be attached and generated DataObject.

$ BulkUploader#autoPublishDataObjectProperty in class BulkUploader

If true, the component will Publish Versioned DataObject if fasle they will be left as draft.

$ ElementFormController#allowed_actionsProperty in class ElementFormController
ElementSiteTreeFilterSearch::applyDefaultFilters() — Method in class ElementSiteTreeFilterSearch

We can't use ORM filtering for PHP methods, so we'll perform our own PHP "search" and get a list of matching SiteTree record IDs, then add that to the original ORM query.

$ ElementalAreaController#allowed_actionsProperty in class ElementalAreaController
ElementalAreaController::apiSaveForm() — Method in class ElementalAreaController

This method should not be used and will be removed

$ ElementalContentControllerExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class ElementalContentControllerExtension
$ ElementalAreaField#areaProperty in class ElementalAreaField
$ BaseElement#anchorProperty in class BaseElement

For caching 'getAnchor'

BaseElement::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class BaseElement
DataExtension::assignTopPage() — Method in class DataExtension

Assigns top page relation

DataExtension::assignFixedTopPage() — Method in class DataExtension

Assigns top page relation based on fixed id

FluentExtension::assignTopPage() — Method in class FluentExtension

Assigns top page relation

FluentExtension::assignFixedTopPage() — Method in class FluentExtension

Assigns top page relation based on fixed id

SiteTreeExtension::addDuplicatedObject() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Registers the given object to receive an updated TopPage reference after the duplication operation completes, ensuring the new Page is written to the database beforehand.

AdminErrorExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin
AdminRootControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin
AdminRootController::admin_url() — Method in class AdminRootController

Returns the root admin URL for the site with trailing slash

AdminRootController::add_rule_for_controller() — Method in class AdminRootController

Add the appropriate k/v pair to AdminRootController::$rules for the given controller.

CMSBatchAction::applicablePagesHelper() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

Helper method for applicablePages() methods. Acts as a skeleton implementation.

CMSBatchAction::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

$ CMSBatchActionHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSBatchActionHandler
CMSBatchActionHandler::actionByName() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Get an action for a given name

CMSMenu::add_controller() — Method in class CMSMenu

Add a LeftAndMain controller to the CMS menu.

CMSMenu::add_link() — Method in class CMSMenu

Add an arbitrary URL to the CMS menu.

CMSMenu::add_menu_item() — Method in class CMSMenu

Add a navigation item to the main administration menu showing in the top bar.

CMSMenu::add_menu_item_obj() — Method in class CMSMenu

Add a previously built menu item object to the menu

$ CMSMenuItem#attributesProperty in class CMSMenuItem

Attributes for the link. For instance, custom data attributes or standard HTML anchor properties.

$ UsedOnTable#allowed_actionsProperty in class UsedOnTable
$ LeftAndMain#allowed_actionsProperty in class LeftAndMain
$ LeftAndMain#admin_themesProperty in class LeftAndMain

Themes to use within the CMS

$ LeftAndMain#application_linkProperty in class LeftAndMain

The href for the anchor on the Silverstripe logo

$ LeftAndMain#application_nameProperty in class LeftAndMain

The application name

LeftAndMain::afterHandleRequest() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Cleanup for the handleRequest method

LeftAndMain::ApplicationLink() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMainExtension::accessedCMS() — Method in class LeftAndMainExtension
LeftAndMainExtension::augmentNewSiteTreeItem() — Method in class LeftAndMainExtension
$ ModalController#allowed_actionsProperty in class ModalController
$ ModelAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class ModelAdmin
$ SecurityAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class SecurityAdmin
$ SudoModeController#allowed_actionsProperty in class SudoModeController
SudoModeController::activate() — Method in class SudoModeController

After validating the request data including password against the current member, activate sudo mode for the current member.

AssetAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Controller

AssetAdmin is the 'file store' section of the CMS.

$ AssetAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::apiCreateFile() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Creates a single file based on a form-urlencoded upload.

AssetAdmin::apiUploadFile() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Upload a new asset for a pre-existing record. Returns the asset tuple.

AssetAdmin::apiHistory() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Returns a JSON array for history of a given file ID. Returns a list of all the history.

AssetAdmin::addtocampaign() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Action handler for adding pages to a campaign

AssetAdmin::addToCampaignForm() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Url handler for add to campaign form

AssetAdminFieldsExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Controller
AssetAdminFileClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Controller

Update File dataobjects to be editable in this asset admin

$ RemoteFileModalExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class RemoteFileModalExtension
AssetFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms
$ UploadField#allowed_actionsProperty in class UploadField
$ UploadField#attachEnabledProperty in class UploadField

Set if selecting existing files is enabled.

$ UploadField#allowedMaxFileNumberProperty in class UploadField

The number of files allowed for this field

AssetAdminResolverClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL\Resolvers
AssetControlExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

This class provides the necessary business logic to ensure that any assets attached to a record are safely deleted, published, or protected during certain operations.

AssetControlExtension::addAssetsFromOtherStages() — Method in class AssetControlExtension

Checks all stages other than the current stage, and check the visibility of assets attached to those records.

AssetControlExtension::addAssetsFromRecord() — Method in class AssetControlExtension

Given a record, add all assets it contains to the given manipulation.

AssetManipulationListClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets

Provides a mechanism for determining the effective visibility of a set of assets (identified by filename and hash), given their membership to objects of varying visibility.

AssetManipulationList::addAsset() — Method in class AssetManipulationList

Add asset with the given state

AssetManipulationList::addPublicAsset() — Method in class AssetManipulationList

Mark a file as public

AssetManipulationList::addProtectedAsset() — Method in class AssetManipulationList

Record an asset as protected

AssetManipulationList::addDeletedAsset() — Method in class AssetManipulationList

Record an asset as deleted

TestAssetStore::activate() — Method in class TestAssetStore

Set this store as the new asset backend

$ File#allowed_extensionsProperty in class File
$ File#app_categoriesProperty in class File
$ File#apply_restrictions_to_adminProperty in class File
File::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class File

Just an alias function to keep a consistent API with SiteTree

File::appCategory() — Method in class File

Returns a category based on the file extension.

FileFinder::acceptDir() — Method in class FileFinder

Returns TRUE if the directory should be traversed. This can be overloaded to customise functionality, or extended with callbacks.

FileFinder::acceptFile() — Method in class FileFinder

Returns TRUE if the file should be included in the results. This can be overloaded to customise functionality, or extended via callbacks.

AbstractFileIDHelperClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\FilenameParsing
AssetAdapterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem

Adapter for local filesystem based on assets directory

FlysystemAssetStore::applyToFileOnFilesystem() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Generic method to apply an action to a file regardless of what FileSystem it's on. The action to perform should be provided as a closure expecting the following signature:

function(ParsedFileID $parsedFileID, FileSystem $fs, FileResolutionStrategy $strategy, $visibility)
FlysystemAssetStore::applyToFileIDOnFilesystem() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Equivalent to applyToFileOnFilesystem, only it expects a `fileID1 string instead of a ParsedFileID.

$ GeneratedAssets#assetStoreProperty in class GeneratedAssets

Flysystem store for files

$ ImageManipulation#allowGenerationProperty in class ImageManipulation

If image resizes are allowed

$ ImageManipulation#asset_preview_widthProperty in class ImageManipulation

The width of an image preview in the Asset section

$ ImageManipulation#asset_preview_heightProperty in class ImageManipulation

The height of an image preview in the Asset section

FileLinkTracking::augmentSyncLinkTracking() — Method in class FileLinkTracking

Find HTMLText fields on owner to scrape for links that need tracking

$ FileShortcodeProvider#allow_session_grantProperty in class FileShortcodeProvider

Set to true if shortcodes should apply a session grant on their calls to getAsURL.

$ ImageShortcodeProvider#attribute_whitelistProperty in class ImageShortcodeProvider

A whitelist of attributes which are allowed in the resultant markup.

AssetContainerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Represents a container for a specific asset.

AssetNameGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Provides a mechanism for suggesting filename alterations to a file

AssetStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Represents an abstract asset persistence layer. Acts as a backend to files.

AssetStoreRouterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Assets\Storage

Represents a store usable with ProtectedFileController to serve up non-direct file requests

$ DBFile#allowedCategoriesProperty in class DBFile

List of allowed file categories.

DBFile::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class DBFile

Return absolute URL for this image. Alias for getAbsoluteURL()

DBFile::assertFilenameValid() — Method in class DBFile

Check filename, and raise a ValidationException if invalid

$ ProtectedFileController#allowed_actionsProperty in class ProtectedFileController
Sha1FileHashingService::algo() — Method in class Sha1FileHashingService

Valid hashing algorithm constant that can be passed to hash_init.

$ Upload#allowed_actionsProperty in class Upload
$ Upload_Validator#allowedMaxFileSizeProperty in class Upload_Validator

Restrict filesize for either all filetypes or a specific extension, with extension-name as array-key and the size-restriction in bytes as array-value.

$ Upload_Validator#allowedExtensionsProperty in class Upload_Validator
AuditFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Auditor

Logs are written using a side-channel, because audit trail should not be mixed up with regular PHP errors.

AuditHookClass in namespace SilverStripe\Auditor

Provides logging hooks that are inserted into Framework objects.

AuditHook::afterMemberLoggedIn() — Method in class AuditHook

Log successful login attempts.

AuditHook::authenticationFailed() — Method in class AuditHook

Log failed login attempts.

AuditHook::authenticationFailedUnknownUser() — Method in class AuditHook

Log failed login attempts when the email address doesn't map to an existing member record

AuditHook::afterMemberLoggedOut() — Method in class AuditHook

Log successful logout.

AuditHookMFAClass in namespace SilverStripe\Auditor

Provides logging actions on extension hooks from certain silverstripe/mfa actions.

AuditHookManyManyListClass in namespace SilverStripe\Auditor

AuditHookManyManyList is meant to override ManyManyList. When a Member is removed from a Group, it logs the event.

AuditHookMemberGroupSetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Auditor

AuditHookMemberGroupSet is meant to override Member_GroupSet. When a Group is removed from a Member, it logs the event.

AuditHookSessionManagerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Auditor

Provides logging actions on extension hooks from certain silverstripe/session-manager actions.

GridFieldMergeAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldMergeAction

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

$ Blog#allowed_childrenProperty in class Blog
Blog::addCMSRequirements() — Method in class Blog

Adds CMS related css and js overrides

Blog::assignGroup() — Method in class Blog

Assign users as necessary to the blog group.

$ BlogCategory#allow_urlsegment_multibyteProperty in class BlogCategory
$ BlogController#allowed_actionsProperty in class BlogController
BlogController::archive() — Method in class BlogController

Renders an archive for a specified date. This can be by year or year/month.

$ BlogPost#allowed_childrenProperty in class BlogPost
$ BlogPost#add_default_authorProperty in class BlogPost

Control whether the current member is added to list of authors when a post is created

$ BlogPost#AuthorNamesProperty in class BlogPost
BlogPostFilter::augmentSQL() — Method in class BlogPostFilter

Augment queries so that we don't fetch unpublished articles.

BlogPostFilter::augmentLoadLazyFields() — Method in class BlogPostFilter
$ BlogTag#allow_urlsegment_multibyteProperty in class BlogTag
$ BlogArchiveWidget#ArchiveTypeProperty in class BlogArchiveWidget
CMSBatchAction_Archive::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Archive

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

CMSBatchAction_Publish::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Publish

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

CMSBatchAction_Restore::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Restore
CMSBatchAction_Unpublish::applicablePages() — Method in class CMSBatchAction_Unpublish

Given a list of object IDs, filter out which items can have this batch action applied to them.

$ CMSMain#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSMain
CMSMain::archive() — Method in class CMSMain

Delete this page from both live and stage

$ CMSPageAddController#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSPageAddController
CMSPageAddController::AddForm() — Method in class CMSPageAddController
$ CMSPageEditController#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSPageEditController
CMSPageEditController::addtocampaign() — Method in class CMSPageEditController

Action handler for adding pages to a campaign

CMSPageEditController::AddToCampaignForm() — Method in class CMSPageEditController

Url handler for add to campaign form

CMSSiteTreeFilter::applyDefaultFilters() — Method in class CMSSiteTreeFilter

Applies the default filters to a specified DataList of pages

$ ContentController#allowed_actionsProperty in class ContentController
AnchorLinkFormFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Forms
AnchorSelectorFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Forms

Assists with selecting anchors on a given page

$ AnchorSelectorField#allowed_actionsProperty in class AnchorSelectorField
AnchorSelectorField::anchors() — Method in class AnchorSelectorField

Find all anchors available on the given page.

$ InternalLinkModalExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class InternalLinkModalExtension
$ SiteTreeURLSegmentField#allowed_actionsProperty in class SiteTreeURLSegmentField
LinkablePlugin::apply() — Method in class LinkablePlugin
LinkablePlugin::applyLinkFilter() — Method in class LinkablePlugin
$ RedirectorPageController#allowed_actionsProperty in class RedirectorPageController
$ SiteTree#allowed_childrenProperty in class SiteTree

Indicates what kind of children this page type can have.

SiteTree::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class SiteTree

Get the absolute URL for this page, including protocol and host.

SiteTree::allowedChildren() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns an array of the class names of classes that are allowed to be children of this class.

SiteTreeLinkTracking::augmentSyncLinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTreeLinkTracking

Find HTMLText fields on owner to scrape for links that need tracking

VirtualPage::allowedChildren() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::allMethodNames() — Method in class VirtualPage
$ ContentControllerSearchExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class ContentControllerSearchExtension
SearchForm::addStarsToKeywords() — Method in class SearchForm
AddToCampaignHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin

Class AddToCampaignHandler - handle the AddToCampaign action.

AddToCampaignHandler::addToCampaign() — Method in class AddToCampaignHandler

Performs the actual action of adding the object to the ChangeSet, once the ChangeSet ID is known

AddToCampaignHandler_FormActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin

A form action to return from geCMSActions or otherwise include in a CMS Edit Form that has the right action name and CSS classes to trigger the AddToCampaignHandler.

AddToCampaignValidatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin
$ CampaignAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class CampaignAdmin
ConfigCollectionInterface::addMiddleware() — Method in class ConfigCollectionInterface
DeltaConfigCollection::addDelta() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Push new delta

DeltaMiddleware::applyDelta() — Method in class DeltaMiddleware

Apply a single delta to a class config

MiddlewareAware::addMiddleware() — Method in class MiddlewareAware
YamlTransformer::addRule() — Method in class YamlTransformer

This allows external rules to be added to only/except checks. Config is only supposed to be setup once, so adding rules is a one-way system. You cannot remove rules after being set. This also prevent built-in rules from being removed.

YamlTransformer::addDependencies() — Method in class YamlTransformer

Incapsulates the logic for adding before/after dependencies.

$ ContentReviewCMSExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class ContentReviewCMSExtension
SiteTreeContentReview::addReviewNote() — Method in class SiteTreeContentReview

Creates a ContentReviewLog and connects it to this Page.

SiteTreeContentReview::advanceReviewDate() — Method in class SiteTreeContentReview

Advance review date to the next date based on review period or set it to null if there is no schedule. Returns true if date was required and false is content review is 'off'.

$ CliController#allowed_actionsProperty in class CliController
$ Controller#actionProperty in class Controller

The URL part matched on the current controller as determined by the "$Action" part of the $url_handlers definition. Should correlate to a public method on this controller.

$ Controller#add_trailing_slashProperty in class Controller

If true, a trailing slash is added to the end of URLs, e.g. from Controller::join_links()

$ Controller#allowed_actionsProperty in class Controller
Controller::afterHandleRequest() — Method in class Controller

Cleanup for the handleRequest method

$ Director#alternate_base_folderProperty in class Director
Director::absoluteURL() — Method in class Director

Converts the given path or url into an absolute url. This method follows the below rules:

  • Absolute urls (e.g. http://localhost) are not modified
  • Relative urls (e.g. //localhost) have current protocol added (http://localhost)
  • Absolute paths (e.g. /base/about-us) are resolved by adding the current protocol and host (http://localhost/base/about-us)
  • Relative paths (e.g. about-us/staff) must be resolved using one of three methods, disambiguated via the $relativeParent argument:
    • BASE - Append this path to the base url (i.e. behaves as though <base> tag is provided in a html document). This is the default.
Director::absoluteBaseURL() — Method in class Director

Returns the Absolute URL of the site root.

Director::absoluteBaseURLWithAuth() — Method in class Director

Returns the Absolute URL of the site root, embedding the current basic-auth credentials into the URL.

$ Email#admin_emailProperty in class Email

The default "from" email address or array of [email => name], or the email address as a string This will be set in the config on a site-by-site basis

Email::addAttachment() — Method in class Email
Email::addAttachmentFromData() — Method in class Email
Email::addData() — Method in class Email

Add data to be used in the template

HTTP::absoluteURLs() — Method in class HTTP

Turn all relative URLs in the content to absolute URLs.

$ HTTPRequest#allParamsProperty in class HTTPRequest

Contains an associative array of all arguments matched in all calls to RequestHandler->handleRequest().

HTTPRequest::addHeader() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Add a HTTP header to the response, replacing any header of the same name.

HTTPRequest::allParams() — Method in class HTTPRequest
HTTPRequest::allParsed() — Method in class HTTPRequest

Returns true if the URL has been completely parsed.

HTTPResponse::addHeader() — Method in class HTTPResponse

Add a HTTP header to the response, replacing any header of the same name.

AllowedHostsMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Secures requests by only allowing a whitelist of Host values

AjaxBypassClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

Bypass for AJAX requests

HttpMethodBypass::addMethods() — Method in class HttpMethodBypass

Add new HTTP methods to the list

Url::addHttpMethods() — Method in class Url

Add HTTP methods to check against

$ HTTPCacheControlMiddleware#allowed_directivesProperty in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

A list of allowed cache directives for HTTPResponses

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::addVary() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Add a vary

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::applyChangeLevel() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Instruct the cache to apply a change with a given level, optionally modifying it with a force flag to increase priority of this action.

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::applyToResponse() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Generate all headers to add to this object

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::augmentState() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Update state based on current request and response objects

HTTPMiddlewareAware::addMiddleware() — Method in class HTTPMiddlewareAware
RateLimitMiddleware::addHeadersToResponse() — Method in class RateLimitMiddleware
$ RSSFeed#authorFieldProperty in class RSSFeed

Name of the author field of feed entries

$ RSSFeed_Entry#authorFieldProperty in class RSSFeed_Entry

Name of the author field of feed entries

RSSFeed_Entry::Author() — Method in class RSSFeed_Entry

Get the author of this entry

RSSFeed_Entry::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class RSSFeed_Entry

Get a link to this entry

$ RequestHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class RequestHandler

Define a list of action handling methods that are allowed to be called directly by URLs.

RequestHandler::addBackURLParam() — Method in class RequestHandler
RequestHandler::allowedActions() — Method in class RequestHandler

Get a array of allowed actions defined on this controller, any parent classes or extensions.

RequestHandler::AbsoluteLink() — Method in class RequestHandler

Get the absolute URL for this controller, including protocol and host.

Session::addToArray() — Method in class Session

Merge value with array

IPUtils::anonymize() — Method in class IPUtils

Anonymizes an IP/IPv6.

ApplicationClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Identifies a class as a root silverstripe application

BaseKernel::activate() — Method in class BaseKernel

Ensures this kernel is the active kernel after or during nesting

ApcuCacheFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Cache
$ DefaultCacheFactory#argsProperty in class DefaultCacheFactory
ClassInfo::allClasses() — Method in class ClassInfo

Wrapper for classes getter.

ClassInfo::ancestry() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns the passed class name along with all its parent class names in an array, sorted with the root class first.

ConfigLoader::activate() — Method in class ConfigLoader

Mark this instance as the current instance

CustomMethods::allMethodNames() — Method in class CustomMethods

Return the names of all the methods available on this object

CustomMethods::addMethodsFrom() — Method in class CustomMethods

Add all the methods from an object property.

CustomMethods::addWrapperMethod() — Method in class CustomMethods

Add a wrapper method - a method which points to another method with a different name. For example, Thumbnail(x) can be wrapped to generateThumbnail(x)

CustomMethods::addCallbackMethod() — Method in class CustomMethods

Add callback as a method.

$ Extensible#afterExtendCallbacksProperty in class Extensible

List of callbacks to call after extensions having extend called on them, each grouped by methodName.

Extensible::afterExtending() — Method in class Extensible

Allows user code to hook into Object::extend after control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.

Extensible::add_extension() — Method in class Extensible

Add an extension to a specific class.

$ Extension#allowed_actionsProperty in class Extension

This is used by extensions designed to be applied to controllers.

Extension::add_to_class() — Method in class Extension

Called when this extension is added to a particular class

AfterCallAspectClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

An AfterCallAspect is run after a method is executed

AfterCallAspect::afterCall() — Method in class AfterCallAspect

Call this aspect after a method is executed

AopProxyServiceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

A class that proxies another, allowing various functionality to be injected.

$ AopProxyService#afterCallProperty in class AopProxyService
Injector::addAutoProperty() — Method in class Injector

Add an object that should be automatically set on managed objects

InjectorLoader::activate() — Method in class InjectorLoader

Mark this instance as the current instance

Kernel::activate() — Method in class Kernel

Ensures this kernel is the active kernel after or during nesting

ManifestFileFinder::acceptDir() — Method in class ManifestFileFinder

Returns TRUE if the directory should be traversed. This can be overloaded to customise functionality, or extended with callbacks.

ManifestFileFinder::anyParents() — Method in class ManifestFileFinder

Check if any parents match the given callback

Module::activate() — Method in class Module

Activate _config.php for this module, if one exists

ModuleManifest::addModule() — Method in class ModuleManifest

Adds a path as a module

ModuleManifest::activateConfig() — Method in class ModuleManifest

Includes all of the php _config.php files found by this manifest.

PrioritySorter::addVariables() — Method in class PrioritySorter

If variables are defined, interpolate their values

BulkLoader_Result::addCreated() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::addUpdated() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::addDeleted() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
$ DevBuildController#allowed_actionsProperty in class DevBuildController
$ DevConfigController#allowed_actionsProperty in class DevConfigController
DevConfigController::audit() — Method in class DevConfigController

Output the extraneous config properties which are defined in .yaml but not in a corresponding class

$ DevelopmentAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class DevelopmentAdmin
$ DevelopmentAdmin#allow_all_cliProperty in class DevelopmentAdmin

Assume that CLI equals admin permissions If set to false, normal permission model will apply even in CLI mode Applies to all development admin tasks (E.g. TaskRunner, DatabaseAdmin)

FixtureBlueprint::addCallback() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint

See class documentation.

$ FunctionalTest#autoFollowRedirectionProperty in class FunctionalTest

If this is true, then 30x Location headers will be automatically followed.

FunctionalTest::assertPartialMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

FunctionalTest::assertExactMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

FunctionalTest::assertPartialHTMLMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

FunctionalTest::assertExactHTMLMatchBySelector() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Assert that the most recently queried page contains a number of content tags specified by a CSS selector.

$ DatabaseAdapterRegistry#adaptersProperty in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Internal array of registered database adapters

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::autodiscover() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Detects all _register_database.php files and invokes them.

DatabaseAdapterRegistry::autoconfigure() — Method in class DatabaseAdapterRegistry

Detects all _configure_database.php files and invokes them Called by ConfigureFromEnv.php.

SapphireTest::allFixtureIDs() — Method in class SapphireTest

Return all of the IDs in the fixture of a particular class name.

SapphireTest::assertEmailSent() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the matching email was sent since the last call to clearEmails() All of the parameters can either be a string, or, if they start with "/", a PREG-compatible regular expression.

SapphireTest::assertListContains() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the given SS_List includes DataObjects matching the given key-value pairs. Each match must correspond to 1 distinct record.

SapphireTest::assertListNotContains() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that no items in a given list appear in the given dataobject list

SapphireTest::assertListEquals() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the given SS_List includes only DataObjects matching the given key-value pairs. Each match must correspond to 1 distinct record.

SapphireTest::assertListAllMatch() — Method in class SapphireTest

Assert that the every record in the given SS_List matches the given key-value pairs.

SapphireTest::assertSQLEquals() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that two SQL queries are equivalent

SapphireTest::assertSQLContains() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that a SQL query contains a SQL fragment

SapphireTest::assertSQLNotContains() — Method in class SapphireTest

Asserts that a SQL query contains a SQL fragment

SapphireTest::actWithPermission() — Method in class SapphireTest

A wrapper for automatically performing callbacks as a user with a specific permission

$ TaskRunner#allowed_actionsProperty in class TaskRunner
TaskRunner::addCssToHeader() — Method in class TaskRunner

Inject task runner CSS into the heaader

$ RelationValidationService#allow_rulesProperty in class RelationValidationService

Only inspect classes with the following namespaces/class prefixes Empty string is a special value which represents classes without namespaces Set the value to null to disable the rule (useful when overriding configuration)

$ ImportField#allowed_actionsProperty in class ImportField
$ DevCheckController#allowed_actionsProperty in class DevCheckController
$ DevHealthController#allowed_actionsProperty in class DevHealthController
EnvironmentCheckSuiteResult::addResult() — Method in class EnvironmentCheckSuiteResult
$ ErrorPage#allowed_childrenProperty in class ErrorPage
$ ErrorPage#allowed_error_codesProperty in class ErrorPage

An array of error codes to allow in the CMS If null, defaults to all available codes (see ErrorPage::getCodes())

$ CMSExternalLinksController#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSExternalLinksController
CompositeValidator::addValidator() — Method in class CompositeValidator
$ DatalessField#allowHTMLProperty in class DatalessField
FieldList::addFieldToTab() — Method in class FieldList

Add an extra field to a tab within this FieldList.

FieldList::addFieldsToTab() — Method in class FieldList

Add a number of extra fields to a tab within this FieldList.

$ Form#actionsProperty in class Form
$ Form#attributesProperty in class Form

Any custom form attributes set through setAttributes().

Form::actionIsValidationExempt() — Method in class Form

Passed a FormAction, returns true if that action is exempt from Form validation

Form::Actions() — Method in class Form

Return the form's action buttons - used by the templates

Form::addExtraClass() — Method in class Form

Add a CSS-class to the form-container. If needed, multiple classes can be added by delimiting a string with spaces.

$ FormAction#actionProperty in class FormAction

Action name, normally prefixed with 'action_'

FormAction::actionName() — Method in class FormAction

Get the action name

$ FormField#autofocusProperty in class FormField
FormField::addExtraClass() — Method in class FormField

Add one or more CSS-classes to the FormField container.

FormField::attrTitle() — Method in class FormField

Returns a version of a title suitable for insertion into an HTML attribute.

FormField::attrValue() — Method in class FormField

Returns a version of a title suitable for insertion into an HTML attribute.

FormMessage::appendMessage() — Method in class FormMessage

Appends a message to the existing message if the types and casts match.

$ FormRequestHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class FormRequestHandler
FormRequestHandler::addBackURLParam() — Method in class FormRequestHandler

Helper to add ?BackURL= to any link

$ FormScaffolder#ajaxSafeProperty in class FormScaffolder
FormScaffolder::addManyManyRelationshipFields() — Method in class FormScaffolder

Adds the default many-many relation fields for the relationship provided.

AbstractGridFieldComponentClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField
AbstractRequestAwareStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\FormAction
AttributeStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\FormAction

Stores GridField action state on an attribute on the action and then analyses request parameters to load it back

$ GridField#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridField
GridField::addAllStateToUrl() — Method in class GridField

Add GET and POST parameters pertaining to other gridfield's state to the URL.

GridField::addDataFields() — Method in class GridField

Add additional calculated data fields to be used on this GridField

GridFieldConfig::addComponent() — Method in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldConfig::addComponents() — Method in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldDataColumns::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

GridFieldDeleteAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldDeleteAction

Add a column 'Delete'

$ GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
GridFieldEditButton::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Add a column 'Delete'

GridFieldEditButton::addExtraClass() — Method in class GridFieldEditButton

Add an extra HTML class

$ GridFieldLevelup#attributesProperty in class GridFieldLevelup
GridFieldStateManager::addStateToURL() — Method in class GridFieldStateManager
GridFieldStateManagerInterface::addStateToURL() — Method in class GridFieldStateManagerInterface
GridFieldViewButton::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldViewButton

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

GridField_ActionMenu::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridField_ActionMenu

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

GridField_ColumnProvider::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridField_ColumnProvider

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

$ GridField_FormAction#argsProperty in class GridField_FormAction
$ GridField_FormAction#actionNameProperty in class GridField_FormAction
GridState::array_to_object() — Method in class GridState
GridState::attrValue() — Method in class GridState
HTMLEditorSanitiser::addValidElements() — Method in class HTMLEditorSanitiser

Given a valid_elements string, parse out the actual element and attribute rules and add to the internal whitelist

HTMLEditorSanitiser::attributeMatchesRule() — Method in class HTMLEditorSanitiser

Given a DOMAttr and an attribute rule, check if that attribute passes the rule

$ TinyMCECombinedGenerator#assetHandlerProperty in class TinyMCECombinedGenerator
TinyMCEConfig::addButtonsToLine() — Method in class TinyMCEConfig

Add buttons to the end of a line

$ MoneyField#allowedCurrenciesProperty in class MoneyField

Limit the currencies

$ PasswordField#autocompleteProperty in class PasswordField

Controls the autocomplete attribute on the field.

$ PasswordField#allowValuePostbackProperty in class PasswordField

If true, the field can accept a value attribute, e.g. from posted form data

$ RequiredFields#allow_whitespace_onlyProperty in class RequiredFields

Whether to globally allow whitespace only as a valid value for a required field Can be overridden on a per-instance basis

RequiredFields::addRequiredField() — Method in class RequiredFields

Adds a single required field to required fields stack.

RequiredFields::appendRequiredFields() — Method in class RequiredFields

Add RequiredField objects together

$ SearchableDropdownTrait#allowed_actionsProperty in class SearchableDropdownTrait
$ SegmentField#allowed_actionsProperty in class SegmentField
AbstractSegmentFieldModifierClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms\SegmentFieldModifier
$ TreeDropdownField#allowed_actionsProperty in class TreeDropdownField
AuthenticatorInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Auth

An AuthenticatorInterface is responsible for authenticating against a SilverStripe CMS Member from the given request data.

AuthenticatorInterface::authenticate() — Method in class AuthenticatorInterface

Given the current request, authenticate the request for non-session authorization (outside the CMS).

BasicAuthAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class BasicAuthAuthenticator

Given the current request, authenticate the request for non-session authorization (outside the CMS).

Configuration::apply() — Method in class Configuration
$ Controller#autobuildSchemaProperty in class Controller
Controller::autobuildEnabled() — Method in class Controller
Controller::addCorsHeaders() — Method in class Controller

Process the CORS config options and add the appropriate headers to the response.

Controller::applyContext() — Method in class Controller
$ Build#allowed_actionsProperty in class Build
$ DevelopmentAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class DevelopmentAdmin
QueryRecorderExtension::augmentDataQueryCreation() — Method in class QueryRecorderExtension

Record query against a given class.

QueryHandler::addContextProvider() — Method in class QueryHandler
QueryHandler::addMiddleware() — Method in class QueryHandler
QueryHandlerInterface::addContextProvider() — Method in class QueryHandlerInterface
VersionFilters::applyToReadingState() — Method in class VersionFilters

Use this as a fallback where resolver results aren't queried as a DataList, but rather use DataObject::get_one(). Example: SiteTree::get_by_link().

VersionFilters::applyToList() — Method in class VersionFilters
AbstractBulkLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

Provides base functionality to all bulk loaders. Should override the collect() method with computations that parse the include/exclude directives and return a collection of classes.

AbstractBulkLoader::applyConfig() — Method in class AbstractBulkLoader
BulkLoaderSet::applyConfig() — Method in class BulkLoaderSet
BulkLoaderSet::addLoader() — Method in class BulkLoaderSet
AbstractTypeResolverClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Used for unions and interfaces to map a class instance to a type

$ FieldAccessor#allowed_aggregatesProperty in class FieldAccessor
FieldAccessor::accessField() — Method in class FieldAccessor

Resolves complex dot syntax references.

InheritanceUnionBuilder::applyUnionsToQueries() — Method in class InheritanceUnionBuilder

Changes all queries to use inheritance unions where applicable

InterfaceBuilder::applyBaseInterface() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder
InterfaceBuilder::applyInterfacesToQueries() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder
ModelCreator::appliesTo() — Method in class ModelCreator
AbstractCanViewPermissionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin

Defines a permission checking plugin for queries. Subclasses just need to provide a resolver function

AbstractCanViewPermission::apply() — Method in class AbstractCanViewPermission
DBDateArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBDateArgs
DBDecimalArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBDecimalArgs
DBFieldArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBFieldArgs
DBFieldArgsPlugin::apply() — Method in class DBFieldArgsPlugin
DBFloatArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBFloatArgs
DBHTMLTextArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBHTMLTextArgs
DBTextArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBTextArgs
DBTimeArgs::applyToField() — Method in class DBTimeArgs
DBFieldTypes::apply() — Method in class DBFieldTypes
FirstResult::apply() — Method in class FirstResult
Inheritance::apply() — Method in class Inheritance
InheritedPlugins::apply() — Method in class InheritedPlugins
FieldFilterInterface::apply() — Method in class FieldFilterInterface
FieldFilterRegistry::addFilter() — Method in class FieldFilterRegistry
FilterRegistryInterface::addFilter() — Method in class FilterRegistryInterface
ContainsFilter::apply() — Method in class ContainsFilter
EndsWithFilter::apply() — Method in class EndsWithFilter
EqualToFilter::apply() — Method in class EqualToFilter
GreaterThanFilter::apply() — Method in class GreaterThanFilter
GreaterThanOrEqualFilter::apply() — Method in class GreaterThanOrEqualFilter
InFilter::apply() — Method in class InFilter
LessThanFilter::apply() — Method in class LessThanFilter
LessThanOrEqualFilter::apply() — Method in class LessThanOrEqualFilter
NotEqualFilter::apply() — Method in class NotEqualFilter
StartsWithFilter::apply() — Method in class StartsWithFilter
QueryFilter::apply() — Method in class QueryFilter
QuerySort::apply() — Method in class QuerySort
ScalarDBField::apply() — Method in class ScalarDBField
ArgumentClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Field

An abstraction of a field argument

Argument::applyConfig() — Method in class Argument
Field::applyConfig() — Method in class Field
Field::addArg() — Method in class Field
Field::addResolverContext() — Method in class Field
Field::addResolverMiddleware() — Method in class Field
Field::addResolverAfterware() — Method in class Field
ModelField::applyConfig() — Method in class ModelField
ConfigurationApplier::applyConfig() — Method in class ConfigurationApplier
FieldPlugin::apply() — Method in class FieldPlugin
ModelFieldPlugin::apply() — Method in class ModelFieldPlugin
ModelMutationPlugin::apply() — Method in class ModelMutationPlugin
ModelQueryPlugin::apply() — Method in class ModelQueryPlugin
ModelTypePlugin::apply() — Method in class ModelTypePlugin
MutationPlugin::apply() — Method in class MutationPlugin
QueryPlugin::apply() — Method in class QueryPlugin
SchemaModelCreatorInterface::appliesTo() — Method in class SchemaModelCreatorInterface
TypePlugin::apply() — Method in class TypePlugin
Logger::alert() — Method in class Logger
AbstractQueryFilterPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Plugin

Generic plugin that can be used for filter inputs

AbstractQueryFilterPlugin::apply() — Method in class AbstractQueryFilterPlugin
AbstractQuerySortPluginClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Plugin

Generic plugin that can be used to add sort paramaters to a query

AbstractQuerySortPlugin::apply() — Method in class AbstractQuerySortPlugin
PaginationPlugin::apply() — Method in class PaginationPlugin
PluginConsumer::addPlugin() — Method in class PluginConsumer
SortPlugin::apply() — Method in class SortPlugin
EncodedResolver::addContext() — Method in class EncodedResolver
EncodedResolver::addMiddleware() — Method in class EncodedResolver
EncodedResolver::addAfterware() — Method in class EncodedResolver
Schema::applyConfig() — Method in class Schema

Converts a configuration array to instance state.

Schema::addQuery() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addMutation() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addType() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addEnum() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addScalar() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addModel() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addModelbyClassName() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addInterface() — Method in class Schema
Schema::addUnion() — Method in class Schema
Schema::applyBulkLoader() — Method in class Schema
Schema::applyBulkLoaders() — Method in class Schema
Schema::assertValidConfig() — Method in class Schema
Schema::assertValidName() — Method in class Schema
NestedInputBuilder::addInputTypesToSchema() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
$ SchemaTranscriber#assetHandlerProperty in class SchemaTranscriber
AbstractTypeRegistryClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Storage
Enum::addValue() — Method in class Enum
InterfaceType::applyConfig() — Method in class InterfaceType
ModelType::applyConfig() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::addField() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::addFields() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::addAllFields() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::addAllOperations() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::applyOperationsConfig() — Method in class ModelType
ModelType::addOperation() — Method in class ModelType
Scalar::applyConfig() — Method in class Scalar
Type::applyConfig() — Method in class Type
Type::addField() — Method in class Type
Type::addInterface() — Method in class Type
UnionType::applyConfig() — Method in class UnionType
$ LDAPAuthenticator#allow_email_loginProperty in class LDAPAuthenticator

Set to 'yes' to indicate if this module should look up usernames in LDAP by matching the email addresses.

LDAPAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class LDAPAuthenticator

Performs the login, but will also create and sync the Member record on-the-fly, if not found.

$ LDAPChangePasswordHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class LDAPChangePasswordHandler
$ LDAPLoginHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class LDAPLoginHandler
$ LDAPLostPasswordHandler#authenticatorClassProperty in class LDAPLostPasswordHandler
$ LDAPLostPasswordHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class LDAPLostPasswordHandler

Since the logout and dologin actions may be conditionally removed, it's necessary to ensure these remain valid actions regardless of the member login state.

$ LDAPDebugController#allowed_actionsProperty in class LDAPDebugController
$ LDAPMemberExtension#allow_update_failure_during_loginProperty in class LDAPMemberExtension

If enabled, this allows the afterMemberLoggedIn() call to fail to update the user without causing a login failure and server error. This can be useful when not all of your web servers have access to the LDAP server (for example when your front-line web servers are not the servers that perform the LDAP sync into the database.

LDAPMemberExtension::afterMemberLoggedIn() — Method in class LDAPMemberExtension

Triggered by IdentityStore::logIn(). When successfully logged in, this will update the Member record from LDAP data.

$ LDAPLoginForm#authenticator_classProperty in class LDAPLoginForm
LDAPGateway::authenticate() — Method in class LDAPGateway

Authenticate the given username and password with LDAP.

LDAPGateway::add() — Method in class LDAPGateway

Add an LDAP object.

LDAPService::authenticate() — Method in class LDAPService

Authenticate the given username and password with LDAP.

LDAPService::addLDAPUserToGroup() — Method in class LDAPService

Add LDAP user by DN to LDAP group.

LDAPService::add() — Method in class LDAPService

A simple proxy to LDAP add operation.

$ LinkFieldController#allowed_actionsProperty in class LinkFieldController
AbstractLinkFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\LinkField\Form

Abstract form field for managing Link records

$ Link#allowed_by_defaultProperty in class Link

Whether this link type is allowed by default If this is set to false then this type of Link can still be manually allowed on a per field basis with AbstractLinkField::setAllowedTypes();

$ SiteTreeLink#AnchorProperty in class SiteTreeLink
EnablerExtension::afterCallActionHandler() — Method in class EnablerExtension
GridFieldSiteTreeState::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldSiteTreeState

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

$ ChangePasswordHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class ChangePasswordHandler
$ LoginHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class LoginHandler
Method::applyRequirements() — Method in class Method

Leverage the Requirements API to ensure client requirements are included. This is called just after the base module requirements are specified

AdminRegistrationControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Controller

This controller handles actions that a user may perform on MFA methods registered on their own account while logged in. This includes deleting methods, registering new methods and replacing (re-registering) existing methods.

$ AdminRegistrationController#allowed_actionsProperty in class AdminRegistrationController
AuthenticationFailedExceptionClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Exception
$ MemberExtension#AccountResetHashProperty in class MemberExtension
$ MemberExtension#AccountResetExpiredProperty in class MemberExtension
$ SecurityAdminExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class SecurityAdminExtension
$ SecurityExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class SecurityExtension
MemberExtension::afterMemberLoggedIn() — Method in class MemberExtension

Clear any temporary multi-factor authentication related session keys when a member is successfully logged in.

MethodInterface::applyRequirements() — Method in class MethodInterface

Leverage the Requirements API to ensure client requirements are included. This is called just after the base module requirements are specified

BaseHandlerTrait::applyRequirements() — Method in class BaseHandlerTrait

Perform the necessary "Requirements" calls to ensure client side scripts are available in the response

AvailableMethodDetailsClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\State
AvailableMethodDetailsInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\State

Used to provide details about an available \SilverStripe\MFA\Method\MethodInterface instance, for example when being used in the multi-factor application schema.

$ BackupCode#algorithmProperty in class BackupCode
SessionStore::addState() — Method in class SessionStore

Add to the state in the store

SessionStore::addVerifiedMethod() — Method in class SessionStore

Add and keep track of methods that have been verified

StoreInterface::addState() — Method in class StoreInterface

Add to the state in the store

StoreInterface::addVerifiedMethod() — Method in class StoreInterface

Add and keep track of methods that have been verified

ArrayLibClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Library of static methods for manipulating arrays.

ArrayLib::array_values_recursive() — Method in class ArrayLib

Flattens a multi-dimensional array to a one level array without preserving the keys

ArrayLib::array_map_recursive() — Method in class ArrayLib

Similar to array_map, but recurses when arrays are encountered.

ArrayLib::array_merge_recursive() — Method in class ArrayLib

Recursively merges two or more arrays.

ArrayListClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

A list object that wraps around an array of objects or arrays.

ArrayList::add() — Method in class ArrayList

Add this $item into this list

DBConnector::affectedRows() — Method in class DBConnector

Determines the number of affected rows from the last SQL query

DBSchemaManager::alterationMessage() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Show a message about database alteration

DBSchemaManager::alterIndex() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Alter an index on a table.

DBSchemaManager::alterTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Alter a table's schema.

Database::affectedRows() — Method in class Database

Return the number of rows affected by the previous operation.

MySQLSchemaManager::alterTable() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Alter a table's schema.

MySQLSchemaManager::alterField() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Change the database type of the given field.

MySQLSchemaManager::alterIndex() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Alter an index on a table.

MySQLiConnector::affectedRows() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Determines the number of affected rows from the last SQL query

$ DB#alternative_database_enabledProperty in class DB

Allow alternative DB to be disabled.

DB::affected_rows() — Method in class DB

Return the number of rows affected by the previous operation.

DB::alteration_message() — Method in class DB

Show a message about database alteration

DataExtension::augmentSQL() — Method in class DataExtension

Edit the given query object to support queries for this extension

DataExtension::augmentDatabase() — Method in class DataExtension

Update the database schema as required by this extension.

DataExtension::augmentWrite() — Method in class DataExtension

Augment a write-record request.

DataList::alterDataQuery() — Method in class DataList
DataList::addFilter() — Method in class DataList
DataList::applyRelation() — Method in class DataList
DataList::avg() — Method in class DataList

Return the average value of the given field in this DataList

DataList::addMany() — Method in class DataList
DataList::add() — Method in class DataList

This method are overloaded by HasManyList and ManyMany list to perform more sophisticated list manipulation

$ DataObject#api_accessProperty in class DataObject
DataObject::afterUpdateCMSFields() — Method in class DataObject

Allows user code to hook into DataObject::getCMSFields after updateCMSFields being called on extensions

DataQuery::avg() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the average value of the given field in this DataList

DataQuery::aggregate() — Method in class DataQuery

Runs a raw aggregate expression. Please handle escaping yourself

DataQuery::applyRelationPrefix() — Method in class DataQuery

Prefix of all joined table aliases. E.g. ->filter('Banner.Image.Title)' Will join the Banner, and then Image relations $relationPrefx will be banner_image_ Each table in the Image chain will be suffixed to this prefix. E.g.

DataQuery::applyRelation() — Method in class DataQuery

Traverse the relationship fields, and add the table mappings to the query object state. This has to be called in any overloaded SearchFilter->apply() methods manually.

DataQuery::addSelectFromTable() — Method in class DataQuery

Add the given fields from the given table to the select statement.

DataQueryManipulator::afterGetFinalisedQuery() — Method in class DataQueryManipulator

Invoked after getFinalisedQuery()

$ DatabaseAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class DatabaseAdmin
EagerLoadedList::addEagerLoadedData() — Method in class EagerLoadedList

Pass in any eager-loaded data which applies to relations on a specific record in this list

EagerLoadedList::addRow() — Method in class EagerLoadedList

Add a single row of database data.

EagerLoadedList::addRows() — Method in class EagerLoadedList

Add multiple rows of database data.

EagerLoadedList::add() — Method in class EagerLoadedList

Not implemented - use addRow instead.

EagerLoadedList::avg() — Method in class EagerLoadedList

Return the average value of the given field in this list

EagerLoadedList::addFilter() — Method in class EagerLoadedList
DBComposite::addToQuery() — Method in class DBComposite

Add all columns which are defined through requireField() and $composite_db, or any additional SQL that is required to get to these columns. Will mostly just write to the SQLSelect->select array.

DBDate::Ago() — Method in class DBDate

Returns the number of seconds/minutes/hours/days or months since the timestamp.

$ DBField#arrayValueProperty in class DBField

Used for generating DB schema. {DBSchemaManager}

DBField::addToQuery() — Method in class DBField

Add custom query parameters for this field, mostly SELECT statements for multi-value fields.

DBField::ATT() — Method in class DBField

Gets the value appropriate for a HTML attribute string

DBHTMLText::AbsoluteLinks() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Return the value of the field with relative links converted to absolute urls (with placeholders parsed).

$ DBPrimaryKey#autoIncrementProperty in class DBPrimaryKey
ComparisonFilter::applyOne() — Method in class ComparisonFilter

Applies a comparison filter to the query Handles SQL escaping for both numeric and string values

ExactMatchFilter::applyOne() — Method in class ExactMatchFilter

Applies an exact match (equals) on a field value.

ExactMatchFilter::applyMany() — Method in class ExactMatchFilter

Applies an exact match (equals) on a field value against multiple possible values.

FulltextFilter::applyOne() — Method in class FulltextFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with a single value.

PartialMatchFilter::apply() — Method in class PartialMatchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query.

PartialMatchFilter::applyOne() — Method in class PartialMatchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with a single value.

PartialMatchFilter::applyMany() — Method in class PartialMatchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with an array of values.

$ SearchFilter#aggregateProperty in class SearchFilter

An array of data about an aggregate column being used ex: [ 'function' => 'COUNT', 'column' => 'ID' ]

SearchFilter::addRelation() — Method in class SearchFilter

Called by constructor to convert a string pathname into a well defined relationship sequence.

SearchFilter::addAggregate() — Method in class SearchFilter

Parses the name for any aggregate functions and stores them in the $aggregate array

SearchFilter::applyAggregate() — Method in class SearchFilter

Given an escaped HAVING clause, add it along with the appropriate GROUP BY clause

SearchFilter::apply() — Method in class SearchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query.

SearchFilter::applyOne() — Method in class SearchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with a single value.

SearchFilter::applyMany() — Method in class SearchFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with an array of values.

WithinRangeFilter::applyOne() — Method in class WithinRangeFilter

Apply filter criteria to a SQL query with a single value.

HasManyList::add() — Method in class HasManyList

Adds the item to this relation.

Hierarchy::AllChildren() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return all children, including those 'not in menus'.

Hierarchy::AllChildrenIncludingDeleted() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return all children, including those that have been deleted but are still in live.

Hierarchy::AllHistoricalChildren() — Method in class Hierarchy

Return all the children that this page had, including pages that were deleted from both stage & live.

ListDecorator::add() — Method in class ListDecorator

Adds an item to the list, making no guarantees about where it will appear.

ManyManyList::appendExtraFieldsToQuery() — Method in class ManyManyList

Adds the many_many_extraFields to the select of the underlying DataQuery.

ManyManyList::add() — Method in class ManyManyList

Add an item to this many_many relationship Does so by adding an entry to the joinTable.

ManyManyThroughList::add() — Method in class ManyManyThroughList
ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::afterGetFinalisedQuery() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator

Invoked after getFinalisedQuery()

PolymorphicHasManyList::add() — Method in class PolymorphicHasManyList

Adds the item to this relation.

$ SQLAssignmentRow#assignmentsProperty in class SQLAssignmentRow

List of field values to store for this query

SQLAssignmentRow::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Adds assignments for a list of several fields

SQLAssignmentRow::assign() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Set the value for a single field

SQLAssignmentRow::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

SQLConditionalExpression::addFrom() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add a table to include in the query or update

SQLConditionalExpression::addLeftJoin() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add a LEFT JOIN criteria to the tables list.

SQLConditionalExpression::addRightJoin() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add a RIGHT JOIN criteria to the tables list.

SQLConditionalExpression::addInnerJoin() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add an INNER JOIN criteria

SQLConditionalExpression::addFilterToJoin() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Add an additional filter (part of the ON clause) on a join.

SQLConditionalExpression::addWhere() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression

Adds a WHERE clause.

SQLConditionalExpression::addWhereAny() — Method in class SQLConditionalExpression
SQLDelete::addDelete() — Method in class SQLDelete

Sets the list of tables to limit the delete to, if multiple tables are specified in the condition clause

SQLInsert::addRow() — Method in class SQLInsert

Appends a new row to insert

SQLInsert::addRows() — Method in class SQLInsert

Adds the list of rows to the array

SQLInsert::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLInsert

Adds assignments for a list of several fields.

SQLInsert::assign() — Method in class SQLInsert

Set the value for a single field

SQLInsert::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLInsert

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

SQLSelect::addSelect() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add to the list of columns to be selected by the query.

SQLSelect::addOrderBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add ORDER BY clause either as SQL snippet or in array format.

SQLSelect::addGroupBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add a GROUP BY clause.

SQLSelect::addHaving() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add a HAVING clause

SQLSelect::addUnion() — Method in class SQLSelect

Add a select query to UNION with.

SQLSelect::addWith() — Method in class SQLSelect

Adds a Common Table Expression (CTE), aka WITH clause.

SQLSelect::aggregate() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return a new SQLSelect that calls the given aggregate functions on this data.

$ SQLUpdate#assignmentProperty in class SQLUpdate

The assignment to create for this update

SQLUpdate::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Adds assignments for a list of several fields.

SQLUpdate::assign() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Set the value for a single field

SQLUpdate::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

SQLWriteExpression::addAssignments() — Method in class SQLWriteExpression

Adds assignments for a list of several fields.

SQLWriteExpression::assign() — Method in class SQLWriteExpression

Set the value for a single field

SQLWriteExpression::assignSQL() — Method in class SQLWriteExpression

Assigns a value to a field using the literal SQL expression, rather than a value to be escaped

$ RelationList#addCallbacksProperty in class RelationList
RelationList::addCallbacks() — Method in class RelationList

Manage callbacks which are called after the add() action is completed.

SS_List::add() — Method in class SS_List

Adds an item to the list, making no guarantees about where it will appear.

SearchContext::applyBaseTableFields() — Method in class SearchContext
SearchContext::addFilter() — Method in class SearchContext

Adds a instance of SearchFilter.

SearchContext::addField() — Method in class SearchContext

Adds a new FormField instance.

UnsavedRelationList::add() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Add an item to this relationship

UnsavedRelationList::addMany() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Add a number of items to the relation.

ValidationResult::addError() — Method in class ValidationResult

Record an error against this validation result,

ValidationResult::addFieldError() — Method in class ValidationResult

Record an error against this validation result,

ValidationResult::addMessage() — Method in class ValidationResult

Add a message to this ValidationResult without necessarily marking it as an error

ValidationResult::addFieldMessage() — Method in class ValidationResult

Add a message to this ValidationResult without necessarily marking it as an error

AuthenticatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\RealMe

Class RealMeAuthenticator

Authenticator::authenticate() — Method in class Authenticator

Method to authenticate an user.

$ LoginForm#authenticator_classProperty in class LoginForm
$ LoginHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class LoginHandler
LoginHandler::acs() — Method in class LoginHandler
$ RealMeService#allowed_realme_environmentsProperty in class RealMeService
$ RealMeService#allowed_realme_integration_typesProperty in class RealMeService
$ RealMeService#authn_contextsProperty in class RealMeService
$ RealMeService#allowed_authn_context_listProperty in class RealMeService
$ RegistryImportFeed#assetHandlerProperty in class RegistryImportFeed

The class used to manipulate imported feed files on the filesystem

$ RegistryImportFeed#assetsDirProperty in class RegistryImportFeed

The "assets" folder name

$ RegistryImportFeedController#allowed_actionsProperty in class RegistryImportFeedController
$ RegistryPageController#allowed_actionsProperty in class RegistryPageController
RegistryPageController::AllQueryVars() — Method in class RegistryPageController

Get all search query vars, compiled into a query string for a URL.

ReportWrapper::afterQuery() — Method in class ReportWrapper

Override this method to perform some actions after querying.

BasicRestfulAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class BasicRestfulAuthenticator

The authenticate function

$ JSONDataFormatter#api_baseProperty in class JSONDataFormatter
$ XMLDataFormatter#api_baseProperty in class XMLDataFormatter
$ RestfulServer#api_baseProperty in class RestfulServer
$ RestfulServer#authenticatorProperty in class RestfulServer
$ RestfulServer#allowed_actionsProperty in class RestfulServer
RestfulServer::authenticate() — Method in class RestfulServer

A function to authenticate a user

AuthenticationHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

An AuthenticationHandler is responsible for providing an identity (in the form of a Member object) for a given HTTPRequest.

AuthenticationHandler::authenticateRequest() — Method in class AuthenticationHandler

Given the current request, authenticate the request for non-session authorization (outside the CMS).

AuthenticationMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security
$ AuthenticationMiddleware#authenticationHandlerProperty in class AuthenticationMiddleware
AuthenticatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Abstract base class for an authentication method

Authenticator::authenticate() — Method in class Authenticator

Method to authenticate an user.

$ CMSSecurity#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSSecurity
$ Handler#allowed_actionsProperty in class Handler
Group::AllChildrenIncludingDeleted() — Method in class Group

Returns all of the children for the CMS Tree.

$ LoginForm#authenticatorClassProperty in class LoginForm

Authenticator class to use with this login form

$ Member#auto_login_token_lifetimeProperty in class Member

Default lifetime of auto login token.

$ Member#AutoLoginHashProperty in class Member
$ Member#AutoLoginExpiredProperty in class Member
Member::afterMemberLoggedIn() — Method in class Member

Called after a member is logged in via session/cookie/etc

Member::afterMemberLoggedOut() — Method in class Member

Audit logging hook, called after a member is logged out

Member::actAs() — Method in class Member

Temporarily act as the specified user, limited to a $callback, but without logging in as that user.

Member::addToGroupByCode() — Method in class Member

Adds the member to a group. This will create the group if the given group code does not return a valid group object.

$ CMSLoginHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class CMSLoginHandler
CMSMemberAuthenticator::authenticateMember() — Method in class CMSMemberAuthenticator
$ ChangePasswordHandler#authenticatorProperty in class ChangePasswordHandler
$ ChangePasswordHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class ChangePasswordHandler
CookieAuthenticationHandler::authenticateRequest() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler
$ LoginHandler#authenticatorProperty in class LoginHandler
$ LoginHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class LoginHandler
$ LogoutHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class LogoutHandler
$ LostPasswordHandler#authenticatorClassProperty in class LostPasswordHandler

Authentication class to use

$ LostPasswordHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class LostPasswordHandler

Since the logout and dologin actions may be conditionally removed, it's necessary to ensure these remain valid actions regardless of the member login state.

MemberAuthenticator::authenticate() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator

Method to authenticate an user.

MemberAuthenticator::authenticateMember() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator

Attempt to find and authenticate member if possible from the given data

SessionAuthenticationHandler::authenticateRequest() — Method in class SessionAuthenticationHandler
Member_GroupSet::add() — Method in class Member_GroupSet

Add an item to this many_many relationship Does so by adding an entry to the joinTable.

NullSecurityToken::addToUrl() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
$ PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash#algorithmProperty in class PasswordEncryptor_PHPHash
PasswordExpirationMiddleware::absoluteUrl() — Method in class PasswordExpirationMiddleware

Builds an absolute URL for the given path, adds base url if the path configured as absolute

PasswordExpirationMiddleware::allowCurrentRequest() — Method in class PasswordExpirationMiddleware

Allow the current request to be finished without password expiration check

$ Permission#admin_implies_allProperty in class Permission

Set to false to prevent the 'ADMIN' permission from implying all permissions in the system

RequestAuthenticationHandler::authenticateRequest() — Method in class RequestAuthenticationHandler

Given the current request, authenticate the request for non-session authorization (outside the CMS).

$ Security#allowed_actionsProperty in class Security
$ Security#autologin_enabledProperty in class Security

Showing "Remember me"-checkbox on loginform, and saving encrypted credentials to a cookie.

Security::aggregateTabbedForms() — Method in class Security

Aggregate tabbed forms from each handler to fragments ready to be rendered.

Security::aggregateAuthenticatorResponses() — Method in class Security

We have three possible scenarios.

SecurityToken::addToUrl() — Method in class SecurityToken
SudoModeService::activate() — Method in class SudoModeService

Register activated sudo mode permission in the provided session, which lasts for the configured lifetime.

SudoModeServiceInterface::activate() — Method in class SudoModeServiceInterface

Register activated sudo mode permission in the provided session, which lasts for the configured lifetime.

$ LoginSessionController#allowed_actionsProperty in class LoginSessionController
$ LoginSession#anonymize_ipProperty in class LoginSession
LogInAuthenticationHandler::authenticateRequest() — Method in class LogInAuthenticationHandler
LogOutAuthenticationHandler::authenticateRequest() — Method in class LogOutAuthenticationHandler
$ ShareDraftController#allowed_actionsProperty in class ShareDraftController
$ ShareDraftContentControllerExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class ShareDraftContentControllerExtension
$ ShareDraftContentSiteTreeExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class ShareDraftContentSiteTreeExtension
CommentSpamProtection::alterCommentForm() — Method in class CommentSpamProtection
$ Publisher#add_timestampProperty in class Publisher
UrlBundleInterface::addUrls() — Method in class UrlBundleInterface

Add URLs to this bundle

UrlBundleService::addUrls() — Method in class UrlBundleService

Add URLs to this bundle

UrlBundleService::assignPriorityToUrls() — Method in class UrlBundleService

Add priority data to URLs

FileSubsites::alternateTreeTitle() — Method in class FileSubsites

Amends the CMS tree title for folders in the Files & Images section.

FileSubsites::augmentSQL() — Method in class FileSubsites

Update any requests to limit the results to the current site

GroupSubsites::augmentSQL() — Method in class GroupSubsites

Update any requests to limit the results to the current site

GroupSubsites::alternateCanEdit() — Method in class GroupSubsites
$ LeftAndMainSubsites#allowed_actionsProperty in class LeftAndMainSubsites
LeftAndMainSubsites::alternateMenuDisplayCheck() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites
LeftAndMainSubsites::alternateAccessCheck() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites

Prevent accessing disallowed resources. This happens after onBeforeInit has executed, so all redirections should've already taken place.

LeftAndMainSubsites::augmentNewSiteTreeItem() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites
SiteConfigSubsites::augmentSQL() — Method in class SiteConfigSubsites

Update any requests to limit the results to the current site

SiteTreeSubsites::augmentSQL() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Update any requests to limit the results to the current site

SiteTreeSubsites::alternateSiteConfig() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::alternateAbsoluteLink() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::augmentSyncLinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::augmentValidURLSegment() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Ensure that valid url segments are checked within the correct subsite of the owner object, even if the current subsiteID is set to some other subsite.

$ GridFieldSubsiteDetailFormItemRequest#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldSubsiteDetailFormItemRequest
$ SubsitesTreeDropdownField#allowed_actionsProperty in class SubsitesTreeDropdownField
$ InitStateMiddleware#admin_url_pathsProperty in class InitStateMiddleware

URL paths that should be considered as admin only, i.e. not frontend

$ Subsite#allowed_themesProperty in class Subsite

Numeric array of all themes which are allowed to be selected for all subsites.

Subsite::all_sites() — Method in class Subsite

Return all subsites, regardless of permissions (augmented with main site).

Subsite::all_accessible_sites() — Method in class Subsite

Returns an ArrayList of the subsites accessible to the current user.

Subsite::accessible_sites() — Method in class Subsite

Return the subsites that the current user can access by given permission.

Subsite::allowedThemes() — Method in class Subsite

Return the themes that can be used with this subsite, as an array of themecode => description

Subsite::absoluteBaseURL() — Method in class Subsite

Get the absolute URL for this subsite

Subsite::adminDuplicate() — Method in class Subsite

Javascript admin action to duplicate this subsite

Subsite::activate() — Method in class Subsite

Make this subsite the current one

SubsiteDomain::absoluteBaseURL() — Method in class SubsiteDomain

Get absolute baseURL for this domain

Method::applyRequirements() — Method in class Method

Leverage the Requirements API to ensure client requirements are included. This is called just after the base module requirements are specified

$ StringTagField#allowed_actionsProperty in class StringTagField
$ TagField#allowed_actionsProperty in class TagField
$ TaxonomyDirectoryController#allowed_actionsProperty in class TaxonomyDirectoryController
$ UserDefinedFormAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class UserDefinedFormAdmin
$ UserDefinedFormController#allowed_actionsProperty in class UserDefinedFormController
UserDefinedFormController::addUserFormsValidatei18n() — Method in class UserDefinedFormController

Add the necessary jQuery validate i18n translation files, either by locale or by langauge, e.g. 'en_NZ' or 'en'. This adds "methods_abc.min.js" as well as "messages_abc.min.js" from the jQuery validate thirdparty library from dist/js.

$ EditableFormField#abstractProperty in class EditableFormField

Define this field as abstract (not inherited)

$ EditableFormField#allowed_cssProperty in class EditableFormField

A list of CSS classes that can be added

$ EditableFileField#allowed_extensions_blacklistProperty in class EditableFileField

Further limit uploadable file extensions in addition to the restrictions imposed by the File.allowed_extensions global configuration.

$ EditableMultipleOptionField#abstractProperty in class EditableMultipleOptionField

Define this field as abstract (not inherited)

$ EditableOption#allow_empty_valuesProperty in class EditableOption
EditableOption::allow_empty_values() — Method in class EditableOption

Returns whether to allow empty values or not.

$ EditableTextField#autocomplete_optionsProperty in class EditableTextField
$ EditableTextField#AutocompleteProperty in class EditableTextField
$ EmailRecipient#allow_unbound_recipient_fieldsProperty in class EmailRecipient

Setting this to true will allow you to select "risky" fields as email recipient, such as free-text entry fields.

$ UserFormRecipientItemRequest#allowed_actionsProperty in class UserFormRecipientItemRequest
$ VersionFeed#allchanges_enabledProperty in class VersionFeed

Enable the allchanges feed

$ VersionFeed#allchanges_limitProperty in class VersionFeed

Allchanges feed limit of items.

$ VersionFeedController#allowed_actionsProperty in class VersionFeedController
VersionFeedController::allchanges() — Method in class VersionFeedController

Get all changes from the site in a RSS feed.

ArchiveAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin

Archive admin is a section of the CMS that displays archived records from versioned objects and allows for users to restore them.

$ HistoryViewerController#allowed_actionsProperty in class HistoryViewerController
ArchiveRestoreActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Extensions

Adds a restore action to the item edit form of ArchiveAdmin

ArchiveViewProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Interfaces

A provider of a view for the archive admin

ChangeSet::addObject() — Method in class ChangeSet

Add a new change to this changeset. Will automatically include all owned changes as those are dependencies of this item.

$ ChangeSetItem#AddedProperty in class ChangeSetItem
AbstractPublishOperationCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Operations

Scaffolds a generic update operation for DataObjects.

UnpublishOnDelete::apply() — Method in class UnpublishOnDelete
VersionedDataObject::apply() — Method in class VersionedDataObject
VersionedRead::apply() — Method in class VersionedRead
GridFieldArchiveAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldArchiveAction

Add a column 'Actions'

GridFieldRestoreAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldRestoreAction

Add a column 'Delete'

Versioned::augmentDataQueryCreation() — Method in class Versioned

Amend freshly created DataQuery objects with versioned-specific information.

Versioned::augmentSQL() — Method in class Versioned

Augment the the SQLSelect that is created by the DataQuery

Versioned::augmentSQLStage() — Method in class Versioned

Reading a specific stage (Stage or Live)

Versioned::augmentSQLStageUnique() — Method in class Versioned

Reading a specific stage, but only return items that aren't in any other stage

Versioned::augmentSQLVersioned() — Method in class Versioned

Augment SQL to select from _Versions table instead.

Versioned::augmentSQLVersionedArchive() — Method in class Versioned

Filter the versioned history by a specific date and archive stage

Versioned::augmentSQLVersionedLatestSingle() — Method in class Versioned

Return latest version instance, regardless of whether it is on a particular stage.

Versioned::augmentSQLVersionedLatest() — Method in class Versioned

Return latest version instances, regardless of whether they are on a particular stage.

Versioned::augmentSQLVersionedVersion() — Method in class Versioned

If selecting a specific version, filter it here

Versioned::augmentSQLVersionedAll() — Method in class Versioned

If all versions are requested, ensure that records are sorted by this field

Versioned::augmentLoadLazyFields() — Method in class Versioned

For lazy loaded fields requiring extra sql manipulation, ie versioning.

Versioned::augmentDatabase() — Method in class Versioned

Update the database schema as required by this extension.

Versioned::augmentWriteVersioned() — Method in class Versioned

Generates a ($table)_version DB manipulation and injects it into the current $manipulation

Versioned::augmentWriteStaged() — Method in class Versioned

Rewrite the given manipulation to update the selected (non-default) stage

Versioned::augmentWrite() — Method in class Versioned

Augment a write-record request.

Versioned::Author() — Method in class Versioned

Get author of this record.

VersionedGridFieldItemRequest::addVersionedButtons() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest

Getting buttons that are for versioned objects

VersionedGridFieldItemRequest::addUnversionedButtons() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest

Getting buttons that are for unversioned objects

VersionedGridFieldState::augmentColumns() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldState

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

Versioned_Version::Author() — Method in class Versioned_Version

Author of this DataObject

ArrayDataClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

Lets you wrap a bunch of array data, or object members, into a ViewableData object.

$ ArrayData#arrayProperty in class ArrayData
ArrayData::array_to_object() — Method in class ArrayData

Converts an associative array to a simple object

AttributesHTMLClass in namespace SilverStripe\View

This trait can be applied to a ViewableData class to add the logic to render attributes in an SS template.

$ AttributesHTML#attributesProperty in class AttributesHTML

List of attributes to render on the frontend

SQLFormatter::addNewlines() — Method in class SQLFormatter

Newlines for tokens defined in $newline_before_tokens.

$ ShortcodeParser#active_instanceProperty in class ShortcodeParser
$ ShortcodeParser#attrrxProperty in class ShortcodeParser
ShortcodeParser::attrrx() — Method in class ShortcodeParser
$ URLSegmentFilter#allowMultibyteProperty in class URLSegmentFilter
Requirements::add_i18n_javascript() — Method in class Requirements

Add i18n files from the given javascript directory. SilverStripe expects that the given directory will contain a number of JavaScript files named by language: en_US.js, de_DE.js, etc.

$ Requirements_Backend#assetHandlerProperty in class Requirements_Backend
Requirements_Backend::add_i18n_javascript() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Add i18n files from the given javascript directory. SilverStripe expects that the given directory will contain a number of JavaScript files named by language: en_US.js, de_DE.js, etc.

SSTemplateParser::addClosedBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Add a closed block callable to allow <% name %><% end_name %> syntax

SSTemplateParser::addOpenBlock() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

Add a closed block callable to allow <% name %> syntax

SSTemplateParser::Argument_DollarMarkedLookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser

If we get a bare value, we don't know enough to determine exactly what php would be the translation, because we don't know if the position of use indicates a lookup or a string argument.

SSTemplateParser::Argument_QuotedString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_Null() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_Boolean() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_IntegerOrFloat() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_Lookup() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSTemplateParser::Argument_FreeString() — Method in class SSTemplateParser
SSViewer::add_themes() — Method in class SSViewer

Add to the list of active themes to apply

ThemeResourceLoader::addSet() — Method in class ThemeResourceLoader

Add a new theme manifest for a given identifier. E.g. '$default'

CredentialRepository::assertCredentialID() — Method in class CredentialRepository

Assert that the given credential ID matches a stored credential

Method::applyRequirements() — Method in class Method

Leverage the Requirements API to ensure client requirements are included. This is called just after the base module requirements are specified

$ RegisterHandler#authenticator_attachmentProperty in class RegisterHandler

The default attachment mode to use for Authentication Selection Criteria.

AssignUsersToWorkflowActionClass in namespace Symbiote\AdvancedWorkflow\Actions

A workflow action that allows additional users or groups to be assigned to the workflow part-way through the workflow path.

AdvancedWorkflowAdminClass in namespace Symbiote\AdvancedWorkflow\Admin
$ AdvancedWorkflowAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class AdvancedWorkflowAdmin
AdvancedWorkflowActionControllerClass in namespace Symbiote\AdvancedWorkflow\Controllers

Handles actions triggered from external sources, eg emails or web frontend

WorkflowActionInstance::actionStart() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance

Called when this instance is started within the workflow

WorkflowActionInstance::actionComplete() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance

Called when this action has been completed within the workflow

WorkflowTransition::Action() — Method in class WorkflowTransition
AdvancedWorkflowExtensionClass in namespace Symbiote\AdvancedWorkflow\Extensions

Handles interactions triggered by users in the backend of the CMS. Replicate this type of functionality wherever you need UI interaction with workflow.

$ AdvancedWorkflowExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class AdvancedWorkflowExtension
WorkflowApplicable::AbsoluteEditLink() — Method in class WorkflowApplicable

Included in CMS-generated email templates for a NotifyUsersWorkflowAction.

$ WorkflowField#allowed_actionsProperty in class WorkflowField
WorkflowField::action() — Method in class WorkflowField
WorkflowField::ActionLink() — Method in class WorkflowField
$ WorkflowFieldActionController#allowed_actionsProperty in class WorkflowFieldActionController
$ WorkflowFieldItemController#allowed_actionsProperty in class WorkflowFieldItemController
$ WorkflowFieldTransitionController#allowed_actionsProperty in class WorkflowFieldTransitionController
AWRequiredFieldsClass in namespace Symbiote\AdvancedWorkflow\Forms

Extends RequiredFields so we can prevent DO writes in AW's controller(s) without needing to catch Exceptions from DO->validate() all over the place.

GridFieldExportAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldExportAction

Add a column 'Delete'

GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldWorkflowRestrictedEditButton

Add a column

WorkflowTemplate::addManyManyToObject() — Method in class WorkflowTemplate

Given an object, first check it has a ManyMany relation on it and add() Member and Group relations as required.

$ GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton
$ GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler
GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler::add() — Method in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler
$ GridFieldAddNewMultiClass#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldAddNewMultiClass
$ GridFieldEditableColumns#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldEditableColumns
GridFieldExternalLink::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldExternalLink

Add a column for the actions

$ GridFieldNestedForm#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldNestedForm
GridFieldNestedForm::atMaxNestingLevel() — Method in class GridFieldNestedForm

Check if we are currently at the max nesting level allowed.

GridFieldNestedForm::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldNestedForm

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

$ GridFieldOrderableRows#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldOrderableRows
GridFieldOrderableRows::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldOrderableRows

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

$ GridFieldRequestHandler#allowed_actionsProperty in class GridFieldRequestHandler
$ QueuedJobsAdmin#allowed_actionsProperty in class QueuedJobsAdmin
$ QueuedTaskRunner#allowed_actionsProperty in class QueuedTaskRunner
QueuedJobDescriptor::activateOnQueue() — Method in class QueuedJobDescriptor

Called to indicate that the job is ready to be run on the queue. This is done either as the result of creating the job and adding it, or when resuming.

$ GridFieldQueuedJobExecute#actionProperty in class GridFieldQueuedJobExecute
GridFieldQueuedJobExecute::augmentColumns() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedJobExecute

Add a column 'Delete'

QJUtils::ajaxResponse() — Method in class QJUtils
AbstractQueuedJobClass in namespace Symbiote\QueuedJobs\Services

A base implementation of a queued job that provides some convenience for implementations

AbstractQueuedJob::afterComplete() — Method in class AbstractQueuedJob

Called when the job is determined to be 'complete'

AbstractQueuedJob::addMessage() — Method in class AbstractQueuedJob
QueuedJob::addMessage() — Method in class QueuedJob

Add an arbitrary text message into a job

$ FluentCMSMainExtension#allowed_actionsProperty in class FluentCMSMainExtension
FluentExtension::anyMatch() — Method in class FluentExtension

Helper function to check if the value given is present in any of the patterns.

FluentExtension::augmentDatabase() — Method in class FluentExtension

Update the database schema as required by this extension.

FluentExtension::augmentDatabaseDontRequire() — Method in class FluentExtension
FluentExtension::augmentDatabaseRequireTable() — Method in class FluentExtension

Require the given localisation table

FluentExtension::augmentSQL() — Method in class FluentExtension

Edit the given query object to support queries for this extension

FluentExtension::augmentWrite() — Method in class FluentExtension

Augment a write-record request.

FluentFilteredExtension::augmentSQL() — Method in class FluentFilteredExtension
FluentGridFieldExtension::actionComplete() — Method in class FluentGridFieldExtension
FluentIsolatedExtension::augmentDataQueryCreation() — Method in class FluentIsolatedExtension

Amend freshly created DataQuery objects with the current locale and frontend status

FluentIsolatedExtension::augmentDatabase() — Method in class FluentIsolatedExtension

Safety checks for config are done on dev/build

FluentIsolatedExtension::augmentSQL() — Method in class FluentIsolatedExtension
FluentLeftAndMainExtension::actionComplete() — Method in class FluentLeftAndMainExtension
FluentSiteTreeExtension::addLocaleStatusMessage() — Method in class FluentSiteTreeExtension

Adds a UI message to indicate whether you're editing in the default locale or not

FluentSiteTreeExtension::addLocalePrefixToUrlSegment() — Method in class FluentSiteTreeExtension

Add the locale's URLSegment to the URL prefix for a page's URL segment field

FluentSiteTreeExtension::actionComplete() — Method in class FluentSiteTreeExtension
FluentVersionedExtension::augmentDatabase() — Method in class FluentVersionedExtension

Update the database schema as required by this extension.

FluentVersionedExtension::augmentDatabaseDontRequire() — Method in class FluentVersionedExtension
FluentVersionedExtension::augmentDatabaseRequireTable() — Method in class FluentVersionedExtension

Require the given localisation table

FluentVersionedExtension::augmentSQL() — Method in class FluentVersionedExtension

Edit the given query object to support queries for this extension

FluentVersionedExtension::addLocaleFallbackChain() — Method in class FluentVersionedExtension

Update all joins to include Version as well as Locale / Record

FluentVersionedExtension::augmentWrite() — Method in class FluentVersionedExtension

Apply versioning to write

FluentVersionedExtension::augmentMaxVersionSubSelect() — Method in class FluentVersionedExtension

Localise max version lookup Extension point in Versioned::prepareMaxVersionSubSelect()

FluentAdminTrait::actionComplete() — Method in class FluentAdminTrait
FluentAdminTrait::archiveFluent() — Method in class FluentAdminTrait

Archives the current object from all locales (versioned)

FluentBadgeTrait::addFluentBadge() — Method in class FluentBadgeTrait

Add the Fluent state badge before any existing badges and return the result

FluentObjectTrait::augmentDataQueryCreation() — Method in class FluentObjectTrait

Amend freshly created DataQuery objects with the current locale and frontend status

BaseAction::appliesToRecord() — Method in class BaseAction

Check if this item is enabled for the given record in locale

CopyLocaleAction::appliesToRecord() — Method in class CopyLocaleAction

Item needs to be translated before it can be published

DeleteAllLocalesAction::augmentColumns() — Method in class DeleteAllLocalesAction

Add a column 'Delete'

DeleteLocaleAction::appliesToRecord() — Method in class DeleteLocaleAction

Record must be published before it can be unpublished

LocaleToggleColumn::augmentColumns() — Method in class LocaleToggleColumn
PublishAction::appliesToRecord() — Method in class PublishAction

Item needs to be translated before it can be published

SaveLocaleAction::appliesToRecord() — Method in class SaveLocaleAction

Item must either be localised, or filtered

UnpublishAction::appliesToRecord() — Method in class UnpublishAction

Record must be published before it can be unpublished

VisibleLocalesColumn::augmentColumns() — Method in class VisibleLocalesColumn

Modify the list of columns displayed in the table.

$ InitStateMiddleware#admin_url_pathsProperty in class InitStateMiddleware

URL paths that should be considered as admin only, i.e. not frontend

ArchiveRecordPolicyClass in namespace TractorCow\Fluent\Model\Delete

Archives a record, not just deletes

FluentSearchVariant::appliesTo() — Method in class FluentSearchVariant
FluentSearchVariant::activateState() — Method in class FluentSearchVariant
FluentSearchVariant::alterQuery() — Method in class FluentSearchVariant
FluentSearchVariant::alterDefinition() — Method in class FluentSearchVariant


$ Package#badgesProperty in class Package
$ ComposerLoader#basePathProperty in class ComposerLoader
ComposerLoader::build() — Method in class ComposerLoader

Load and build the composer.json and composer.lock files

$ ArchiveHandler#buttonClassesProperty in class ArchiveHandler

Extra classes to add to the bulk action button for this handler Can also be used to set the button font-icon e.g. font-icon-trash

$ DeleteHandler#buttonClassesProperty in class DeleteHandler

Extra classes to add to the bulk action button for this handler Can also be used to set the button font-icon e.g. font-icon-trash

$ EditHandler#buttonClassesProperty in class EditHandler

Extra classes to add to the bulk action button for this handler Can also be used to set the button font-icon e.g. font-icon-trash

EditHandler::bulkEditForm() — Method in class EditHandler

Return a form for all the selected DataObjects with their respective editable fields.

EditHandler::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class EditHandler

Edited version of the GridFieldEditForm function adds the 'Bulk Upload' at the end of the crums.

$ Handler#buttonClassesProperty in class Handler

Extra classes to add to the bulk action button for this handler Can also be used to set the button font-icon e.g. font-icon-trash

$ PublishHandler#buttonClassesProperty in class PublishHandler

Extra classes to add to the bulk action button for this handler Can also be used to set the button font-icon e.g. font-icon-trash

$ UnPublishHandler#buttonClassesProperty in class UnPublishHandler

Extra classes to add to the bulk action button for this handler Can also be used to set the button font-icon e.g. font-icon-trash

$ UnlinkHandler#buttonClassesProperty in class UnlinkHandler

Extra classes to add to the bulk action button for this handler Can also be used to set the button font-icon e.g. font-icon-trash

BulkManagerClass in namespace Colymba\BulkManager

GridField component for editing attached models in bulk.

BulkUploadFieldClass in namespace Colymba\BulkUpload

Custom UploadField used to override Link() and redirect UploadField action properly through the GridField.

BulkUploadHandlerClass in namespace Colymba\BulkUpload

Handles request from the GridFieldBulkUpload component.

BulkUploaderClass in namespace Colymba\BulkUpload

GridField component for uploading images in bulk.

BulkUploader::bulkUploadField() — Method in class BulkUploader

Returned a configured UploadField instance embedded in the gridfield heard.

BaseElementClass in namespace DNADesign\Elemental\Models

Class BaseElement

ElementalArea::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class ElementalArea

Necessary to display results in CMS site search.

CMSBatchAction::batchaction() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

Helper method for processing batch actions.

$ CMSBatchActionHandler#batch_actionsProperty in class CMSBatchActionHandler
CMSBatchActionHandler::batchActionList() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Return a SS_List of ArrayData objects containing the following pieces of info about each batch action:

  • Link
  • Title
CMSBatchActionHandler::buildAction() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Safely generate batch action object for a given classname

CMSBatchActionHandler::batchActions() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Get all registered actions through the static defaults set by register().

CMSProfileController::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class CMSProfileController

Only show first element, as the profile form is limited to editing the current member it doesn't make much sense to show the member name in the breadcrumbs.

LeftAndMain::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::batchactions() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Batch Actions Handler

LeftAndMain::BatchActionsForm() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::BaseCSSClasses() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Same as ViewableData->CSSClasses(), but with a changed name to avoid problems when using ViewableData->customise() (which always returns "ArrayData" from the $original object).

ModelAdmin::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class ModelAdmin
$ AssetAdmin#bust_cacheProperty in class AssetAdmin

Whatever the front end should try to bust cache by appending the version id to the image URL.

AssetAdmin::breadcrumbs() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::baseCSSClasses() — Method in class AssetAdmin

Don't include class namespace in auto-generated CSS class

AssetFormFactory::buildFileStatusIcon() — Method in class AssetFormFactory
BuilderClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\GraphQL\Schema
$ TestAssetStore#basedirProperty in class TestAssetStore

Base dir of current file

TestAssetStore::base_path() — Method in class TestAssetStore

Get absolute path to basedir

File::BackLinkTracking() — Method in class File

Get the back-link tracking objects that link to this file via HTML fields

File::BackLinkTrackingCount() — Method in class File

Count of backlinks Note: Doesn't filter broken records

AbstractFileIDHelper::buildFileID() — Method in class AbstractFileIDHelper

Map file tuple (hash, name, variant) to a filename to be used by flysystem

FileIDHelper::buildFileID() — Method in class FileIDHelper

Map file tuple (hash, name, variant) to a filename to be used by flysystem

FileIDHelperResolutionStrategy::buildFileID() — Method in class FileIDHelperResolutionStrategy

Build a file ID for the provided tuple, irrespective of its existence.

FileResolutionStrategy::buildFileID() — Method in class FileResolutionStrategy

Build a file ID for the provided tuple, irrespective of its existence.

BlogAdminSidebarClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Forms
$ GridFieldAddByDBField#buttonNameProperty in class GridFieldAddByDBField

Name for the buttons displayed in the CMS

BlogClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model

Blog Holder

BlogCategoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model

A blog category for generalising blog posts.

$ BlogCategory#belongs_many_manyProperty in class BlogCategory
$ BlogCategory#BlogIDProperty in class BlogCategory
BlogCategory::Blog() — Method in class BlogCategory
BlogCommentExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model

Adds Blog specific behaviour to Comment.

BlogControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model
$ BlogController#blogPostsProperty in class BlogController

The current Blog Post DataList query.

BlogFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model

This class is responsible for filtering the SiteTree when necessary and also overlaps into filtering only published posts.

BlogFilterGridFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model\BlogFilter

Enables children of non-editable pages to be edited.

BlogMemberExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model

This class is responsible for add Blog specific behaviour to Members.

$ BlogMemberExtension#belongs_many_manyProperty in class BlogMemberExtension
BlogMemberExtension::BlogProfileImage() — Method in class BlogMemberExtension
BlogObjectClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model

An object shared by BlogTag and BlogCategory.

BlogObject::BlogPosts() — Method in class BlogObject
BlogPostClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model

An individual blog post.

BlogPostControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model
BlogPostFeaturedExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model

Adds a checkbox field for featured blog posts widget.

BlogPostFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model

This is responsible for filtering only published posts to users who do not have permission to view non-published posts.

BlogPostNotificationsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model

Customise blog post to support comment notifications.

BlogTagClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model

A blog tag for keyword descriptions of a blog post.

$ BlogTag#belongs_many_manyProperty in class BlogTag
$ BlogTag#BlogIDProperty in class BlogTag
BlogTag::Blog() — Method in class BlogTag
CategorisationObject::BlogPosts() — Method in class CategorisationObject
BlogArchiveWidgetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Widgets
BlogArchiveWidget::Blog() — Method in class BlogArchiveWidget
BlogArchiveWidgetControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Widgets
BlogCategoriesWidgetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Widgets
BlogCategoriesWidget::Blog() — Method in class BlogCategoriesWidget
BlogCategoriesWidgetControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Widgets
BlogFeaturedPostsWidgetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Widgets
BlogFeaturedPostsWidget::Blog() — Method in class BlogFeaturedPostsWidget
BlogRecentPostsWidgetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Widgets
BlogRecentPostsWidget::Blog() — Method in class BlogRecentPostsWidget
BlogRecentPostsWidgetControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Widgets
BlogTagsCloudWidgetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Widgets
BlogTagsCloudWidget::Blog() — Method in class BlogTagsCloudWidget
BlogTagsCloudWidgetControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Widgets
BlogTagsWidgetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Widgets
BlogTagsWidget::Blog() — Method in class BlogTagsWidget
BlogTagsWidgetControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Widgets
CMSMain::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class CMSMain
CMSMain::batchactions() — Method in class CMSMain

Batch Actions Handler

CMSMain::BatchActionParameters() — Method in class CMSMain

Returns a LiteralField containing parameter field HTML for batch actions

CMSMain::BatchActionList() — Method in class CMSMain

Returns a list of batch actions

ModelAsController::beforeHandleRequest() — Method in class ModelAsController

A bootstrap for the handleRequest method

RootURLController::beforeHandleRequest() — Method in class RootURLController

A bootstrap for the handleRequest method

$ SiteTree#base_plural_nameProperty in class SiteTree

Plural form for SiteTree / Page classes. Not inherited by subclasses.

$ SiteTree#base_singular_nameProperty in class SiteTree

Plural form for SiteTree / Page classes. Not inherited by subclasses.

$ SiteTree#base_descriptionProperty in class SiteTree

Description for Page and SiteTree classes, but not inherited by subclasses.

$ SiteTree#base_class_descriptionProperty in class SiteTree

Description for Page and SiteTree classes, but not inherited by subclasses.

SiteTree::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class SiteTree

Return a breadcrumb trail to this page. Excludes "hidden" pages (with ShowInMenus=0) by default.

SiteTree::BackLinkTracking() — Method in class SiteTree

Get the back-link tracking objects that link to this page

BrokenFilesReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Reports
BrokenLinksReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Reports

Content side-report listing pages with broken links

BrokenRedirectorPagesReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Reports
BrokenVirtualPagesReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Reports
$ CachedConfigCollection#buildingProperty in class CachedConfigCollection

Set to true while building config.

$ YamlTransformer#baseDirectoryProperty in class YamlTransformer

Base directory used to find yaml files.

$ SiteTreeContentReview#belongs_many_manyProperty in class SiteTreeContentReview
$ Controller#baseInitCalledProperty in class Controller
Controller::beforeHandleRequest() — Method in class Controller

A bootstrap for the handleRequest method

Director::baseURL() — Method in class Director

Return the root-relative url for the baseurl

Director::baseFolder() — Method in class Director

Returns the root filesystem folder for the site. It will be automatically calculated unless it is overridden with setBaseFolder().

$ Email#bcc_all_emails_toProperty in class Email
$ HTTPRequest#bodyProperty in class HTTPRequest

Raw HTTP body, used by PUT and POST requests.

$ HTTPResponse#bodyProperty in class HTTPResponse
$ ConfirmationMiddleware#bypassesProperty in class ConfirmationMiddleware

The list of bypasses

ConfirmationMiddleware::buildConfirmationRedirect() — Method in class ConfirmationMiddleware

Initialize the confirmation session storage with the confirmation items and return an HTTPResponse redirecting to the according confirmation form.

BypassClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

A bypass for manual confirmation by user (depending on some runtime conditions)

GetParameter::buildConfirmationItem() — Method in class GetParameter

Generates the confirmation item

Url::buildConfirmationItem() — Method in class Url

Generates the confirmation item

UrlPathStartswith::buildConfirmationItem() — Method in class UrlPathStartswith

Generates the confirmation item

URLSpecialsMiddleware::buildImpactRedirect() — Method in class URLSpecialsMiddleware

Looks up for the special flags passed in the request and schedules the changes accordingly for the next request.

$ RequestHandler#brokenOnConstructProperty in class RequestHandler

This variable records whether RequestHandler::construct() was called or not. Useful for checking if subclasses have called parent::construct()

BaseKernelClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Simple Kernel container

$ BaseKernel#basePathProperty in class BaseKernel
BaseKernel::bootPHP() — Method in class BaseKernel

Initialise PHP with default variables

BaseKernel::bootManifests() — Method in class BaseKernel

Boot all manifests

BaseKernel::bootConfigs() — Method in class BaseKernel

Include all _config.php files

BaseKernel::bootErrorHandling() — Method in class BaseKernel

Turn on error handling

BaseKernel::boot() — Method in class BaseKernel
BaseKernel::buildManifestCacheFactory() — Method in class BaseKernel
CoreConfigFactory::buildYamlTransformer() — Method in class CoreConfigFactory
CoreConfigFactory::buildStaticTransformer() — Method in class CoreConfigFactory
CoreConfigFactory::buildYamlTransformerForPath() — Method in class CoreConfigFactory
Convert::base64url_encode() — Method in class Convert

Encode a value into a string that can be used as part of a filename.

Convert::base64url_decode() — Method in class Convert

Decode a value that was encoded with Convert::base64url_encode.

Convert::bytes2memstring() — Method in class Convert
$ CoreKernel#bootDatabaseProperty in class CoreKernel
CoreKernel::boot() — Method in class CoreKernel
CoreKernel::bootDatabaseGlobals() — Method in class CoreKernel

Load default database configuration from the $database and $databaseConfig globals

CoreKernel::bootDatabaseEnvVars() — Method in class CoreKernel

Load default database configuration from environment variable

$ CustomMethods#built_in_methodsProperty in class CustomMethods

Non-custom public methods.

$ Extensible#beforeExtendCallbacksProperty in class Extensible

List of callbacks to call prior to extensions having extend called on them, each grouped by methodName.

Extensible::beforeExtending() — Method in class Extensible

Allows user code to hook into Object::extend prior to control being delegated to extensions. Each callback will be reset once called.

$ AopProxyService#beforeCallProperty in class AopProxyService
BeforeCallAspectClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Injector

A BeforeCallAspect is run before a method is executed.

BeforeCallAspect::beforeCall() — Method in class BeforeCallAspect

Call this aspect before a method is executed

Kernel::boot() — Method in class Kernel
$ ClassManifest#baseProperty in class ClassManifest

base manifest directory

ClassManifestVisitor::beforeTraverse() — Method in class ClassManifestVisitor
$ Module#basePathProperty in class Module

Base folder of application with no trailing slash

$ ModuleManifest#baseProperty in class ModuleManifest

The base path used when building the manifest

BacktraceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Backtrace helper

Backtrace::backtrace() — Method in class Backtrace

Render or return a backtrace from the given scope.

BehatFixtureFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev
BuildTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Interface for a generic build task. Does not support dependencies. This will simply run a chunk of code when called.

BulkLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

A base for bulk loaders of content into the SilverStripe database.

BulkLoader_ResultClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Encapsulates the result of a BulkLoader import (usually through the BulkLoader->processAll() method).

DebugView::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class DebugView

Generate breadcrumb links to the URL path being displayed

DevBuildController::build() — Method in class DevBuildController
DevelopmentAdmin::buildDefaults() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin

Build the default data, calling requireDefaultRecords on all DataObject classes Should match the $url_handlers rule: 'build/defaults' => 'buildDefaults',

$ FixtureFactory#blueprintsProperty in class FixtureFactory
$ SapphireTest#backupGlobalsProperty in class SapphireTest

We need to disabling backing up of globals to avoid overriding the few globals SilverStripe relies on, like $lang for the i18n subsystem.

TestKernel::bootPHP() — Method in class TestKernel

Initialise PHP with default variables

TestKernel::bootErrorHandling() — Method in class TestKernel

Turn on error handling

BannerBlockClass in namespace SilverStripe\ElementalBannerBlock\Block
BlockLinkFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\ElementalBannerBlock\Form
BlockLinkField_ReadonlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\ElementalBannerBlock\Form

Readonly version of a BlockLinkField field, which displays the data fields as readonly text inputs and a checkbox for "target blank".

BrokenExternalLinkClass in namespace SilverStripe\ExternalLinks\Model

Represents a single link checked for a single run that is broken

BrokenExternalPageTrackClass in namespace SilverStripe\ExternalLinks\Model

Represents a track for a single page

BrokenExternalPageTrackStatusClass in namespace SilverStripe\ExternalLinks\Model

Represents the status of a track run

BrokenExternalLinksReportClass in namespace SilverStripe\ExternalLinks\Reports

Content side-report listing pages with external broken links

$ CurlLinkChecker#bypass_cacheProperty in class CurlLinkChecker

If we want to bypass the cache Set via YAML file

Form::buildRequestHandler() — Method in class Form

Scaffold new request handler for this form

$ FormAction#buttonContentProperty in class FormAction

Literal button content, used when useButtonTag is true.

$ FormMessageBootstrapExtension#bootstrapAlertsMapProperty in class FormMessageBootstrapExtension
$ FormRequestHandler#buttonClickedFuncProperty in class FormRequestHandler
FormRequestHandler::buttonClicked() — Method in class FormRequestHandler

Get instance of button which was clicked for this request

GridField::buildColumnDispatch() — Method in class GridField

Build an columnDispatch that maps a GridField_ColumnProvider to a column for reference later.

$ GridFieldAddNewButton#buttonNameProperty in class GridFieldAddNewButton
GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest

CMS-specific functionality: Passes through navigation breadcrumbs to the template, and includes the currently edited record (if any).

$ TinyMCEConfig#base_dirProperty in class TinyMCEConfig

Location of module relative to BASE_DIR. This must contain the following dirs

  • plugins
  • themes
  • skins
$ TinyMCEConfig#buttonsProperty in class TinyMCEConfig

Holder list of buttons, organised by line. This array is 1-based indexed array

MoneyField::buildAmountField() — Method in class MoneyField

Builds a field to input the amount of money

MoneyField::buildCurrencyField() — Method in class MoneyField

Builds a new currency field based on the allowed currencies configured

$ PopoverField#buttonTooltipProperty in class PopoverField

Tooltip to put on button

$ TreeDropdownField#baseIDProperty in class TreeDropdownField

Filter for base record

BasicAuthAuthenticatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Auth

An authenticator using SilverStripe's BasicAuth

Handler::buildAuthenticator() — Method in class Handler
BuildClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Dev
Build::build() — Method in class Build
Build::buildSchema() — Method in class Build
BulkLoaderSetClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

Composed with a list of bulk loaders to be executed in serial and return the aggregate result of all their collect() calls

DBFieldArgs::baseFormatResolver() — Method in class DBFieldArgs
QuerySort::buildAllFieldsConfig() — Method in class QuerySort
Resolver::baseResolve() — Method in class Resolver

Just the basic ViewableData field accessor bit, without all the property mapping overhead. Useful for custom dataobject types that circumvent the model layer.

BaseFieldsProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Defines a model that provides required fields for all the types it creates

SchemaBuilder::build() — Method in class SchemaBuilder

Stores a schema and fetches the graphql-php instance

SchemaBuilder::buildByName() — Method in class SchemaBuilder

Boots a schema, persists it, and fetches it

SchemaBuilder::boot() — Method in class SchemaBuilder

Auto-discovers the schema based on the provided schema key in Silverstripe's configuration layer. Merges the global schema with specifics for this schema key.

NestedInputBuilder::buildAllFieldsConfig() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder
NestedInputBuilder::buildPathsFromArgs() — Method in class NestedInputBuilder

Public API that can be used by a resolver to flatten the input argument into dot.separated.paths that can be normalised

AbstractTypeRegistry::Boolean() — Method in class AbstractTypeRegistry
ModelType::buildOperations() — Method in class ModelType
BaseStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\HybridSessions\Store
DatabaseStore::binaryDataJsonEncode() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Encode binary data into ASCII string (a subset of UTF-8)

DatabaseStore::binaryDataJsonDecode() — Method in class DatabaseStore

Decode ASCII string into original binary data (a php string)

LDAPUtil::bin_to_str_guid() — Method in class LDAPUtil
LDAPUtil::bin_to_str_sid() — Method in class LDAPUtil
LinkTypeService::byKey() — Method in class LinkTypeService

Return a Link instance by key

$ GorriecoeMigrationTask#base_link_columnsProperty in class GorriecoeMigrationTask

Mapping for columns in the base link table.

$ LinkableMigrationTask#base_link_columnsProperty in class LinkableMigrationTask

Mapping for columns in the base link table.

EnablerExtension::beforeCallActionHandler() — Method in class EnablerExtension
BaseHandlerTraitClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\RequestHandler
BackupCodeGeneratorClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Service
$ BackupCodeGenerator#backup_code_countProperty in class BackupCodeGenerator

The number of back-up codes that should be generated for a user. Note that changing this value will not regenerate or generate new codes to meet the new number. The user will have to manually regenerate codes to receive the new number of codes.

$ BackupCodeGenerator#backup_code_lengthProperty in class BackupCodeGenerator

The length of each individual backup code.

BackupCodeGeneratorInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Service

A service class implementation for generating and hashing backup codes.

BackupCodeClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\State

A container for a backup code and its hash, normally used during backup code generation

ArrayList::byIDs() — Method in class ArrayList
ArrayList::byID() — Method in class ArrayList

Return the first item with the given ID

DBQueryBuilder::buildSQL() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds a sql query with the specified connection

DBQueryBuilder::buildTraceComment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds an SQL comment indicating where the query was executed from.

DBQueryBuilder::buildSelectQuery() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds a query from a SQLSelect expression

DBQueryBuilder::buildDeleteQuery() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds a query from a SQLDelete expression

DBQueryBuilder::buildInsertQuery() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds a query from a SQLInsert expression

DBQueryBuilder::buildUpdateQuery() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Builds a query from a SQLUpdate expression

DBQueryBuilder::buildWithFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the WITH clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildSelectFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the SELECT clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildDeleteFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the DELETE clause ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildUpdateFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the UPDATE clause ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildFromFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the FROM clause ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildWhereFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the WHERE clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildUnionFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the UNION clause(s) ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildOrderByFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the ORDER BY clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildGroupByFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the GROUP BY clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildHavingFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Returns the HAVING clauses ready for inserting into a query.

DBQueryBuilder::buildLimitFragment() — Method in class DBQueryBuilder

Return the LIMIT clause ready for inserting into a query.

DBSchemaManager::boolean() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Returns data type for 'boolean' column

Database::benchmarkQuery() — Method in class Database

Allows the display and benchmarking of queries as they are being run

MySQLQueryBuilder::buildLimitFragment() — Method in class MySQLQueryBuilder

Return the LIMIT clause ready for inserting into a query.

MySQLSchemaManager::boolean() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a boolean type-formatted string

MySQLSchemaManager::bigint() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Return a bigint type-formatted string

$ MySQLStatement#boundProperty in class MySQLStatement

Is the statement bound to the current resultset?

$ MySQLStatement#boundValuesProperty in class MySQLStatement

List of bound variables in the current row

MySQLStatement::bind() — Method in class MySQLStatement

Binds this statement to the variables

MySQLiConnector::beforeQuery() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Invoked before any query is executed

MySQLiConnector::bindParameters() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Binds a list of parameters to a statement

TableBuilder::buildTables() — Method in class TableBuilder
TempDatabase::build() — Method in class TempDatabase

Create temp DB without creating extra objects

DB::build_sql() — Method in class DB

Builds a sql query with the specified connection

DataList::byIDs() — Method in class DataList
DataList::byID() — Method in class DataList

Return the first DataObject with the given ID

$ DataObject#brokenOnDeleteProperty in class DataObject

Used by onBeforeDelete() to ensure child classes call parent::onBeforeDelete()

$ DataObject#brokenOnWriteProperty in class DataObject

Used by onBeforeWrite() to ensure child classes call parent::onBeforeWrite()

$ DataObject#belongs_toProperty in class DataObject

A meta-relationship that allows you to define the reverse side of a DataObject::$has_one.

$ DataObject#belongs_many_manyProperty in class DataObject

The inverse side of a many-many relationship.

DataObject::belongsTo() — Method in class DataObject

Returns the class of a remote belongs_to relationship. If no component is specified a map of all components and their class name will be returned.

DataObject::beforeUpdateCMSFields() — Method in class DataObject

Allows user code to hook into DataObject::getCMSFields prior to updateCMSFields being called on extensions

DataObject::baseTable() — Method in class DataObject

Get the name of the base table for this object

DataObject::baseClass() — Method in class DataObject

Get the base class for this object

DataObjectSchema::baseDataClass() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Returns the root class (the first to extend from DataObject) for the passed class.

DataObjectSchema::baseDataTable() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Get the base table

DataObjectSchema::buildTableName() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Generate table name for a class.

DataObjectSchema::buildCustomDatabaseIndexes() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Look for custom indexes declared on the class

DataObjectSchema::buildSortDatabaseIndexes() — Method in class DataObjectSchema
DataObjectSchema::belongsToComponent() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Return data for a specific belongs_to component.

DataQueryManipulator::beforeGetFinalisedQuery() — Method in class DataQueryManipulator

Invoked prior to getFinalisedQuery()

DatabaseAdmin::build() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Updates the database schema, creating tables & fields as necessary.

DatabaseAdmin::buildDefaults() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Build the default data, calling requireDefaultRecords on all DataObject classes

EagerLoadedList::byID() — Method in class EagerLoadedList

Return the first item with the given ID

EagerLoadedList::byIDs() — Method in class EagerLoadedList
$ DBClassNameTrait#baseClassProperty in class DBClassNameTrait

Base classname of class to enumerate.

DBComposite::bindTo() — Method in class DBComposite

Bind this field to the dataobject, and set the underlying table to that of the owner

Filterable::byID() — Method in class Filterable

Return the first item with the given ID

Filterable::byIDs() — Method in class Filterable
ListDecorator::byID() — Method in class ListDecorator

Return the first item with the given ID

ListDecorator::byIDs() — Method in class ListDecorator

Filter this list to only contain the given Primary IDs

ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator::beforeGetFinalisedQuery() — Method in class ManyManyThroughQueryManipulator

Invoked prior to getFinalisedQuery()

BasicSearchContextClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Search

A SearchContext that can be used with non-ORM data.

$ UnsavedRelationList#baseClassProperty in class UnsavedRelationList

The DataObject class name that this relation is on

$ FederatedIdentity#BirthInfoQualityProperty in class FederatedIdentity
$ FederatedIdentity#BirthYearProperty in class FederatedIdentity
$ FederatedIdentity#BirthMonthProperty in class FederatedIdentity
$ FederatedIdentity#BirthDayProperty in class FederatedIdentity
$ FederatedIdentity#BirthPlaceQualityProperty in class FederatedIdentity
$ FederatedIdentity#BirthPlaceCountryProperty in class FederatedIdentity
$ FederatedIdentity#BirthPlaceLocalityProperty in class FederatedIdentity
RegistryPage::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class RegistryPage

Modified version of Breadcrumbs, to cater for viewing items.

ReportAdmin::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class ReportAdmin

Returns the Breadcrumbs for the ReportAdmin

$ ReportWrapper#baseReportProperty in class ReportWrapper
ReportWrapper::beforeQuery() — Method in class ReportWrapper

Override this method to perform some actions prior to querying.

BasicRestfulAuthenticatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\RestfulServer

A simple authenticator for the Restful server.

BasicAuthClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Provides an interface to HTTP basic authentication.

BasicAuthMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security
Form::buildActionList() — Method in class Form
Form::buildFieldList() — Method in class Form

Builds the form fields taking the confirmation items from the storage

Form::buildEmptyFieldList() — Method in class Form

Builds the fields showing the form is empty and there's nothing to confirm

$ InheritedPermissions#baseClassProperty in class InheritedPermissions

Class name

InheritedPermissions::batchPermissionCheck() — Method in class InheritedPermissions

This method is NOT a full replacement for the individual can*() methods, e.g. canEdit(). Rather than checking (potentially slow) PHP logic, it relies on the database group associations, e.g. the "CanEditType" field plus the "SiteTree_EditorGroups" many-many table. By batch checking multiple records, we can combine the queries efficiently.

InheritedPermissions::batchPermissionCheckForStage() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
$ Member#belongs_many_manyProperty in class Member
Member::beforeMemberLoggedIn() — Method in class Member

Called before a member is logged in via session/cookie/etc

Member::beforeMemberLoggedOut() — Method in class Member

Audit logging hook, called before a member is logged out

$ PermissionRole#belongs_many_manyProperty in class PermissionRole
Security::basicauthlogin() — Method in class Security
$ LoginSession#belongs_toProperty in class LoginSession
$ GarbageCollectionService#batch_remove_limitProperty in class GarbageCollectionService

Limit the number of records collected per run.

SiteConfigLeftAndMain::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class SiteConfigLeftAndMain
BaseElementSubsitesClass in namespace SilverStripe\Subsites\Extensions

Extension for the BaseElement object to add subsites support for CMS previews

$ Subsite#belongs_many_manyProperty in class Subsite
$ PDFTextExtractor#binary_locationProperty in class PDFTextExtractor

Set to bin path this extractor can execute

PDFTextExtractor::bin() — Method in class PDFTextExtractor

Accessor to get the location of the binary

$ SolrCellTextExtractor#base_urlProperty in class SolrCellTextExtractor

Base URL to use for Solr text extraction.

UserDefinedFormController::buildWatchJS() — Method in class UserDefinedFormController

Outputs the required JS from the $watch input

$ UserFormFileExtension#belongs_toProperty in class UserFormFileExtension
$ GridFieldAddClassesButton#buttonNameProperty in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Button title

$ GridFieldAddClassesButton#buttonClassProperty in class GridFieldAddClassesButton

Additonal CSS classes for the button

$ UserForm#button_textProperty in class UserForm
EditableCustomRule::buildExpression() — Method in class EditableCustomRule

Substitutes configured rule logic with it's JS equivalents and returns them as array elements

$ EditableFieldGroupEnd#belongs_toProperty in class EditableFieldGroupEnd
$ UserForm#block_default_userforms_cssProperty in class UserForm

Set this to true to disable automatic inclusion of CSS files

$ UserForm#block_default_userforms_jsProperty in class UserForm

Set this to true to disable automatic inclusion of JavaScript files

ArchiveAdmin::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class ArchiveAdmin

Use 'Archive' as the top title rather than the model title

BlockArchiveExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Extensions

Adds a archive view for Elemental blocks

$ ChangeSetItem#belongs_many_manyProperty in class ChangeSetItem
Versioned::baseTable() — Method in class Versioned

Return the base table - the class that directly extends DataObject.

VersionedGridFieldItemRequest::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class VersionedGridFieldItemRequest

CMS-specific functionality: Passes through navigation breadcrumbs to the template, and includes the currently edited record (if any).

$ RequirementsTestState#backendProperty in class RequirementsTestState
$ ShortcodeParser#block_level_elementsProperty in class ShortcodeParser
$ Requirements#backendProperty in class Requirements

Instance of the requirements for storage. You can create your own backend to change the default JS and CSS inclusion behaviour.

Requirements::backend() — Method in class Requirements
Requirements::block() — Method in class Requirements

Block inclusion of a specific file

$ Requirements_Backend#blockedProperty in class Requirements_Backend

The file paths (relative to docroot) or uniquenessIDs of any included requirements which should be blocked when executing inlcudeInHTML(). This is useful, for example, to block scripts included by a superclass without having to override entire functions and duplicate a lot of code.

Requirements_Backend::block() — Method in class Requirements_Backend

Block inclusion of a specific file

$ ThemeManifest#baseProperty in class ThemeManifest

Base path

$ ThemeResourceLoader#baseProperty in class ThemeResourceLoader

The base path of the application

BaseHandlerTraitClass in namespace SilverStripe\WebAuthn

Contains logic which is shared between both WebAuthn's RegisterHandler and VerifyHandler, such as the attestation configuration options.

$ i18nTextCollector#basePathProperty in class i18nTextCollector

The directory base on which the collector should act.

$ i18nTextCollector#baseSavePathProperty in class i18nTextCollector

Save path

WorkflowActionInstance::BaseAction() — Method in class WorkflowActionInstance
WorkflowInstance::beginWorkflow() — Method in class WorkflowInstance

Start a workflow based on a particular definition for a particular object.

$ GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler#buttonProperty in class GridFieldAddExistingSearchHandler
GridFieldNestedFormItemRequest::Breadcrumbs() — Method in class GridFieldNestedFormItemRequest

CMS-specific functionality: Passes through navigation breadcrumbs to the template, and includes the currently edited record (if any).

BaseRunnerClass in namespace Symbiote\QueuedJobs\Tasks\Engines

Class BaseRunner

$ FluentExtension#batch_actions_enabledProperty in class FluentExtension

Enable batch actions in the edit form

FluentExtension::BaseURLForLocale() — Method in class FluentExtension

Determine the baseurl within a specified $locale.

BaseActionClass in namespace TractorCow\Fluent\Forms

Base action for acting on a single locale / record pair

BrowserLocaleDetectorClass in namespace TractorCow\Fluent\State

Detects locale based on browser locale


$ GridFieldLinkButton#captionProperty in class GridFieldLinkButton

Caption text for the button to show

CheckForUpdatesJobClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\Maintenance\Jobs

Refresh report job. Runs as a queued job.

SiteSummary::columns() — Method in class SiteSummary

Provide column selection and formatting rules for the CMS report. You can extend data columns by extending Package::summary_fields, or you can extend this method to adjust the formatting rules, or to provide composite fields (such as Summary below) for the CMS report but not the CSV export.

$ UpdatePackageInfoTask#composerLoaderProperty in class UpdatePackageInfoTask
$ ApiLoader#cacheProperty in class ApiLoader
ApiLoader::createRequest() — Method in class ApiLoader

Create a request with some standard headers

ComposerLoaderClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\Maintenance\Util

The composer loader class is responsible for dealing directly with composer.json and composer.lock files, in terms of loading and parsing their contents.

CheckComposerUpdatesExtensionClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\UpdateChecker\Extensions

Task which does the actual checking of updates

ComposerLoaderExtensionClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\UpdateChecker\Extensions
$ ComposerLoaderExtension#composerProperty in class ComposerLoaderExtension
ComposerUpdateExtensionClass in namespace BringYourOwnIdeas\UpdateChecker\Extensions

Describes any available updates to an installed Composer package

UpdateChecker::checkForUpdates() — Method in class UpdateChecker

Checks the given package for available and latest updates, and writes them to data models if found

CWPPageExtensionClass in namespace CWP\AgencyExtensions\Extensions
CWPSiteConfigExtensionClass in namespace CWP\AgencyExtensions\Extensions
CarouselPageExtensionClass in namespace CWP\AgencyExtensions\Extensions
ColorPickerFieldClass in namespace CWP\AgencyExtensions\Forms
CarouselItemClass in namespace CWP\AgencyExtensions\Model
CarouselItem::canCreate() — Method in class CarouselItem
CarouselItem::canEdit() — Method in class CarouselItem
CarouselItem::canDelete() — Method in class CarouselItem
CarouselItem::canView() — Method in class CarouselItem
$ Handler#componentProperty in class Handler

GridFieldBulkManager instance.

$ BulkManager#configProperty in class BulkManager

component configuration.

HTTPBulkToolsResponse::createBody() — Method in class HTTPBulkToolsResponse

Creates the response JSON body

$ BulkUploadHandler#componentProperty in class BulkUploadHandler

Bulk upload component.

BulkUploadHandler::createDataObject() — Method in class BulkUploadHandler

Creates a new DataObject Add file ID to the Dataobject Add DataObject to Gridfield list Publish DataObject if enabled

$ BulkUploader#configProperty in class BulkUploader

Component configuration.

$ ElementForm#controller_classProperty in class ElementForm
$ ElementForm#class_descriptionProperty in class ElementForm
$ ElementalAreasExtension#clear_contentfieldProperty in class ElementalAreasExtension

On saving the element area, should Elemental reset the main website $Content field.

$ ElementalPageExtension#cascade_duplicatesProperty in class ElementalPageExtension
$ BaseElement#class_descriptionProperty in class BaseElement
$ BaseElement#castingProperty in class BaseElement
$ BaseElement#controller_classProperty in class BaseElement
$ BaseElement#controller_templateProperty in class BaseElement
$ BaseElement#controllerProperty in class BaseElement
BaseElement::canView() — Method in class BaseElement

Basic permissions, defaults to page perms where possible.

BaseElement::canEdit() — Method in class BaseElement

Basic permissions, defaults to page perms where possible.

BaseElement::canDelete() — Method in class BaseElement

Basic permissions, defaults to page perms where possible.

BaseElement::canCreate() — Method in class BaseElement

Basic permissions, defaults to page perms where possible.

BaseElement::CMSEditLink() — Method in class BaseElement
$ ElementContent#class_descriptionProperty in class ElementContent
$ ElementalArea#cascade_deletesProperty in class ElementalArea
$ ElementalArea#cascade_duplicatesProperty in class ElementalArea
ElementalArea::canEdit() — Method in class ElementalArea
ElementalArea::canView() — Method in class ElementalArea
ElementTypeReport::columns() — Method in class ElementTypeReport
ElementsInUseReport::columns() — Method in class ElementsInUseReport
$ ElementTypeRegistry#cacheProperty in class ElementTypeRegistry
$ MigrateContentToElement#clear_contentProperty in class MigrateContentToElement

Configures if the existing content should be cleared once the migration task has completed.

DataExtension::clearTopPage() — Method in class DataExtension

Clears top page relation, this is useful when duplicating object as the new object doesn't necessarily belong to the original page

FluentExtension::clearTopPage() — Method in class FluentExtension

Clears top page relation, this is useful when duplicating object as the new object doesn't necessarily belong to the original page

CMSBatchActionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

A class representing back actions.

CMSBatchAction::canView() — Method in class CMSBatchAction

If you wish to restrict the batch action to some users, overload this function.

CMSBatchActionHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

Special request handler for admin/batchaction

CMSBatchActionHandler::cleanIDs() — Method in class CMSBatchActionHandler

Sanitise ID list from string input

CMSEditLinkExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

An extension that automatically generates a CMS edit link for DataObjects even if they are canonically edited in some nested GridField.

$ CMSEditLinkExtension#cms_edit_ownerProperty in class CMSEditLinkExtension
CMSEditLinkExtension::CMSEditLink() — Method in class CMSEditLinkExtension

Get a link to edit this DataObject in the CMS.

CMSMenuClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

The object manages the main CMS menu. See LeftAndMain::init() for example usage.

CMSMenu::clear_menu() — Method in class CMSMenu

Clears the entire menu

CMSMenuItemClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin

A simple CMS menu item.

$ CMSMenuItem#controllerProperty in class CMSMenuItem

Parent controller class name

CMSProfileControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Admin
CMSProfileController::canView() — Method in class CMSProfileController
$ LeftAndMain#client_debuggingProperty in class LeftAndMain

Enable front-end debugging (increases verbosity) in dev mode.

LeftAndMain::canView() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::Content() — Method in class LeftAndMain
LeftAndMain::currentPageID() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Identifier for the currently shown record, in most cases a database ID. Inspects the following sources (in this order):

  • GET/POST parameter named 'ID'
  • URL parameter named 'ID'
  • Session value namespaced by classname, e.g. "CMSMain.currentPage"
LeftAndMain::currentRecordID() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Identifier for the currently shown record, in most cases a database ID. Inspects the following sources (in this order):

  • GET/POST parameter named 'ID'
  • URL parameter named 'ID'
  • Session value namespaced by classname, e.g. "CMSMain.currentPage"
LeftAndMain::currentPage() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Uses getRecord()} and {@link currentPageID() to get the currently selected record.

LeftAndMain::currentRecord() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Uses getRecord()} and {@link currentRecordID() to get the currently selected record.

LeftAndMain::CMSVersion() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return the version number of this application, ie. 'CMS: 4.2.1'

LeftAndMain::CMSVersionNumber() — Method in class LeftAndMain

Return the version number of the CMS in the 'major.minor' format, e.g. '4.2' Will handle 4.10.x-dev by removing .x-dev

$ ModalController#controllerProperty in class ModalController
SilverStripeNavigatorItem::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_Unversioned::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_Unversioned

True if the record doesn't have the Versioned extension and is configured to display this item.

SudoModeController::check() — Method in class SudoModeController

Checks whether sudo mode is active for the current user

AssetAdmin::createfolder() — Method in class AssetAdmin
AssetAdmin::canView() — Method in class AssetAdmin
CampaignAdminExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Extensions

Extension that updates the Popover menu of FileFormFactory.

FileConverter::convert() — Method in class FileConverter

Converts the given DBFile instance to another file type.

$ FileConverterManager#convertersProperty in class FileConverterManager

An array of classes or injector service names for classes that implement the FileConverter interface.

FileConverterManager::convert() — Method in class FileConverterManager

Convert the file to the given format using the first available converter that can perform the conversion.

InterventionImageFileConverter::convert() — Method in class InterventionImageFileConverter

Converts the given DBFile instance to another file type.

TestAssetStore::cleanFilename() — Method in class TestAssetStore
$ File#castingProperty in class File
$ File#class_for_file_extensionProperty in class File

Map of file extensions to class type

$ File#ContentProperty in class File
File::canView() — Method in class File
File::canEdit() — Method in class File

Check if this file can be modified

File::canCreate() — Method in class File

Check if a file can be created

File::canDelete() — Method in class File

Check if this file can be deleted

File::collateDescendants() — Method in class File

Collate selected descendants of this page.

File::copyFile() — Method in class File

Copy to new filename.

File::canViewFile() — Method in class File

Check if the current user can view the given file.

File::CMSEditLink() — Method in class File
FileDefaultPermissions::canEdit() — Method in class FileDefaultPermissions

Can root be edited?

FileDefaultPermissions::canView() — Method in class FileDefaultPermissions

Can root be viewed?

FileDefaultPermissions::canDelete() — Method in class FileDefaultPermissions

Can root be deleted?

FileDefaultPermissions::canCreate() — Method in class FileDefaultPermissions

Can root objects be created?

AbstractFileIDHelper::cleanFilename() — Method in class AbstractFileIDHelper

Clean up filename to remove constructs that might clash with the underlying path format of this FileIDHelper.

FileIDHelper::cleanFilename() — Method in class FileIDHelper

Clean up filename to remove constructs that might clash with the underlying path format of this FileIDHelper.

FileIDHelperResolutionStrategy::cleanFilename() — Method in class FileIDHelperResolutionStrategy

Normalise a filename to be consistent with this file resolution strategy.

FileResolutionStrategy::cleanFilename() — Method in class FileResolutionStrategy

Normalise a filename to be consistent with this file resolution strategy.

$ Filesystem#cache_folderModTimeProperty in class Filesystem
AssetAdapter::configureServer() — Method in class AssetAdapter

Configure server files for this store

FlysystemAssetStore::copy() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Copy a file (and all variants) to a new filename

FlysystemAssetStore::canView() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Check if the current user can view the given file.

FlysystemAssetStore::createResponseFor() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Generate an {HTTPResponse} for the given file from the source filesystem

FlysystemAssetStore::createDeniedResponse() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Generate a response for requests to a denied protected file

FlysystemAssetStore::createMissingResponse() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Generate a response for missing file requests

FlysystemAssetStore::createErrorResponse() — Method in class FlysystemAssetStore

Create a response with the given error code

GeneratedAssets::checkOrCreate() — Method in class GeneratedAssets

Check if the file exists or that the $callback provided was able to regenerate it.

Folder::ChildFolders() — Method in class Folder

Get the children of this folder that are also folders.

$ ImageBackendFactory#cacheProperty in class ImageBackendFactory

In memory cache keyed by hash/variant

$ ImageBackendFactory#creatorProperty in class ImageBackendFactory
ImageBackendFactory::create() — Method in class ImageBackendFactory

Creates a new service instance.

$ ImageManipulation#cms_thumbnail_widthProperty in class ImageManipulation

The width of an image thumbnail in the CMS.

$ ImageManipulation#cms_thumbnail_heightProperty in class ImageManipulation

The height of an image thumbnail in the CMS.

ImageManipulation::CropWidth() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Crop image on X axis if it exceeds specified width. Retain height.

ImageManipulation::CropHeight() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Crop image on Y axis if it exceeds specified height. Retain width.

ImageManipulation::CMSThumbnail() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Default CMS thumbnail

ImageManipulation::Convert() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Convert the file to another format if there's a registered converter that can handle it.

ImageManipulation::castDimension() — Method in class ImageManipulation

Validate a width or size is valid and casts it to integer

Image_Backend::croppedResize() — Method in class Image_Backend

Resize an image to cover the given width/height completely, and crop off any overhanging edges.

Image_Backend::crop() — Method in class Image_Backend

Crop's part of image.

InterventionBackend::croppedResize() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Resize an image to cover the given width/height completely, and crop off any overhanging edges.

InterventionBackend::crop() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Crop's part of image.

InterventionBackend::createCloneWithResource() — Method in class InterventionBackend

Modify this image backend with either a provided resource, or transformation

ImageShortcodeProvider::createImageTag() — Method in class ImageShortcodeProvider

Construct and return HTML image tag.

AssetContainer::copyFile() — Method in class AssetContainer

Copy to new filename.

AssetContainer::canViewFile() — Method in class AssetContainer

Check if the current user can view the given file.

AssetStore::copy() — Method in class AssetStore

Copy a file (and all variants) to a new filename

AssetStore::canView() — Method in class AssetStore

Check if the current user can view the given file.

$ DBFile#composite_dbProperty in class DBFile
$ DBFile#castingProperty in class DBFile
DBFile::canViewFile() — Method in class DBFile

Check if the current user can view the given file.

DBFile::copyFile() — Method in class DBFile

Copy to new filename.

DefaultAssetNameGenerator::current() — Method in class DefaultAssetNameGenerator
FileHashingService::computeFromStream() — Method in class FileHashingService

Compute the Hash value of the provided stream.

FileHashingService::computeFromFile() — Method in class FileHashingService

Compute the hash of the provided file

FileHashingService::compare() — Method in class FileHashingService

Compare 2 full or partial hashes.

Sha1FileHashingService::computeFromStream() — Method in class Sha1FileHashingService

Compute the Hash value of the provided stream.

Sha1FileHashingService::computeFromFile() — Method in class Sha1FileHashingService

Compute the hash of the provided file

Sha1FileHashingService::compare() — Method in class Sha1FileHashingService

Compare 2 full or partial hashes.

Upload::clearErrors() — Method in class Upload

Clear out all errors (mostly set by {loadUploaded()}) including the validator's errors

Upload_Validator::clearErrors() — Method in class Upload_Validator

Clear out all errors

AuditFactory::create() — Method in class AuditFactory

Creates a new service instance.

GridFieldCategorisationConfig::changeColumnOrder() — Method in class GridFieldCategorisationConfig

Reorders GridField columns so that Actions is last.

$ GridFieldMergeAction#childMethodProperty in class GridFieldMergeAction

Relationship method to reference child (i.e BlogPosts).

$ Blog#class_descriptionProperty in class Blog
Blog::canEdit() — Method in class Blog
Blog::canAddChildren() — Method in class Blog
Blog::canEditEditors() — Method in class Blog

Determine if this user can edit the editors list.

Blog::canEditWriters() — Method in class Blog

Determine if this user can edit writers list.

Blog::canEditContributors() — Method in class Blog

Determines if this user can edit the contributors list.

$ BlogController#castingProperty in class BlogController
BlogController::category() — Method in class BlogController

Renders the blog posts for a given category.

BlogObject::canView() — Method in class BlogObject

Inherits from the parent blog or can be overwritten using a DataExtension.

BlogObject::canCreate() — Method in class BlogObject
BlogObject::canDelete() — Method in class BlogObject

Inherits from the parent blog or can be overwritten using a DataExtension.

BlogObject::canEdit() — Method in class BlogObject

Inherits from the parent blog or can be overwritten using a DataExtension.

$ BlogPost#castingProperty in class BlogPost
$ BlogPost#can_be_rootProperty in class BlogPost
BlogPost::canEditAuthors() — Method in class BlogPost

Determine if this user can edit the authors list.

BlogPost::canCreateCategories() — Method in class BlogPost

Determine whether user can create new categories.

BlogPost::canCreateTags() — Method in class BlogPost

Determine whether user can create new tags.

BlogPost::canView() — Method in class BlogPost
BlogPost::canPublish() — Method in class BlogPost
BlogPost::canEdit() — Method in class BlogPost
CategorisationObjectClass in namespace SilverStripe\Blog\Model
$ BlogArchiveWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class BlogArchiveWidget
$ BlogCategoriesWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class BlogCategoriesWidget
$ BlogFeaturedPostsWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class BlogFeaturedPostsWidget
$ BlogRecentPostsWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class BlogRecentPostsWidget
$ BlogTagsCloudWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class BlogTagsCloudWidget
$ BlogTagsWidget#cmsTitleProperty in class BlogTagsWidget
CMSBatchAction_ArchiveClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\BatchActions

Delete items batch action.

CMSBatchAction_PublishClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\BatchActions

Publish items batch action.

CMSBatchAction_RestoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\BatchActions

Batch restore of pages

CMSBatchAction_UnpublishClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\BatchActions

Unpublish items batch action.

CMSMainClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

The main "content" area of the CMS.

$ CMSMain#castingProperty in class CMSMain
CMSMain::clearCache() — Method in class CMSMain

Clears all dependent cache backends

CMSMain::CanOrganiseSitetree() — Method in class CMSMain

Whether the current member has the permission to reorganise SiteTree objects.

CMSMain::canOrganiseTree() — Method in class CMSMain

Whether the current member has the permission to reorganise SiteTree objects.

CMSMain::collateDescendants() — Method in class CMSMain

Find IDs of all descendant pages for the provided ID lists.

CMSMain::childfilter() — Method in class CMSMain

Callback to request the list of page types allowed under a given page instance.

CMSMain::currentPageID() — Method in class CMSMain

Identifier for the currently shown record, in most cases a database ID. Inspects the following sources (in this order):

  • GET/POST parameter named 'ID'
  • URL parameter named 'ID'
  • Session value namespaced by classname, e.g. "CMSMain.currentPage"
CMSMain::currentRecordID() — Method in class CMSMain

Identifier for the currently shown record, in most cases a database ID. Inspects the following sources (in this order):

  • GET/POST parameter named 'ID'
  • URL parameter named 'ID'
  • Session value namespaced by classname, e.g. "CMSMain.currentPage"
CMSPageAddControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
CMSPageEditControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
CMSPageSettingsControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
CMSPagesControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
CMSSiteTreeFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Base class for filtering the subtree for certain node statuses.

$ CMSSiteTreeFilter#childrenMethodProperty in class CMSSiteTreeFilter
CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Gets all pages which have changed on stage.

CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Works a bit different than the other filters: Shows all pages including those deleted from stage and live.

$ CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages#childrenMethodProperty in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages
CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

This filter will display the SiteTree as a site visitor might see the site, i.e only the pages that is currently published.

$ CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPages#childrenMethodProperty in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_PublishedPages
CMSSiteTreeFilter_SearchClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers
CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Filters pages which have a status "Deleted".

$ CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPages#childrenMethodProperty in class CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDeletedPages
CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusDraftPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Filters pages which have a status "Draft".

CMSSiteTreeFilter_StatusRemovedFromDraftPagesClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

Filters pages which have a status "Removed from Draft".

ContentControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Controllers

The most common kind of controller; effectively a controller linked to a DataObject.

$ ContentController#castingProperty in class ContentController
ContentController::ChildrenOf() — Method in class ContentController

Return the children of a given page. The parent reference can either be a page link or an ID.

ContentController::ContentLocale() — Method in class ContentController

Returns an RFC1766 compliant locale string, e.g. 'fr-CA'.

ModelAsController::controller_for() — Method in class ModelAsController

Get the appropriate ContentController} for handling a {@link SiteTree object, link it to the object and return it.

$ RootURLController#cached_homepage_linkProperty in class RootURLController
SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_CMSLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

CurrentPageIdentifierClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Model

This interface lets us set up objects that will tell us what the current page is.

CurrentPageIdentifier::currentPageID() — Method in class CurrentPageIdentifier

Get the current page ID.

$ RedirectorPage#class_descriptionProperty in class RedirectorPage
RedirectorPage::ContentSource() — Method in class RedirectorPage

Returns this page if the redirect is external, otherwise returns the target page or file.

$ SiteTree#can_be_rootProperty in class SiteTree

Controls whether a page can be in the root of the site tree.

$ SiteTree#controller_nameProperty in class SiteTree

You can define the class of the controller that maps to your SiteTree object here if you don't want to rely on the magic of appending Controller to the Classname

$ SiteTree#cms_edit_ownerProperty in class SiteTree

The class of the LeftAndMain controller where this class is managed.

$ SiteTree#cascade_deletesProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#castingProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#can_createProperty in class SiteTree

If this is false, the class cannot be created in the CMS by regular content authors, only by ADMINs.

$ SiteTree#create_default_pagesProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#creatableChildrenCacheProperty in class SiteTree
$ SiteTree#ContentProperty in class SiteTree

HTML content of the page.

SiteTree::CMSEditLink() — Method in class SiteTree

Generates a link to edit this page in the CMS.

SiteTree::can() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can execute this action. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canAddChildren() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can add children to this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canView() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can view this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canPublish() — Method in class SiteTree

Check if this page can be published

SiteTree::canDelete() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can delete this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canCreate() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can create new pages of this class, regardless of class. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::canEdit() — Method in class SiteTree

This function should return true if the current user can edit this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an application.

SiteTree::collateDescendants() — Method in class SiteTree

Collate selected descendants of this page.

SiteTree::ContentSource() — Method in class SiteTree

Returns the object that contains the content that a user would associate with this page.

SiteTree::creatableChildPages() — Method in class SiteTree

Gets a list of the page types that can be created under this specific page, including font icons

SiteTree::CMSTreeClasses() — Method in class SiteTree

Return the CSS classes to apply to this node in the CMS tree.

SiteTree::classDescription() — Method in class SiteTree

Get description for this page type

SiteTreeExtension::canAddChildren() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Hook called to determine if a user may add children to this SiteTree object

SiteTreeExtension::canPublish() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

Hook called to determine if a user may publish this SiteTree object

$ VirtualPage#class_descriptionProperty in class VirtualPage
$ VirtualPage#CopyContentFromIDProperty in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::ContentSource() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::canPublish() — Method in class VirtualPage

We can only publish the page if there is a published source page

VirtualPage::CMSTreeClasses() — Method in class VirtualPage
VirtualPage::castingHelper() — Method in class VirtualPage

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object.

VirtualPage::CopyContentFrom() — Method in class VirtualPage
BrokenFilesReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenFilesReport
BrokenLinksReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenLinksReport
BrokenRedirectorPagesReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenRedirectorPagesReport
BrokenVirtualPagesReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenVirtualPagesReport
EmptyPagesReport::columns() — Method in class EmptyPagesReport
RecentlyEditedReport::columns() — Method in class RecentlyEditedReport
ContentControllerSearchExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Search

Extension to provide a search interface when applied to ContentController

$ SearchForm#classesToSearchProperty in class SearchForm

Classes to search

$ SearchForm#castingProperty in class SearchForm
SearchForm::classesToSearch() — Method in class SearchForm

Set the classes to search.

$ AddToCampaignHandler#controllerProperty in class AddToCampaignHandler

Parent controller for this form

CampaignAdminClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin

Campaign section of the CMS

CampaignAdmin::campaignEditForm() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Url handler for edit form

CampaignAdmin::campaignCreateForm() — Method in class CampaignAdmin

Url handler for create form

CampaignAdminExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin
CampaignAdminListClass in namespace SilverStripe\CampaignAdmin

Warning: Volatile API as placeholder for standard "GridField"

CachedConfigCollectionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Collections
$ CachedConfigCollection#cacheProperty in class CachedConfigCollection
$ CachedConfigCollection#collectionProperty in class CachedConfigCollection

Nested config to delegate to

$ CachedConfigCollection#collectionCreatorProperty in class CachedConfigCollection
CachedConfigCollection::create() — Method in class CachedConfigCollection
ConfigCollectionInterfaceClass in namespace SilverStripe\Config\Collections

This represents a collection of config keys and values.

DeltaConfigCollection::createFromCollection() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Create a delta collection from a parent collection

DeltaConfigCollection::clearDeltas() — Method in class DeltaConfigCollection

Remove all deltas for the given class and/or key combination

$ MemoryConfigCollection#configProperty in class MemoryConfigCollection

Stores a list of key/value config prior to middleware being applied

$ MemoryConfigCollection#callCacheProperty in class MemoryConfigCollection

Call cache for non-trivial config calls including middleware

MemoryConfigCollection::create() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection
MemoryConfigCollection::checkForDeprecatedConfig() — Method in class MemoryConfigCollection
$ DeltaMiddleware#collectionProperty in class DeltaMiddleware

Source for deltas

MiddlewareAware::callMiddleware() — Method in class MiddlewareAware

Call middleware to get decorated class config

$ PrivateStaticTransformer#classesProperty in class PrivateStaticTransformer
YamlTransformer::create() — Method in class YamlTransformer
YamlTransformer::calculateDependencies() — Method in class YamlTransformer

This generates an array of all document depndencies, keyed by document name.

ContentReviewCompatabilityClass in namespace SilverStripe\ContentReview\Compatibility

This is a helper class which lets us do things with content review data without subsites messing our SQL queries up.

ContentReviewCMSExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ContentReview\Extensions

CMSPageEditController extension to receive the additional action button from SiteTreeContentReview::updateCMSActions()

ContentReviewDefaultSettingsClass in namespace SilverStripe\ContentReview\Extensions

This extensions add a default schema for new pages and pages without a content review setting.

$ ContentReviewDefaultSettings#content_review_templateProperty in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings

Template to use for content review emails.

ContentReviewDefaultSettings::ContentReviewOwners() — Method in class ContentReviewDefaultSettings

Get all Members that are default Content Owners. This includes checking group hierarchy and adding any direct users.

ContentReviewLeftAndMainExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\ContentReview\Extensions
ContentReviewOwnerClass in namespace SilverStripe\ContentReview\Extensions
$ SiteTreeContentReview#ContentReviewTypeProperty in class SiteTreeContentReview
SiteTreeContentReview::ContentReviewOwners() — Method in class SiteTreeContentReview

Get all Members that are Content Owners to this page. This includes checking group hierarchy and adding any direct users.

SiteTreeContentReview::canBeReviewedBy() — Method in class SiteTreeContentReview

Check if a review is due by a member for this owner.

$ ReviewContentHandler#controllerProperty in class ReviewContentHandler

Parent controller for this form

ReviewContentHandler::canSubmitReview() — Method in class ReviewContentHandler

Determine whether the user can submit a review

ContentReviewNotificationJobClass in namespace SilverStripe\ContentReview\Jobs

Allows the content review module to use the optional queued jobs module to automatically process content review emails. If the module isn't installed, nothing is done - SilverStripe will never include this class declaration.

ContentReviewLogClass in namespace SilverStripe\ContentReview\Models
ContentReviewLog::canView() — Method in class ContentReviewLog
PagesDueForReviewReport::columns() — Method in class PagesDueForReviewReport
PagesWithoutReviewScheduleReport::columns() — Method in class PagesWithoutReviewScheduleReport
ContentReviewEmailsClass in namespace SilverStripe\ContentReview\Tasks

Daily task to send emails to the owners of content items when the review date rolls around.

ContentReviewOwnerMigrationTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\ContentReview\Tasks

Task which migrates the ContentReview Module's SiteTree->OwnerID column to a new column name.

CLIRequestBuilderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

CLI specific request building logic

CLIRequestBuilder::cleanEnvironment() — Method in class CLIRequestBuilder

Clean up HTTP global vars for $_GET / $_REQUEST prior to bootstrapping

CLIRequestBuilder::createFromVariables() — Method in class CLIRequestBuilder
CliControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Base class invoked from CLI rather than the webserver (Cron jobs, handling email bounces).

ContentNegotiatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

The content negotiator performs "text/html" or "application/xhtml+xml" switching. It does this through the public static function ContentNegotiator::process(). By default, ContentNegotiator will comply to the Accept headers the clients sends along with the HTTP request, which is most likely "application/xhtml+xml" (see "Order of selection" below).

$ ContentNegotiator#content_typeProperty in class ContentNegotiator
$ ContentNegotiator#current_enabledProperty in class ContentNegotiator
ControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

Controllers are the cornerstone of all site functionality in SilverStripe. The Director selects a controller to pass control to, and then calls handleRequest(). This method will execute the appropriate action - either by calling the action method, or displaying the action's template.

$ Controller#controller_stackProperty in class Controller

Stack of current controllers. Controller::$controller_stack[0] is the current controller.

Controller::curr() — Method in class Controller

Returns the current controller.

Controller::can() — Method in class Controller

Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action. Defaults to the currently logged in user.

CookieClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

A set of static methods for manipulating cookies.

CookieJarClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

A default backend for the setting and getting of cookies

$ CookieJar#currentProperty in class CookieJar

Hold the current cookies (ie: a mix of those that were sent to us and we have set without the ones we've cleared)

Cookie_BackendClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control

The Cookie_Backend interface for use with Cookie::$inst.

Director::currentRequest() — Method in class Director

Helper to validate or check the current request object

$ Email#cc_all_emails_toProperty in class Email
TransportFactory::create() — Method in class TransportFactory

Creates a new service instance.

HTTPRequestBuilder::createFromEnvironment() — Method in class HTTPRequestBuilder

Create HTTPRequest instance from the current environment variables.

HTTPRequestBuilder::createFromVariables() — Method in class HTTPRequestBuilder

Build HTTPRequest from given variables

HTTPRequestBuilder::cleanEnvironment() — Method in class HTTPRequestBuilder

Clean up HTTP global vars for $_GET / $_REQUEST prior to bootstrapping

$ HTTPStreamResponse#consumedProperty in class HTTPStreamResponse

Set to true if this stream has been consumed.

HTTPStreamResponse::consumeStream() — Method in class HTTPStreamResponse

Safely consume the stream

CanonicalURLMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Implements the following URL normalisation rules

  • redirect basic auth requests to HTTPS
  • force WWW, redirect to the subdomain "www."
  • force SSL, redirect to https
  • force the correct path (with vs without trailing slash)
ChangeDetectionMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Handles internal change detection via etag / ifmodifiedsince headers, conditionally sending a 304 not modified if possible.

ConfirmationMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware

Checks whether user manual confirmation is required for HTTPRequest depending on the rules given.

$ ConfirmationMiddleware#confirmationIdProperty in class ConfirmationMiddleware

The confirmation storage identifier

$ ConfirmationMiddleware#confirmationFormUrlProperty in class ConfirmationMiddleware

Confirmation form URL WARNING: excluding SS_BASE_URL

ConfirmationMiddleware::canBypass() — Method in class ConfirmationMiddleware

Check whether the rules can be bypassed without user confirmation

ConfirmationMiddleware::confirmedEffect() — Method in class ConfirmationMiddleware

The middleware own effects that should be performed on confirmation

AjaxBypass::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class AjaxBypass

Returns true for AJAX requests

Bypass::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class Bypass

Check the request for whether we can bypass the confirmation

CliBypassClass in namespace SilverStripe\Control\Middleware\ConfirmationMiddleware

Allows a bypass when the request has been run in CLI mode

CliBypass::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class CliBypass

Returns true if the current process is running in CLI mode

EnvironmentBypass::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class EnvironmentBypass

Checks whether the current environment type in the list of allowed ones

GetParameter::checkRequestHasParameter() — Method in class GetParameter

Check request contains the GET parameter

GetParameter::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class GetParameter

Check the request for whether we can bypass the confirmation

HttpMethodBypass::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class HttpMethodBypass

Returns true if the current process is running in CLI mode

Url::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class Url

Check the request for whether we can bypass the confirmation

Url::checkRequest() — Method in class Url

Match the request against the rules

Url::checkPath() — Method in class Url

Checks the given path by the rules and returns true if it is matching

UrlPathStartswith::checkPath() — Method in class UrlPathStartswith

Checks the given path by the rules and returns whether it should be protected

UrlPathStartswith::checkRequestForBypass() — Method in class UrlPathStartswith

Check the request for whether we can bypass the confirmation

UrlPathStartswithCaseInsensitive::checkPath() — Method in class UrlPathStartswithCaseInsensitive

Checks the given path by the rules and returns whether it should be protected

HTTPCacheControlMiddleware::combineVary() — Method in class HTTPCacheControlMiddleware

Combine vary strings/arrays into a single array, or normalise a single vary

HTTPMiddlewareAware::callMiddleware() — Method in class HTTPMiddlewareAware

Call middleware

URLSpecialsMiddleware::confirmedEffect() — Method in class URLSpecialsMiddleware

The middleware own effects that should be performed on confirmation

$ PjaxResponseNegotiator#callbacksProperty in class PjaxResponseNegotiator

See respond()

$ RSSFeed#castingProperty in class RSSFeed

Casting information for this object's methods.

RequestHandler::checkAccessAction() — Method in class RequestHandler

Check that the given action is allowed to be called from a URL.

$ Session#cookie_domainProperty in class Session
$ Session#cookie_pathProperty in class Session
$ Session#cookie_secureProperty in class Session
$ Session#cookie_name_secureProperty in class Session
$ Session#cookie_samesiteProperty in class Session

Must be "Strict", "Lax", or "None".

$ Session#changedDataProperty in class Session

List of keys changed. This is a nested array which represents the keys modified in $this->data. The value of each item is either "true" or a nested array.

Session::clear() — Method in class Session

Clear session value

Session::clearAll() — Method in class Session

Clear all values

Session::changedData() — Method in class Session

Returns the list of changed keys

IPUtils::checkIP() — Method in class IPUtils

Checks if an IPv4 or IPv6 address is contained in the list of given IPs or subnets.

IPUtils::checkIP4() — Method in class IPUtils

Compares two IPv4 addresses.

IPUtils::checkIP6() — Method in class IPUtils

Compares two IPv6 addresses.

$ BaseKernel#containerProperty in class BaseKernel
$ BaseKernel#classLoaderProperty in class BaseKernel
$ BaseKernel#configLoaderProperty in class BaseKernel
ApcuCacheFactory::create() — Method in class ApcuCacheFactory
CacheFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Cache
CacheFactory::create() — Method in class CacheFactory

Note: While the returned object is used as a singleton (by the originating Injector->get() call), this cache object shouldn't be a singleton itself - it has varying constructor args for the same service name.

DefaultCacheFactory::create() — Method in class DefaultCacheFactory
DefaultCacheFactory::createCache() — Method in class DefaultCacheFactory

Creates an object with a PSR-16 interface, usually from a PSR-6 class name

FilesystemCacheFactory::create() — Method in class FilesystemCacheFactory
ManifestCacheFactory::create() — Method in class ManifestCacheFactory

Note: While the returned object is used as a singleton (by the originating Injector->get() call), this cache object shouldn't be a singleton itself - it has varying constructor args for the same service name.

MemcachedCacheFactory::create() — Method in class MemcachedCacheFactory
RateLimiter::clearAttempts() — Method in class RateLimiter
RateLimiter::canAccess() — Method in class RateLimiter
ClassInfoClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Provides introspection information about the class tree.

ClassInfo::class_name() — Method in class ClassInfo

Convert a class name in any case and return it as it was defined in PHP

ClassInfo::classImplements() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns true if the given class implements the given interface

ClassInfo::classes_for_file() — Method in class ClassInfo

Get all classes contained in a file.

ClassInfo::classes_for_folder() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns all classes contained in a certain folder.

ClassInfo::classesWithExtension() — Method in class ClassInfo

Returns a list of classes with a particular extension applied

ConfigClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config
ConfigLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config

Registers config sources via ConfigCollectionInterface

ConfigLoader::countManifests() — Method in class ConfigLoader

Check number of manifests

Config_ForClassClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config
$ Config_ForClass#classProperty in class Config_ForClass
ConfigurableClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config

Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.

Configurable::config() — Method in class Configurable

Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).

CoreConfigFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Config

Factory for silverstripe configs

$ CoreConfigFactory#cacheFactoryProperty in class CoreConfigFactory
CoreConfigFactory::createRoot() — Method in class CoreConfigFactory

Create root application config.

CoreConfigFactory::createCore() — Method in class CoreConfigFactory

Rebuild new uncached config, which is mutable

ConvertClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Library of conversion functions, implemented as static methods.

CoreKernelClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Simple Kernel container

CustomMethodsClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core

Allows an object to declare a set of custom methods

Extension::clearOwner() — Method in class Extension

Clear the current owner, and restore extension to the state prior to the last setOwner()

Factory::create() — Method in class Factory

Creates a new service instance.

Injectable::create() — Method in class Injectable

An implementation of the factory method, allows you to create an instance of a class

InjectionCreator::create() — Method in class InjectionCreator

Create a new instance of a class

$ Injector#configLocatorProperty in class Injector

Locator for determining Config properties for services

Injector::convertServiceProperty() — Method in class Injector

Recursively convert a value into its proper representation with service references resolved to actual objects

Injector::create() — Method in class Injector

Similar to get() but always returns a new object of the given type

Injector::createWithArgs() — Method in class Injector

Creates an object with the supplied argument array

InjectorLoader::countManifests() — Method in class InjectorLoader

Check number of manifests

$ SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator#configsProperty in class SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator

List of Injector configurations cached from Config in class => config format.

SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator::configFor() — Method in class SilverStripeServiceConfigurationLocator

Retrieves the config for a named service without performing a hierarchy walk

ClassContentRemoverClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

Class ClassContentRemover

ClassLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

A class that handles loading classes and interfaces from a class manifest instance.

ClassManifestClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

A utility class which builds a manifest of all classes, interfaces and caches it.

$ ClassManifest#cacheFactoryProperty in class ClassManifest

Used to build cache during boot

$ ClassManifest#cacheProperty in class ClassManifest

Cache to use, if caching.

$ ClassManifest#cacheKeyProperty in class ClassManifest

Key to use for the top level cache of all items

$ ClassManifest#classesProperty in class ClassManifest

Map of lowercase class names to paths

$ ClassManifest#classNamesProperty in class ClassManifest

Map of lowercase class names to case-correct names

$ ClassManifest#childrenProperty in class ClassManifest

List of direct children for any class.

ClassManifest::coalesceDescendants() — Method in class ClassManifest

Recursively coalesces direct child information into full descendant information.

ClassManifestErrorHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest

Error handler which throws, but retains the original path context.

ClassManifestVisitorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Manifest
$ Module#composerDataProperty in class Module

Cache of composer data

ModuleLoader::countManifests() — Method in class ModuleLoader

Check number of manifests

$ ModuleManifest#cacheKeyProperty in class ModuleManifest

A string to prepend to all cache keys to ensure all keys are unique to just this $base

$ ModuleManifest#cacheFactoryProperty in class ModuleManifest

Factory to use to build cache

$ ModuleManifest#cacheProperty in class ModuleManifest
CallbackFlushDiscovererClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Startup

Handle a callable object as a discoverer

$ CallbackFlushDiscoverer#callbackProperty in class CallbackFlushDiscoverer

Callback incapsulating the discovery logic

CompositeFlushDiscovererClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Startup

Implements the composite over flush discoverers

ConstraintValidatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Core\Validation

Helper class to abstract away wiring up symfony/validator and getting ValidationResult from validating symfony validator constraints.

CronTaskControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\CronTask\Controllers

This is the controller that finds, checks and process all crontasks

CronTaskStatusClass in namespace SilverStripe\CronTask

Record status of each cron task execution

CronTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\CronTask\Interfaces

By implementing this interface a /dev/cron will be able to start in on the expression that you return frmo getSchedule();

BehatFixtureFactory::createObject() — Method in class BehatFixtureFactory

Writes the fixture into the database using DataObjects

$ BulkLoader#columnMapProperty in class BulkLoader

Map columns to DataObject-properties.

$ BulkLoader_Result#createdProperty in class BulkLoader_Result

Stores a map of ID and ClassNames which can be reconstructed to DataObjects.

BulkLoader_Result::Count() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result

Returns the count of all objects which were created or updated.

BulkLoader_Result::CreatedCount() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result
BulkLoader_Result::Created() — Method in class BulkLoader_Result

Returns all created objects. Each object might contain specific importer feedback in the "_BulkLoaderMessage" property.

CLIClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Class to facilitate command-line output.

CSSContentParserClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

CSSContentParser enables parsing & assertion running of HTML content via CSS selectors.

CliDebugViewClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

A basic HTML wrapper for stylish rendering of a development info view.

SSListContains::checkIfItemEvaluatesRemainingMatches() — Method in class SSListContains
CsvBulkLoaderClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev

Utility class to facilitate complex CSV-imports by defining column-mappings and custom converters.

Debug::caller() — Method in class Debug

Returns the caller for a specific method

Debug::create_debug_view() — Method in class Debug

Create an instance of an appropriate DebugView object.

$ DebugView#columnsProperty in class DebugView

Column size to wrap long strings to

DevBuildController::canInit() — Method in class DevBuildController
DevConfigController::canInit() — Method in class DevConfigController
DevelopmentAdmin::canViewAll() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin
$ FixtureBlueprint#classProperty in class FixtureBlueprint
$ FixtureBlueprint#callbacksProperty in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureBlueprint::createObject() — Method in class FixtureBlueprint
FixtureFactory::createObject() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Writes the fixture into the database using DataObjects

FixtureFactory::createRaw() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Writes the fixture into the database directly using a database manipulation.

FixtureFactory::clear() — Method in class FixtureFactory

Remove all fixtures previously defined through createObject() or createRaw(), both from the internal fixture mapping and the database.

$ FunctionalTest#cssParserProperty in class FunctionalTest

CSSContentParser for the most recently requested page.

FunctionalTest::content() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Return the most recent content

FunctionalTest::cssParser() — Method in class FunctionalTest

Return a CSSContentParser for the most recent content.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::createConnection() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Create a connection of the appropriate type

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::column() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Helper function to quickly extract a column from a mysqi_result

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::checkValidDatabaseName() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Determines if a given database name is a valid Silverstripe name.

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::checkDatabasePermissionGrant() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Checks if a specified grant proves that the current user has the specified permission on the specified database

MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::checkDatabasePermission() — Method in class MySQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper

Checks if the current user has the specified permission on the specified database

$ SapphireTest#cache_generatedMembersProperty in class SapphireTest

Cache for logInWithPermission()

SapphireTest::currentTestEnablesDatabase() — Method in class SapphireTest

Helper method to check, if the current test uses the database.

SapphireTest::currentTestDisablesDatabase() — Method in class SapphireTest

Helper method to check, if the current test uses the database.

SapphireTest::clearFixtures() — Method in class SapphireTest

Clear all fixtures which were previously loaded through loadFixture()

SapphireTest::clearEmails() — Method in class SapphireTest

Clear the log of emails sent

SapphireTest::createMemberWithPermission() — Method in class SapphireTest

Create Member and Group objects on demand with specific permission code

SapphireTest::createInvalidArgumentException() — Method in class SapphireTest

Reimplementation of phpunit5 PHPUnit_Util_InvalidArgumentHelper::factory()

$ TaskRunner#cssProperty in class TaskRunner
TaskRunner::canViewAllTasks() — Method in class TaskRunner
TaskRunner::canInit() — Method in class TaskRunner
CleanupTestDatabasesTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\Dev\Tasks

Cleans up leftover databases from aborted test executions (starting with ss_tmpdb) Task is restricted to users with administrator rights or running through CLI.

CleanupTestDatabasesTask::canView() — Method in class CleanupTestDatabasesTask
TestMailer::createData() — Method in class TestMailer
TestMailer::clearEmails() — Method in class TestMailer

Clear the log of emails sent

$ TestSession#controllerProperty in class TestSession

Necessary to use the mock session created in session in the normal controller stack, e.g. to overwrite Security::getCurrentUser() with custom login data.

TestSession::cssParser() — Method in class TestSession

Return a CSSContentParser containing the most recent response

RelationValidationService::clearErrors() — Method in class RelationValidationService
$ ServiceConnector#chosenFolderIDProperty in class ServiceConnector
$ DynamoDbSession#clientProperty in class DynamoDbSession
BannerBlock::CallToActionLink() — Method in class BannerBlock

Used for the frontend templates, returns a parsed set of data

CacheHeadersCheckClass in namespace SilverStripe\EnvironmentCheck\Checks

Check cache headers for any response, can specify directives that must be included and also must be excluded from Cache-Control headers in response. Also checks for existence of ETag.

CacheHeadersCheck::check() — Method in class CacheHeadersCheck

Check that correct caching headers are present.

$ DatabaseCheck#checkTableProperty in class DatabaseCheck
DatabaseCheck::check() — Method in class DatabaseCheck
EnvTypeCheck::check() — Method in class EnvTypeCheck

Check the environment setting.

ExternalURLCheck::check() — Method in class ExternalURLCheck
$ FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck#checkTypeProperty in class FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck

Constant, check for a single file to match age criteria, or all of them.

FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck::check() — Method in class FileAccessibilityAndValidationCheck
$ FileAgeCheck#checkFnProperty in class FileAgeCheck

The function to use for checking file age: so filemtime(), filectime(), or fileatime().

$ FileAgeCheck#checkTypeProperty in class FileAgeCheck

Constant, check for a single file to match age criteria, or all of them.

$ FileAgeCheck#compareOperandProperty in class FileAgeCheck

Type of comparison (either > or <).

FileAgeCheck::check() — Method in class FileAgeCheck
FileWriteableCheck::check() — Method in class FileWriteableCheck
$ HasClassCheck#classNameProperty in class HasClassCheck
HasClassCheck::check() — Method in class HasClassCheck
HasFunctionCheck::check() — Method in class HasFunctionCheck
SMTPConnectCheck::check() — Method in class SMTPConnectCheck
SessionCheck::check() — Method in class SessionCheck

Check that the response for URL does not create a session

SolrIndexCheck::check() — Method in class SolrIndexCheck
URLCheck::check() — Method in class URLCheck
EnvironmentCheck::check() — Method in class EnvironmentCheck
$ EnvironmentCheckSuite#checksProperty in class EnvironmentCheckSuite
EnvironmentCheckSuite::checkInstances() — Method in class EnvironmentCheckSuite

Get instances of all the environment checks.

$ EnvironmentChecker#checkSuiteNameProperty in class EnvironmentChecker
EnvironmentChecker::canAccess() — Method in class EnvironmentChecker

Determine if the current member can access the environment checker

ClientFactoryClass in namespace SilverStripe\EnvironmentCheck\Services

Factory class for creating HTTP client which are injected into some env check classes. Inject via YAML, arguments for Guzzle client can be supplied using "constructor" property or set as default_config.

ClientFactory::create() — Method in class ClientFactory

Wrapper to create a Guzzle client.

$ Fetcher#clientProperty in class Fetcher

Client for making requests, set vi Injector.

$ ErrorPage#class_descriptionProperty in class ErrorPage
ErrorPage::canAddChildren() — Method in class ErrorPage
CMSExternalLinksControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\ExternalLinks\Controllers
CheckExternalLinksJobClass in namespace SilverStripe\ExternalLinks\Jobs

A Job for running a external link check for published pages

BrokenExternalLink::canEdit() — Method in class BrokenExternalLink
BrokenExternalLink::canView() — Method in class BrokenExternalLink
$ BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus#CompletedPagesProperty in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus

Get completed pages count

BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus::create_status() — Method in class BrokenExternalPageTrackStatus

Create and prepare a new status

BrokenExternalLinksReport::columns() — Method in class BrokenExternalLinksReport
CheckExternalLinksTaskClass in namespace SilverStripe\ExternalLinks\Tasks
CheckExternalLinksTask::checkPageLink() — Method in class CheckExternalLinksTask

Check the status of a single link on a page

CurlLinkCheckerClass in namespace SilverStripe\ExternalLinks\Tasks

Check links using curl

CurlLinkChecker::checkLink() — Method in class CurlLinkChecker

Determine the http status code for a given link

LinkChecker::checkLink() — Method in class LinkChecker

Determine the http status code for a given link

CheckboxFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Single checkbox field.

CheckboxField_ReadonlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Readonly version of a checkbox field - "Yes" or "No".

CheckboxSetFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Displays a set of checkboxes as a logical group.

CompositeFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Base class for all fields that contain other fields.

$ CompositeField#childrenProperty in class CompositeField
$ CompositeField#columnCountProperty in class CompositeField
CompositeField::collateDataFields() — Method in class CompositeField

Add all of the non-composite fields contained within this field to the list.

CompositeValidatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

CompositeValidator can contain between 0 and many different types of Validators. Each Validator is itself still responsible for Validating its form and generating its ValidationResult.

CompositeValidator::canBeCached() — Method in class CompositeValidator

Each Validator is aware of whether or not it can be cached. If even one Validator cannot be cached, then the CompositeValidator as a whole also cannot be cached.

ConfirmedPasswordFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Two masked input fields, checks for matching passwords.

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#canBeEmptyProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Allow empty fields when entering the password for the first time If this is set to true then a random password may be generated if the field is empty depending on the value of $ConfirmedPasswordField::generateRandomPasswordOnEmtpy

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#confirmValueProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

A place to temporarily store the confirm password value

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#currentPasswordValueProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Store value of "Current Password" field

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#childrenProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField

Child fields (_Password, _ConfirmPassword)

$ ConfirmedPasswordField#confirmPasswordfieldProperty in class ConfirmedPasswordField
CurrencyFieldClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Renders a text field, validating its input as a currency.

CurrencyField_DisabledClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Readonly version of a CurrencyField.

CurrencyField_ReadonlyClass in namespace SilverStripe\Forms

Readonly version of a CurrencyField.

$ FieldList#containerFieldProperty in class FieldList

If this fieldlist is owned by a parent field (e.g. CompositeField) this is the parent field.

FieldList::changeFieldOrder() — Method in class FieldList

Change the order of fields in this FieldList by specifying an ordered list of field names.

FieldsValidator::canBeCached() — Method in class FieldsValidator

When Validators are set on the form, it can affect whether or not the form cannot be cached.

FileUploadReceiver::constructFileUploadReceiver() — Method in class FileUploadReceiver
$ Form#controllerProperty in class Form

Parent (optional) request handler

$ Form#castingProperty in class Form
Form::clearFormState() — Method in class Form

Flush persistent form state details

Form::clearMessage() — Method in class Form

Clear form message (and in session)

Form::castingHelper() — Method in class Form

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

Form::canBeCached() — Method in class Form

Can the body of this form be cached?

$ FormAction#castingProperty in class FormAction
$ FormField#containerFieldListProperty in class FormField

Stores a reference to the FieldList that contains this object.

$ FormField#customValidationMessageProperty in class FormField

Custom validation message for the field.

$ FormField#castingProperty in class FormField
FormField::castingHelper() — Method in class FormField

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

FormField::castedCopy() — Method in class FormField

Returns another instance of this field, but "cast" to a different class. The logic tries to retain all of the instance properties, and may be overloaded by subclasses to set additional ones.

FormField::canSubmitValue() — Method in class FormField

Determine if the value of this formfield accepts front-end submitted values and is saveable.

FormRequestHandler::checkAccessAction() — Method in class FormRequestHandler
FormRequestHandler::checkFieldsForAction() — Method in class FormRequestHandler

Fields can have action to, let's check if anyone of the responds to $funcname them

$ GridField#configProperty in class GridField
$ GridField#componentsProperty in class GridField

Components list.

$ GridField#columnDispatchProperty in class GridField

Internal dispatcher for column handlers.

$ GridField#customDataFieldsProperty in class GridField

Map of callbacks for custom data fields.

$ GridFieldConfig#componentsProperty in class GridFieldConfig
GridFieldDataColumns::castValue() — Method in class GridFieldDataColumns

Casts a field to a string which is safe to insert into HTML

$ GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest#componentProperty in class GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest
$ GridFieldExportButton#csvSeparatorProperty in class GridFieldExportButton
$ GridFieldExportButton#csvEnclosureProperty in class GridFieldExportButton
$ GridFieldExportButton#csvHasHeaderProperty in class GridFieldExportButton
GridFieldFilterHeader::checkDataType() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Check that this dataList is of the right data type.

GridFieldFilterHeader::canFilterAnyColumns() — Method in class GridFieldFilterHeader

Returns whether this GridField has any columns to filter on at all

GridFieldGroupDeleteAction::canUnlink() — Method in class GridFieldGroupDeleteAction
$ GridFieldLevelup#currentIDProperty in class GridFieldLevelup
GridFieldPaginator::checkDataType() — Method in class GridFieldPaginator

Check that this dataList is of the right data type.

GridFieldSortableHeader::checkDataType() — Method in class GridFieldSortableHeader

Check that this dataList is of the right data type.

$ HTMLEditorConfig#configsProperty in class HTMLEditorConfig

Array of registered configurations

$ HTMLEditorConfig#currentProperty in class HTMLEditorConfig

Identifier key of current config. This will match an array key in $configs.

$ HTMLEditorConfig#current_themesProperty in class HTMLEditorConfig

List of the current themes set for this config

$ HTMLEditorField#castingProperty in class HTMLEditorField
$ HTMLEditorField_Readonly#castingProperty in class HTMLEditorField_Readonly
TinyMCECombinedGenerator::checkName() — Method in class TinyMCECombinedGenerator

Check if this config is registered under a given key

$ TinyMCEConfig#contentCSSProperty in class TinyMCEConfig

List of content css files to use for this instance, or null to default to editor_css config.

$ HTMLReadonlyField#castingProperty in class HTMLReadonlyField
$ LiteralField#castingProperty in class LiteralField
$ LiteralField#contentProperty in class LiteralField
MultiSelectField::csvEncode() — Method in class MultiSelectField

Encode a list of values into a string as a comma separated list.

MultiSelectField::csvDecode() — Method in class MultiSelectField

Decode a list of values from a comma separated string.

NumericField::cast() — Method in class NumericField

Helper to cast non-localised strings to their native type

$ PopoverField#castProperty in class PopoverField
ReadonlyField::castingHelper() — Method in class ReadonlyField

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

RequiredFields::canBeCached() — Method in class RequiredFields
AbstractSegmentFieldModifier::create() — Method in class AbstractSegmentFieldModifier
SelectField::castedCopy() — Method in class SelectField

Returns another instance of this field, but "cast" to a different class. The logic tries to retain all of the instance properties, and may be overloaded by subclasses to set additional ones.

SingleSelectField::castedCopy() — Method in class SingleSelectField

Returns another instance of this field, but "cast" to a different class. The logic tries to retain all of the instance properties, and may be overloaded by subclasses to set additional ones.

TabSet::changeTabOrder() — Method in class TabSet

Change the order of tabs which are direct children of this TabSet by specifying an ordered list of tab names.

$ TextareaField#castingProperty in class TextareaField

Value should be XML

$ TextareaField#colsProperty in class TextareaField

Visible number of text columns.

$ TreeDropdownField#childrenMethodProperty in class TreeDropdownField

Default child method in Hierarchy->getChildrenAsUL

$ TreeDropdownField#cacheKeyCacheProperty in class TreeDropdownField
TreeDropdownField::castedCopy() — Method in class TreeDropdownField

Returns another instance of this field, but "cast" to a different class. The logic tries to retain all of the instance properties, and may be overloaded by subclasses to set additional ones.

UploadReceiver::constructUploadReceiver() — Method in class UploadReceiver

Bootstrap Uploadable field

Validator::canBeCached() — Method in class Validator

When Validators are set on the form, it can affect whether or not the form cannot be cached.

ConfigurationClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Config
ControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL

Top level controller for handling graphql requests.

$ Controller#corsProperty in class Controller

Cors default config

$ Controller#corsConfigProperty in class Controller

Override the default cors config per instance

DevelopmentAdmin::canInit() — Method in class DevelopmentAdmin
ClientConfigProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Extensions
CSRFMiddlewareClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Middleware

Adds functionality that checks a request for a token before allowing a mutation to happen. Protects against CSRF attacks

$ HTTPProvider#clientProperty in class HTTPProvider
QueryHandler::callMiddleware() — Method in class QueryHandler

Call middleware to evaluate a graphql query

AbstractBulkLoader::collect() — Method in class AbstractBulkLoader
CollectionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\BulkLoader

Defines a collection of class names paired with file paths

Collection::createFromClassList() — Method in class Collection
ExtensionLoader::collect() — Method in class ExtensionLoader
FilepathLoader::collect() — Method in class FilepathLoader
InheritanceLoader::collect() — Method in class InheritanceLoader
NamespaceLoader::collect() — Method in class NamespaceLoader
CreateCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject

Creates a "create" mutation for a DataObject

CreateCreator::createOperation() — Method in class CreateCreator
DeleteCreator::createOperation() — Method in class DeleteCreator
InheritanceUnionBuilder::createUnions() — Method in class InheritanceUnionBuilder
InterfaceBuilder::createInterfaces() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder
ModelCreator::createModel() — Method in class ModelCreator
CanViewPermissionClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin

A permission checking plugin for DataLists

QueryCollector::collectQueries() — Method in class QueryCollector
QueryCollector::collectQueriesForType() — Method in class QueryCollector
ContainsFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\DataObject\Plugin\QueryFilter\Filters

A filter that selects records that partially match a keyword

ReadCreator::createOperation() — Method in class ReadCreator
ReadOneCreator::createOperation() — Method in class ReadOneCreator
UpdateCreator::createOperation() — Method in class UpdateCreator
ConfigurationApplierClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

Applies an array of config to a class

ContextProviderClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Interfaces

A class that can store a generic array of context

OperationCreator::createOperation() — Method in class OperationCreator
SchemaModelCreatorInterface::createModel() — Method in class SchemaModelCreatorInterface
SchemaStorageCreator::createStore() — Method in class SchemaStorageCreator
SchemaStorageInterface::clear() — Method in class SchemaStorageInterface
Logger::critical() — Method in class Logger
PaginationPlugin::createPaginationResult() — Method in class PaginationPlugin
ComposedResolverClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Resolver

Given a stack of resolver middleware and afterware, compress it into one composed function, passing along the return value.

Schema::createStoreableSchema() — Method in class Schema

Creates a readonly object that can be used by a storage service.

Schema::createModel() — Method in class Schema
SchemaConfig::createModel() — Method in class SchemaConfig
CodeGenerationStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Storage
$ CodeGenerationStore#configFilenameProperty in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStore::clear() — Method in class CodeGenerationStore
CodeGenerationStoreCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Storage
CodeGenerationStoreCreator::createStore() — Method in class CodeGenerationStoreCreator
CanonicalModelAwareClass in namespace SilverStripe\GraphQL\Schema\Type
TypeReference::createFromPath() — Method in class TypeReference
$ GridFieldQueuedExportButton#csvSeparatorProperty in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton
$ GridFieldQueuedExportButton#csvHasHeaderProperty in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton
GridFieldQueuedExportButton::checkExport() — Method in class GridFieldQueuedExportButton

Handle the export, for both the action button and the URL

$ GenerateCSVJob#chunk_sizeProperty in class GenerateCSVJob
CryptoHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\HybridSessions\Crypto
HybridSession::close() — Method in class HybridSession
CookieStoreClass in namespace SilverStripe\HybridSessions\Store

A session store which stores the session data in an encrypted & signed cookie.

$ CookieStore#cryptoProperty in class CookieStore

Encryption service

$ CookieStore#cookieProperty in class CookieStore

Name of cookie

$ CookieStore#currentCookieDataProperty in class CookieStore

Known unmodified value of this cookie. If the cookie backend has been read into the application, then the backend is unable to verify the modification state of this value internally within the system, so this will be left null unless written back.

CookieStore::close() — Method in class CookieStore
CookieStore::canWrite() — Method in class CookieStore

Determine if the session could be verifiably written to cookie storage

DatabaseStore::close() — Method in class DatabaseStore
$ IFramePage#class_descriptionProperty in class IFramePage
LDAPAuthenticator::checkPassword() — Method in class LDAPAuthenticator

Check if the passed password matches the stored one (if the member is not locked out).

LDAPChangePasswordHandler::changePasswordForm() — Method in class LDAPChangePasswordHandler

Factory method for the lost password form

$ LDAPMemberExtension#create_users_in_ldapProperty in class LDAPMemberExtension

If enabled, Member records with a Username field have the user created in LDAP on write.

LDAPIterator::current() — Method in class LDAPIterator
LDAPGateway::changePassword() — Method in class LDAPGateway

Changes user password via LDAP.

LDAPService::createLDAPUser() — Method in class LDAPService

Creates a new LDAP user from the passed Member record.

LDAPService::createLDAPGroup() — Method in class LDAPService

Creates a new LDAP group from the passed Group record.

Link::canView() — Method in class Link
Link::canEdit() — Method in class Link
Link::canDelete() — Method in class Link
Link::canCreate() — Method in class Link
Link::can() — Method in class Link

Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action.

$ GorriecoeMigrationTask#chunk_sizeProperty in class GorriecoeMigrationTask

The number of links to process at once, for operations that operate on each link individually.

$ LinkableMigrationTask#chunk_sizeProperty in class LinkableMigrationTask

The number of links to process at once, for operations that operate on each link individually.

$ MigrationTaskTrait#classes_that_are_not_link_ownersProperty in class MigrationTaskTrait

Classes which should be skipped when finding owners of links.

EnablerExtension::ContentLocale() — Method in class EnablerExtension

Returns an RFC1766 compliant locale string, e.g. 'fr-CA'.

ChangePasswordHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\MFA\Authenticator

Extends the "MemberAuthenticator version of the ChangePasswordHandler in order to allow MFA to be inserted into the flow when an AutoLoginHash is being used - that is when the user has clicked a reset password link in an email after using the "forgot password" functionality.

ChangePasswordHandler::changepassword() — Method in class ChangePasswordHandler

Handle the change password request

MemberExtension::currentUserCanViewMFAConfig() — Method in class MemberExtension

Determines whether the logged in user has sufficient permission to see the MFA config for this Member.

MemberExtension::currentUserCanEditMFAConfig() — Method in class MemberExtension

Determines whether the logged in user has sufficient permission to modify the MFA config for this Member.

EnabledMembers::columns() — Method in class EnabledMembers

List the columns configured to display in the resulting reports GridField

BaseHandlerTrait::createStore() — Method in class BaseHandlerTrait
RegistrationHandlerTrait::createStartRegistrationResponse() — Method in class RegistrationHandlerTrait

Create a response that can be consumed by a front-end for starting a registration

RegistrationHandlerTrait::completeRegistrationRequest() — Method in class RegistrationHandlerTrait

Complete a registration request, returning a result object with a message and context for the result of the registration attempt.

VerificationHandlerTrait::createStartVerificationResponse() — Method in class VerificationHandlerTrait

Create an HTTPResponse that provides information to the client side React MFA app to prompt the user to login with their configured MFA method

VerificationHandlerTrait::completeVerificationRequest() — Method in class VerificationHandlerTrait

Attempt to verify a login attempt provided by the given request

EnforcementManager::canSkipMFA() — Method in class EnforcementManager

Whether the provided member can skip the MFA registration process.

RegisteredMethodManager::canRemoveMethod() — Method in class RegisteredMethodManager

Determines if a method can be removed

$ BackupCode#codeProperty in class BackupCode
$ Result#contextProperty in class Result

Context provided by the handler returning this result

Result::create() — Method in class Result
SessionStore::clear() — Method in class SessionStore

Clear any stored values for the given request

StoreInterface::clear() — Method in class StoreInterface

Clear any stored state for the given request

MimeUploadValidator::compareMime() — Method in class MimeUploadValidator

Check two MIME types roughly match eachother.

ArrayList::count() — Method in class ArrayList

Return the number of items in this list

ArrayList::column() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

ArrayList::columnUnique() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns a unique array of a single field value for all the items in the list

ArrayList::canSortBy() — Method in class ArrayList

You can always sort a ArrayList

ArrayList::canFilterBy() — Method in class ArrayList

Returns true if the given column can be used to filter the records.

CMSPreviewableClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM

Interface to provide enough information about a record to make it previewable through the CMS. It uses the record database ID, its "frontend" and "backend" links to link up the edit form with its preview.

CMSPreviewable::CMSEditLink() — Method in class CMSPreviewable
DBConnector::connect() — Method in class DBConnector

Link this connector to the database given the specified parameters Will throw an exception rather than return a success state.

$ DBSchemaManager#check_and_repair_on_buildProperty in class DBSchemaManager
DBSchemaManager::cancelSchemaUpdate() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Cancels the schema updates requested during (but not after) schemaUpdate() call.

DBSchemaManager::convertIndexSpec() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

This takes the index spec which has been provided by a class (ie static $indexes = blah blah) and turns it into a proper string.

DBSchemaManager::checkAndRepairTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

DBSchemaManager::createDatabase() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Create a database with the specified name

DBSchemaManager::createTable() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Create a new table.

DBSchemaManager::createField() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

Create a new field on a table.

DBSchemaManager::clearCachedFieldlist() — Method in class DBSchemaManager

This allows the cached values for a table's field list to be erased.

$ Database#connectorProperty in class Database

Database connector object

Database::clearAllData() — Method in class Database

Clear all data out of the database

Database::clearTable() — Method in class Database

Clear all data in a given table

Database::comparisonClause() — Method in class Database

Generate a WHERE clause for text matching.

Database::concatOperator() — Method in class Database

String operator for concatenation of strings

Database::canLock() — Method in class Database

Returns if the lock is available.

Database::connect() — Method in class Database

Instruct the database to generate a live connection

$ MySQLDatabase#connection_charsetProperty in class MySQLDatabase

Default connection charset (may be overridden in $databaseConfig)

$ MySQLDatabase#connection_collationProperty in class MySQLDatabase

Default connection collation

$ MySQLDatabase#charsetProperty in class MySQLDatabase

Default charset

$ MySQLDatabase#collationProperty in class MySQLDatabase

Default collation

MySQLDatabase::connect() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Instruct the database to generate a live connection

MySQLDatabase::comparisonClause() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Generate a WHERE clause for text matching.

MySQLDatabase::canLock() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Returns if the lock is available.

MySQLDatabase::clearTable() — Method in class MySQLDatabase

Clear all data in a given table

$ MySQLQuery#columnsProperty in class MySQLQuery

Metadata about the columns of this query

MySQLSchemaManager::createTable() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create a new table.

MySQLSchemaManager::checkAndRepairTable() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

MySQLSchemaManager::createField() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create a new field on a table.

MySQLSchemaManager::createDatabase() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create a database with the specified name

MySQLSchemaManager::createIndex() — Method in class MySQLSchemaManager

Create an index on a table.

$ MySQLStatement#columnsProperty in class MySQLStatement

List of column names

MySQLiConnector::connect() — Method in class MySQLiConnector

Link this connector to the database given the specified parameters Will throw an exception rather than return a success state.

$ NestedTransactionManager#childProperty in class NestedTransactionManager
Query::column() — Method in class Query

Return an array containing all the values from a specific column. If no column is set, then the first will be returned

TempDatabase::clearAllData() — Method in class TempDatabase

Remove all content from the temporary database.

$ DB#connectionsProperty in class DB

The global database connection.

$ DB#configsProperty in class DB

List of configurations for each connection

$ DB#connection_attemptedProperty in class DB

Internal flag to keep track of when db connection was attempted.

DB::connect() — Method in class DB

Specify connection to a database

DB::connection_attempted() — Method in class DB

Returns true if a database connection has been attempted.

DB::create_database() — Method in class DB

Create the database and connect to it. This can be called if the initial database connection is not successful because the database does not exist.

DB::create_table() — Method in class DB

Create a new table.

DB::create_field() — Method in class DB

Create a new field on a table.

DB::check_and_repair_table() — Method in class DB

Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.

DataExtension::can() — Method in class DataExtension

Influence the owner's can() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.

DataExtension::canEdit() — Method in class DataExtension

Influence the owner's canEdit() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.

DataExtension::canDelete() — Method in class DataExtension

Influence the owner's canDelete() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.

DataExtension::canCreate() — Method in class DataExtension

Influence the owner's canCreate() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.

DataList::canSortBy() — Method in class DataList

Returns true if this DataList can be sorted by the given field.

DataList::canFilterBy() — Method in class DataList

Returns true if this DataList can be filtered by the given field.

DataList::createDataObject() — Method in class DataList

Create a DataObject from the given SQL row If called without $row['ID'] set, then a new object will be created rather than rehydrated.

DataList::count() — Method in class DataList

Return the number of items in this DataList

DataList::column() — Method in class DataList

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

DataList::columnUnique() — Method in class DataList

Returns a unique array of a single field value for all items in the list.

DataList::chunkedFetch() — Method in class DataList

Iterate over this DataList in "chunks". This will break the query in smaller subsets and avoid loading the entire result set in memory at once. Beware not to perform any operations on the results that might alter the return order. Otherwise, you might break subsequent chunks.

$ DataObject#class_descriptionProperty in class DataObject

Description of the class.

$ DataObject#componentsProperty in class DataObject

Non-static relationship cache, indexed by component name.

$ DataObject#cascade_deletesProperty in class DataObject

List of relations that should be cascade deleted, similar to owns Note: This will trigger delete on many_many objects, not only the mapping table.

$ DataObject#cascade_duplicatesProperty in class DataObject

List of relations that should be cascade duplicate.

$ DataObject#castingProperty in class DataObject

Use a casting object for a field. This is a map from field name to class name of the casting object.

$ DataObject#create_table_optionsProperty in class DataObject

Specify custom options for a CREATE TABLE call.

$ DataObject#ClassNameProperty in class DataObject

Class name of the DataObject

$ DataObject#CreatedProperty in class DataObject

Date and time of DataObject creation.

DataObject::classDescription() — Method in class DataObject

Get description for this class

DataObject::castedUpdate() — Method in class DataObject

Pass changes as a map, and try to get automatic casting for these fields.

DataObject::castingHelper() — Method in class DataObject

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

DataObject::can() — Method in class DataObject

Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action.

DataObject::canView() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::canEdit() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::canDelete() — Method in class DataObject
DataObject::canCreate() — Method in class DataObject
$ DataObjectSchema#compositeFieldsProperty in class DataObjectSchema

Cache of composite database field

DataObjectSchema::cacheTableNames() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Cache all table names if necessary

DataObjectSchema::classHasTable() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Check if the given class has a table

DataObjectSchema::compositeFields() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Returns a list of all the composite if the given db field on the class is a composite field.

DataObjectSchema::compositeField() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Get a composite field for a class

DataObjectSchema::cacheDatabaseFields() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Cache all database and composite fields for the given class.

DataObjectSchema::cacheDatabaseIndexes() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Cache all indexes for the given class. Will do nothing if already cached.

DataObjectSchema::cacheDefaultDatabaseIndexes() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Get "default" database indexable field types

DataObjectSchema::classForField() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Returns the class name in the class hierarchy which contains a given field column for a DataObject. If the field does not exist, this will return null.

DataObjectSchema::checkManyManyFieldClass() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Validate the to or from field on a has_many mapping class

DataObjectSchema::checkManyManyJoinClass() — Method in class DataObjectSchema
DataObjectSchema::checkRelationClass() — Method in class DataObjectSchema

Validate a given class is valid for a relation

$ DataQuery#collidingFieldsProperty in class DataQuery

Map of all field names to an array of conflicting column SQL

DataQuery::count() — Method in class DataQuery

Return the number of records in this query.

DataQuery::conjunctiveGroup() — Method in class DataQuery

Create a conjunctive subgroup

DataQuery::column() — Method in class DataQuery

Query the given field column from the database and return as an array.

DataQuery_SubGroup::conditionSQL() — Method in class DataQuery_SubGroup

Determines the resulting SQL along with parameters for the group

$ DatabaseAdmin#classname_value_remappingProperty in class DatabaseAdmin

Obsolete classname values that should be remapped in dev/build

DatabaseAdmin::canInit() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin
DatabaseAdmin::cleanup() — Method in class DatabaseAdmin

Remove invalid records from tables - that is, records that don't have corresponding records in their parent class tables.

EagerLoadedList::column() — Method in class EagerLoadedList

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

EagerLoadedList::columnUnique() — Method in class EagerLoadedList

Returns a unique array of a single field value for all the items in the list

EagerLoadedList::count() — Method in class EagerLoadedList
EagerLoadedList::canFilterBy() — Method in class EagerLoadedList

Returns TRUE if the list can be filtered by a given field expression.

EagerLoadedList::canSortBy() — Method in class EagerLoadedList

Returns TRUE if the list can be sorted by a field.

EagerLoadedList::createDataObject() — Method in class EagerLoadedList

Create a DataObject from the given SQL row.

$ DBComposite#composite_dbProperty in class DBComposite

Similar to DataObject::$db, holds an array of composite field names.

DBComposite::compositeDatabaseFields() — Method in class DBComposite

Return array in the format of $composite_db.

DBComposite::castingHelper() — Method in class DBComposite

Return the "casting helper" (a piece of PHP code that when evaluated creates a casted value object) for a field on this object. This helper will be a subclass of DBField.

$ DBCurrency#currency_symbolProperty in class DBCurrency
DBDatetime::clear_mock_now() — Method in class DBDatetime

Clear any mocked date, which causes Now() to return the current system date.

$ DBField#castingProperty in class DBField
DBField::create_field() — Method in class DBField

Create a DBField object that's not bound to any particular field.

DBField::CDATA() — Method in class DBField

Safely escape for XML string

$ DBHTMLText#castingProperty in class DBHTMLText
DBHTMLText::CDATA() — Method in class DBHTMLText

Safely escape for XML string

$ DBHTMLVarchar#castingProperty in class DBHTMLVarchar
DBHTMLVarchar::CDATA() — Method in class DBHTMLVarchar

Safely escape for XML string

$ DBMoney#composite_dbProperty in class DBMoney
$ DBPolymorphicForeignKey#composite_dbProperty in class DBPolymorphicForeignKey
$ DBPolymorphicRelationAwareForeignKey#composite_dbProperty in class DBPolymorphicRelationAwareForeignKey
$ DBString#castingProperty in class DBString
$ DBText#castingProperty in class DBText
DBText::ContextSummary() — Method in class DBText

Perform context searching to give some context to searches, optionally highlighting the search term.

$ DBVarchar#castingProperty in class DBVarchar
Filterable::canFilterBy() — Method in class Filterable

Returns TRUE if the list can be filtered by a given field expression.

ComparisonFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\ORM\Filters

Base class for creating comparison filters, eg; greater than, less than, greater than or equal, etc

SearchFilterable::createSearchFilter() — Method in class SearchFilterable

Given a filter expression and value construct a {SearchFilter} instance

$ Hierarchy#cache_numChildrenProperty in class Hierarchy

A cache used by numChildren().

Hierarchy::Children() — Method in class Hierarchy

Get the children for this DataObject filtered by canView()

$ MarkedSet#childrenMethodProperty in class MarkedSet

Method to use for getting children. Defaults to 'AllChildrenIncludingDeleted'

MarkedSet::clearMarks() — Method in class MarkedSet

Reset marked nodes

ListDecorator::Count() — Method in class ListDecorator
ListDecorator::column() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

ListDecorator::columnUnique() — Method in class ListDecorator
ListDecorator::canSortBy() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns TRUE if the list can be sorted by a field.

ListDecorator::canFilterBy() — Method in class ListDecorator

Returns TRUE if the list can be filtered by a given field expression.

ManyManyList::createDataObject() — Method in class ManyManyList

Create a DataObject from the given SQL row If called without $row['ID'] set, then a new object will be created rather than rehydrated.

ManyManyThroughList::createDataObject() — Method in class ManyManyThroughList

Create a DataObject from the given SQL row If called without $row['ID'] set, then a new object will be created rather than rehydrated.

Map::count() — Method in class Map

Returns the count of items in the list including the additional items set through Map::push()} and {@link Map::unshift.

PaginatedList::CurrentPage() — Method in class PaginatedList
$ PolymorphicHasManyList#classForeignKeyProperty in class PolymorphicHasManyList

Name of foreign key field that references the class name of the relation

SQLAssignmentRow::clear() — Method in class SQLAssignmentRow

Clears all assignment values

SQLConditionGroup::conditionSQL() — Method in class SQLConditionGroup

Determines the resulting SQL along with parameters for the group

$ SQLConditionalExpression#connectiveProperty in class SQLConditionalExpression

The logical connective used to join WHERE clauses. Defaults to AND.

SQLDelete::create() — Method in class SQLDelete

Construct a new SQLDelete.

SQLExpression::copyTo() — Method in class SQLExpression

Copies the query parameters contained in this object to another SQLExpression

SQLInsert::create() — Method in class SQLInsert

Construct a new SQLInsert object

SQLInsert::currentRow() — Method in class SQLInsert

Returns the currently set row

SQLInsert::clearRow() — Method in class SQLInsert

Clears all currently set assignment values on the current row

SQLInsert::clear() — Method in class SQLInsert

Clears all rows

SQLSelect::create() — Method in class SQLSelect

Construct a new SQLSelect.

SQLSelect::canSortBy() — Method in class SQLSelect

Returns true if this query can be sorted by the given field.

SQLSelect::count() — Method in class SQLSelect

Return the number of rows in this query, respecting limit and offset.

SQLUpdate::create() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Construct a new SQLUpdate object

SQLUpdate::clear() — Method in class SQLUpdate

Clears all currently set assignment values

SS_List::column() — Method in class SS_List

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

SearchContext::clearEmptySearchFields() — Method in class SearchContext

Callback map function to filter fields with empty values from being included in the search expression.

Sortable::canSortBy() — Method in class Sortable

Returns TRUE if the list can be sorted by a field.

UnsavedRelationList::changeToList() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Save all the items in this list into the RelationList

UnsavedRelationList::column() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns an array of a single field value for all items in the list.

UnsavedRelationList::columnUnique() — Method in class UnsavedRelationList

Returns a unique array of a single field value for all items in the list.

ValidationResult::combineAnd() — Method in class ValidationResult

Combine this Validation Result with the ValidationResult given in other.

Authenticator::checkPassword() — Method in class Authenticator

Check if the passed password matches the stored one (if the member is not locked out).

SiteTreeExtension::canView() — Method in class SiteTreeExtension

This function is an extension of the default SiteTree canView(), and allows viewing permissions for a SiteTree object which has allowed a page to be presented to logged in users. With RealMe a logged in user is a user which has authenticated with the identity provider, and we have stored a FLT in session.

FederatedIdentity::createFromXML() — Method in class FederatedIdentity

Constructor that sets the expected federated identity details based on a provided DOMDocument. The expected XML structure for the DOMDocument is the following:

FederatedIdentity::createFromJSON() — Method in class FederatedIdentity

create a FederatedIdentity from a JSON string.

RealMeService::current_realme_user() — Method in class RealMeService

Calls available user data and checks for validity

RealMeService::currentRealMeUser() — Method in class RealMeService

A helpful static method that follows SilverStripe naming for Member::currentUser();

RealMeService::clearLogin() — Method in class RealMeService

Clear the RealMe credentials from Session, called during Security->logout() overrides

RegistryAdmin::canView() — Method in class RegistryAdmin

Hide the registry section completely if we have no registries to manage.

$ RegistryImportFeedEntry#castingProperty in class RegistryImportFeedEntry
$ RegistryPage#class_descriptionProperty in class RegistryPage
RegistryPageController::canSortBy() — Method in class RegistryPageController

Loosely check if the record can be sorted by a property

RegistryPageController::Columns() — Method in class RegistryPageController

Format a set of columns, used for headings and row data

Report::columns() — Method in class Report
Report::canView() — Method in class Report
ReportAdmin::canView() — Method in class ReportAdmin

Does the parent permission checks, but also makes sure that instantiatable subclasses of SilverStripe\Reports\Report exist. By default, the CMS doesn't include any Reports, so there's no point in showing

ReportWrapper::columns() — Method in class ReportWrapper
ReportWrapper::canView() — Method in class ReportWrapper
$ SideReportView#controllerProperty in class SideReportView
SideReportWrapper::columns() — Method in class SideReportWrapper
$ DataFormatter#customFieldsProperty in class DataFormatter

Allows overriding of the fields which are rendered for the processed dataobjects. By default, this includes all fields in DataObject::inheritedDatabaseFields().

$ DataFormatter#customAddFieldsProperty in class DataFormatter

Allows addition of fields (e.g. custom getters on a DataObject)

$ DataFormatter#customRelationsProperty in class DataFormatter

Allows to limit or add relations.

DataFormatter::convertDataObject() — Method in class DataFormatter

Convert a single data object to this format. Return a string.

DataFormatter::convertDataObjectSet() — Method in class DataFormatter

Convert a data object set to this format. Return a string.

DataFormatter::convertArray() — Method in class DataFormatter

Convert an array to this format. Return a string.

DataFormatter::convertStringToArray() — Method in class DataFormatter
FormEncodedDataFormatter::convertStringToArray() — Method in class FormEncodedDataFormatter
JSONDataFormatter::convertArray() — Method in class JSONDataFormatter
JSONDataFormatter::convertDataObject() — Method in class JSONDataFormatter

Generate a JSON representation of the given DataObject.

JSONDataFormatter::convertDataObjectToJSONObject() — Method in class JSONDataFormatter

Internal function to do the conversion of a single data object. It builds an empty object and dynamically adds the properties it needs to it. If it's done as a nested array, json_encode or equivalent won't use JSON object notation { ... }.

JSONDataFormatter::convertDataObjectSet() — Method in class JSONDataFormatter

Generate a JSON representation of the given SS_List.

JSONDataFormatter::convertStringToArray() — Method in class JSONDataFormatter
JSONDataFormatter::cast() — Method in class JSONDataFormatter
XMLDataFormatter::convertArray() — Method in class XMLDataFormatter
XMLDataFormatter::convertArrayWithoutHeader() — Method in class XMLDataFormatter
XMLDataFormatter::convertDataObject() — Method in class XMLDataFormatter

Generate an XML representation of the given DataObject.

XMLDataFormatter::convertDataObjectWithoutHeader() — Method in class XMLDataFormatter
XMLDataFormatter::convertDataObjectSet() — Method in class XMLDataFormatter

Generate an XML representation of the given SS_List.

XMLDataFormatter::convertStringToArray() — Method in class XMLDataFormatter
$ MemberReportExtension#castingProperty in class MemberReportExtension

Set cast of additional fields

$ SubsiteMemberReportExtension#castingProperty in class SubsiteMemberReportExtension

Set cast of additional field

$ UserSecurityReport#columnsProperty in class UserSecurityReport

Columns in the report

UserSecurityReport::columns() — Method in class UserSecurityReport

Returns the column names of the report

UserSecurityReport::canView() — Method in class UserSecurityReport

Restrict access to this report to users with security admin access

Authenticator::checkPassword() — Method in class Authenticator

Check if the passed password matches the stored one (if the member is not locked out).

BasicAuthMiddleware::checkMatchingURL() — Method in class BasicAuthMiddleware

Check if global basic auth is enabled for the given request

CMSSecurityClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security

Provides a security interface functionality within the cms

Item::confirm() — Method in class Item

Mark the item as confirmed

Storage::cleanup() — Method in class Storage

Remove all the data from the storage Cleans up Session and Cookie related to this storage

Storage::confirm() — Method in class Storage

Gets user input data (usually POST array), checks all the items in the storage has been confirmed and marks them as such.

Storage::check() — Method in class Storage

Check all items to be confirmed in the storage

DefaultAdminService::clearDefaultAdmin() — Method in class DefaultAdminService

Flush the default admin credentials.

DefaultPermissionChecker::canEdit() — Method in class DefaultPermissionChecker

Can root be edited?

DefaultPermissionChecker::canView() — Method in class DefaultPermissionChecker

Can root be viewed?

DefaultPermissionChecker::canDelete() — Method in class DefaultPermissionChecker

Can root be deleted?

DefaultPermissionChecker::canCreate() — Method in class DefaultPermissionChecker

Can root objects be created?

$ Group#CodeProperty in class Group

Group code

Group::collateFamilyIDs() — Method in class Group

Return a set of this record's "family" of IDs - the IDs of this record and all its descendants.

Group::collateAncestorIDs() — Method in class Group

Returns an array of the IDs of this group and all its parents

Group::cmsCleanup_parentChanged() — Method in class Group

This isn't a descendant of SiteTree, but needs this in case the group is "reorganised";

Group::canEdit() — Method in class Group

Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.

Group::canView() — Method in class Group

Checks for permission-code CMS_ACCESS_SecurityAdmin.

Group::canDelete() — Method in class Group
$ InheritedPermissions#cachePermissionsProperty in class InheritedPermissions

Cache of permissions

$ InheritedPermissions#cacheServiceProperty in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::canEditMultiple() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::canViewMultiple() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::canDeleteMultiple() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::canDelete() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::canEdit() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::canView() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
InheritedPermissions::checkDefaultPermissions() — Method in class InheritedPermissions

Determine default permission for a givion check

InheritedPermissions::clearCache() — Method in class InheritedPermissions
$ InheritedPermissionsExtension#cascade_duplicatesProperty in class InheritedPermissionsExtension
$ InheritedPermissionsExtension#CanViewTypeProperty in class InheritedPermissionsExtension
$ InheritedPermissionsExtension#CanEditTypeProperty in class InheritedPermissionsExtension
$ Member#castingProperty in class Member
Member::canLogin() — Method in class Member

Check if this user can login

Member::canView() — Method in class Member

Users can view their own record.

Member::canEdit() — Method in class Member

Users can edit their own record.

Member::canDelete() — Method in class Member

Users can edit their own record.

Member::changePassword() — Method in class Member

Change password. This will cause rehashing according to the PasswordEncryption property via the onBeforeWrite() method. This method will allow extensions to perform actions and augment the validation result if required before the password is written and can check it after the write also.

CMSLoginHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator
CMSMemberAuthenticatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Provides authentication for the user within the CMS

CMSMemberLoginFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Provides the in-cms session re-authentication form for the "member" authenticator

ChangePasswordFormClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Standard Change Password Form

ChangePasswordHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator
ChangePasswordHandler::changepassword() — Method in class ChangePasswordHandler

Handle the change password request

ChangePasswordHandler::changePasswordForm() — Method in class ChangePasswordHandler

Factory method for the lost password form

ChangePasswordHandler::checkPassword() — Method in class ChangePasswordHandler

Check if password is ok

CookieAuthenticationHandlerClass in namespace SilverStripe\Security\MemberAuthenticator

Authenticate a member passed on a session cookie

CookieAuthenticationHandler::clearCookies() — Method in class CookieAuthenticationHandler

Clear the cookies set for the user

LoginHandler::checkLogin() — Method in class LoginHandler

Try to authenticate the user

MemberAuthenticator::checkPassword() — Method in class MemberAuthenticator

Check if the passed password matches the stored one (if the member is not locked out).

MemberPassword::checkPassword() — Method in class MemberPassword

Check if the given password is the same as the one stored in this record.

Member_GroupSet::canAddGroups() — Method in class Member_GroupSet

Determine if the following groups IDs can be added

$ Member_Validator#customRequiredProperty in class Member_Validator

Fields that are required by this validator

NullSecurityToken::check() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
NullSecurityToken::checkRequest() — Method in class NullSecurityToken
PasswordEncryptor::create_for_algorithm() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor
PasswordEncryptor::check() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor

This usually just returns a strict string comparison, but is necessary for retain compatibility with password hashed with flawed algorithms - see PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash and PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

$ PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish#costProperty in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

Cost of encryption.

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::checkAEncryptionLevel() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

The algorithm returned by using '$2a$' is not consistent - it might be either the correct (y), incorrect (x) or mostly-correct (a) version, depending on the version of PHP and the operating system, so we need to test it.

PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish::check() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

This usually just returns a strict string comparison, but is necessary for retain compatibility with password hashed with flawed algorithms - see PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash and PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash::check() — Method in class PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash

This usually just returns a strict string comparison, but is necessary for retain compatibility with password hashed with flawed algorithms - see PasswordEncryptor_LegacyPHPHash and PasswordEncryptor_Blowfish

PasswordExpirationMiddleware::checkForExpiredPassword() — Method in class PasswordExpirationMiddleware

Check if the just authenticated member has the password expired.

$ PasswordValidator#character_strength_testsProperty in class PasswordValidator
$ Permission#cache_permissionsProperty in class Permission

Permissions cache. The format is a map, where the keys are member IDs, and the values are arrays of permission codes.

Permission::check() — Method in class Permission

Check that the current member has the given permission.

Permission::checkMember() — Method in class Permission

Check that the given member has the given permission.

PermissionChecker::canEditMultiple() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Get the 'can edit' information for a number of SiteTree pages.

PermissionChecker::canViewMultiple() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Get the canView information for a number of objects

PermissionChecker::canDeleteMultiple() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Get the 'can edit' information for a number of SiteTree pages.

PermissionChecker::canDelete() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Check delete permission for a single record ID

PermissionChecker::canEdit() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Check edit permission for a single record ID

PermissionChecker::canView() — Method in class PermissionChecker

Check view permission for a single record ID

PermissionRole::canView() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRole::canCreate() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRole::canEdit() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRole::canDelete() — Method in class PermissionRole
PermissionRoleCode::canCreate() — Method in class PermissionRoleCode
PermissionRoleCode::canEdit() — Method in class PermissionRoleCode
PermissionRoleCode::canDelete() — Method in class PermissionRoleCode
RememberLoginHash::clear() — Method in class RememberLoginHash

Deletes existing tokens for this member if logout_across_devices is true, all tokens are deleted, otherwise only the token for the provided device ID will be removed

$ Security#currentUserProperty in class Security
Security::clearSessionMessage() — Method in class Security

Clear login message

Security::changepassword() — Method in class Security

Show the "change password" page.

Security::clear_database_is_ready() — Method in class Security

Resets the database_is_ready cache

SecurityToken::check() — Method in class SecurityToken

Checks for an existing CSRF token in the current users session.

SecurityToken::checkRequest() — Method in class SecurityToken

See check().

SudoModeService::check() — Method in class SudoModeService

Checks the current session to see if sudo mode was activated within the last section of lifetime allocation.

SudoModeServiceInterface::check() — Method in class SudoModeServiceInterface

Checks the current session to see if sudo mode was activated within the last section of lifetime allocation.

LoginSession::canCreate() — Method in class LoginSession
LoginSession::canView() — Method in class LoginSession
LoginSession::canEdit() — Method in class LoginSession
LoginSession::canDelete() — Method in class LoginSession
GarbageCollectionService::collect() — Method in class GarbageCollectionService

Delete expired LoginSession and RememberLoginHash records

$ ShareDraftController#controllerProperty in class ShareDraftController

Controller for rendering draft pages.

SiteConfig::CMSEditLink() — Method in class SiteConfig
SiteConfig::current_site_config() — Method in class SiteConfig

Get the current sites SiteConfig, and creates a new one through make_site_config() if none is found.

SiteConfig::canView() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user view this SiteConfig instance?

SiteConfig::canViewPages() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user view pages on this site? This method is only called if a page is set to Inherit, but there is nothing to inherit from.

SiteConfig::canEditPages() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user edit pages on this site? This method is only called if a page is set to Inherit, but there is nothing to inherit from, or on new records without a parent.

SiteConfig::canEdit() — Method in class SiteConfig
SiteConfig::canCreateTopLevel() — Method in class SiteConfig

Can a user create pages in the root of this site?

SiteConfigPagePermissions::canEdit() — Method in class SiteConfigPagePermissions

Can root be edited?

SiteConfigPagePermissions::canView() — Method in class SiteConfigPagePermissions

Can root be viewed?

SiteConfigPagePermissions::canDelete() — Method in class SiteConfigPagePermissions

Can root be deleted?

SiteConfigPagePermissions::canCreate() — Method in class SiteConfigPagePermissions

Can root objects be created?

SitewideContentReport::columns() — Method in class SitewideContentReport

Returns columns for the grid fields on this report.

$ EditableSpamProtectionField#check_fieldsProperty in class EditableSpamProtectionField

Fields to include spam detection for

CommentSpamProtectionClass in namespace SilverStripe\SpamProtection\Extension

Apply the spam protection to the comments module if it is installed.

SiteTreePublishingEngine::collectChanges() — Method in class SiteTreePublishingEngine

Collect all changes for the given context.

$ Job#chunk_sizeProperty in class Job

Number of URLs processed during one call of AbstractQueuedJob::process() This number should be set to a value which represents number of URLs which is reasonable to process in one go This number will vary depending on project, more specifically it depends on:

  • time to render your pages
  • infrastructure
$ DeleteStaticCacheJob#chunk_sizeProperty in class DeleteStaticCacheJob
SubsiteXHRController::canView() — Method in class SubsiteXHRController

Relax the access permissions, so anyone who has access to any CMS subsite can access this controller.

SubsiteXHRController::canAccess() — Method in class SubsiteXHRController

Allow access if user allowed into the CMS at all.

CMSPageAddControllerExtensionClass in namespace SilverStripe\Subsites\Extensions
ControllerSubsitesClass in namespace SilverStripe\Subsites\Extensions
ControllerSubsites::controllerAugmentInit() — Method in class ControllerSubsites
ControllerSubsites::CurrentSubsite() — Method in class ControllerSubsites
FileSubsites::canEdit() — Method in class FileSubsites

Influence the owner's canEdit() permission check value to be disallowed (false), allowed (true) if no other processed results are to disallow, or open (null) to not affect the outcome.

FileSubsites::cacheKeyComponent() — Method in class FileSubsites

Return a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific

LeftAndMainSubsites::CanAddSubsites() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites
LeftAndMainSubsites::canAccess() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites

Check if the current controller is accessible for this user on this subsite.

LeftAndMainSubsites::copytosubsite() — Method in class LeftAndMainSubsites
SiteConfigSubsites::cacheKeyComponent() — Method in class SiteConfigSubsites

Return a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific

SiteTreeSubsites::canEdit() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Only allow editing of a page if the member satisfies one of the following conditions:

  • Is in a group which has access to the subsite this page belongs to
  • Is in a group with edit permissions on the "main site"
SiteTreeSubsites::canDelete() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::canAddChildren() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::canPublish() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
SiteTreeSubsites::contentcontrollerInit() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Called by ContentController::init();

SiteTreeSubsites::cacheKeyComponent() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites

Return a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific

SiteTreeSubsites::canCreate() — Method in class SiteTreeSubsites
WildcardDomainField::checkHostname() — Method in class WildcardDomainField

Check if the given hostname is valid.

$ Subsite#cache_accessible_sitesProperty in class Subsite

Memory cache of accessible sites

$ Subsite#cache_subsite_for_domainProperty in class Subsite

Memory cache of subsite id for domains

$ Subsite#check_is_publicProperty in class Subsite

Respects the IsPublic flag when retrieving subsites

Subsite::currentSubsite() — Method in class Subsite

Gets the subsite currently set in the session.

Subsite::changeSubsite() — Method in class Subsite

Switch to another subsite through storing the subsite identifier in the current PHP session.

Subsite::canEdit() — Method in class Subsite
Subsite::createDefaultPages() — Method in class Subsite

Automatically create default pages for new subsites

$ SubsiteDomain#castingProperty in class SubsiteDomain
$ SubsitesVirtualPage#class_descriptionProperty in class SubsitesVirtualPage
SubsiteReportWrapper::columns() — Method in class SubsiteReportWrapper
$ Method#code_lengthProperty in class Method

The TOTP code length

$ StringTagField#canCreateProperty in class StringTagField
$ TagField#canCreateProperty in class TagField
$ TaxonomyTerm#castingProperty in class TaxonomyTerm
TaxonomyTerm::canView() — Method in class TaxonomyTerm
TaxonomyTerm::canEdit() — Method in class TaxonomyTerm
TaxonomyTerm::canDelete() — Method in class TaxonomyTerm
TaxonomyTerm::canCreate() — Method in class TaxonomyTerm
CacheClass in namespace SilverStripe\TextExtraction\Cache\FileTextCache

Uses SS_Cache with a lifetime to cache extracted content

Cache::clear() — Method in class Cache

Alias for $this->flush()

$ FileTextExtractable#castingProperty in class FileTextExtractable
PDFTextExtractor::cleanupLigatures() — Method in class PDFTextExtractor

Removes utf-8 ligatures.

$ TikaServerTextExtractor#clientProperty in class TikaServerTextExtractor
UserDefinedFormAdmin::confirmfolderformschema() — Method in class UserDefinedFormAdmin

This returns a Confirm Folder form schema used to verify the upload folder for EditableFileFields

UserDefinedFormAdmin::ConfirmFolderForm() — Method in class UserDefinedFormAdmin

Return the ConfirmFolderForm. This is only exposed so the treeview has somewhere to direct it's AJAX calss.

UserDefinedFormAdmin::confirmfolder() — Method in class UserDefinedFormAdmin

Sets the selected folder as the upload folder for an EditableFileField

$ UserFormFieldEditorExtension#cascade_deletesProperty in class UserFormFieldEditorExtension
UserFormFieldEditorExtension::createInitialFormStep() — Method in class UserFormFieldEditorExtension

A UserForm must have at least one step.

UserFormsFieldList::clearEmptySteps() — Method in class UserFormsFieldList

Remove all empty steps

$ UserFormsStepField#castingProperty in class UserFormsStepField
$ UserFormsGridFieldFilterHeader#columnsProperty in class UserFormsGridFieldFilterHeader

A map of name => value of columns from all submissions

$ EditableCustomRule#condition_optionsProperty in class EditableCustomRule
$ EditableCustomRule#ConditionOptionProperty in class EditableCustomRule
$ EditableCustomRule#ConditionFieldIDProperty in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::canDelete() — Method in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::canEdit() — Method in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::canView() — Method in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::canCreate() — Method in class EditableCustomRule

Return whether a user can create an object of this type

EditableCustomRule::canPublish() — Method in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::canUnpublish() — Method in class EditableCustomRule
EditableCustomRule::ConditionField() — Method in class EditableCustomRule
$ EditableFormField#cascade_deletesProperty in class EditableFormField
$ EditableFormField#cascade_duplicatesProperty in class EditableFormField
$ EditableFormField#CustomErrorMessageProperty in class EditableFormField
EditableFormField::canDelete() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return whether a user can delete this form field based on whether they can edit the page

EditableFormField::canEdit() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return whether a user can edit this form field based on whether they can edit the page

EditableFormField::canView() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return whether a user can view this form field based on whether they can view the page, regardless of the ReadOnly status of the field

EditableFormField::canCreate() — Method in class EditableFormField

Return whether a user can create an object of this type

$ EditableCheckbox#CheckedDefaultProperty in class EditableCheckbox
$ EditableFieldGroup#cascade_deletesProperty in class EditableFieldGroup
EditableFileField::createProtectedFolder() — Method in class EditableFileField
$ EditableLiteralField#ContentProperty in class EditableLiteralField
$ EditableMultipleOptionField#cascade_deletesProperty in class EditableMultipleOptionField
$ EditableMultipleOptionField#cascade_duplicatesProperty in class EditableMultipleOptionField
EditableOption::canEdit() — Method in class EditableOption
EditableOption::canDelete() — Method in class EditableOption
EditableOption::canView() — Method in class EditableOption
EditableOption::canCreate() — Method in class EditableOption

Return whether a user can create an object of this type

EditableOption::canPublish() — Method in class EditableOption
EditableOption::canUnpublish() — Method in class EditableOption
$ EmailRecipient#cascade_deletesProperty in class EmailRecipient
$ EmailRecipient#cascade_duplicatesProperty in class EmailRecipient
$ EmailRecipient#CustomRulesConditionProperty in class EmailRecipient
EmailRecipient::canCreate() — Method in class EmailRecipient

Return whether a user can create an object of this type

EmailRecipient::canView() — Method in class EmailRecipient
EmailRecipient::canEdit() — Method in class EmailRecipient
EmailRecipient::canDelete() — Method in class EmailRecipient
EmailRecipient::canSend() — Method in class EmailRecipient

Determine if this recipient may receive notifications for this submission

$ EmailRecipientCondition#condition_optionsProperty in class EmailRecipientCondition

List of options

$ EmailRecipientCondition#ConditionFieldIDProperty in class EmailRecipientCondition
$ EmailRecipientCondition#ConditionOptionProperty in class EmailRecipientCondition
$ EmailRecipientCondition#ConditionValueProperty in class EmailRecipientCondition
EmailRecipientCondition::canCreate() — Method in class EmailRecipientCondition

Return whether a user can create an object of this type

EmailRecipientCondition::canView() — Method in class EmailRecipientCondition
EmailRecipientCondition::canEdit() — Method in class EmailRecipientCondition
EmailRecipientCondition::canDelete() — Method in class EmailRecipientCondition
EmailRecipientCondition::ConditionField() — Method in class EmailRecipientCondition
$ SubmittedFileField#cascade_deletesProperty in class SubmittedFileField
$ SubmittedForm#cascade_deletesProperty in class SubmittedForm
SubmittedForm::canCreate() — Method in class SubmittedForm
SubmittedForm::canView() — Method in class SubmittedForm
SubmittedForm::canEdit() — Method in class SubmittedForm
SubmittedForm::canDelete() — Method in class SubmittedForm
SubmittedFormField::canCreate() — Method in class SubmittedFormField
SubmittedFormField::canView() — Method in class SubmittedFormField
SubmittedFormField::canEdit() — Method in class SubmittedFormField
SubmittedFormField::canDelete() — Method in class SubmittedFormField
$ UserDefinedForm#class_descriptionProperty in class UserDefinedForm
$ UserDefinedForm#controller_nameProperty in class UserDefinedForm
$ UserForm#cascade_deletesProperty in class UserForm
$ UserForm#cascade_duplicatesProperty in class UserForm
$ UserForm#castingProperty in class UserForm
CachedContentFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionFeed\Filters

Caches results of a callback

$ CachedContentFilter#cache_enabledProperty in class CachedContentFilter

Enable caching

ContentFilterClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionFeed\Filters

Conditionally executes a given callback, attempting to return the desired results of its execution.

$ ContentFilter#cache_lifetimeProperty in class ContentFilter

Cache lifetime

$ VersionFeed#changes_enabledProperty in class VersionFeed

Enables RSS feed for page-specific changes

$ VersionFeed#changes_limitProperty in class VersionFeed

Changes feed limit of items.

$ VersionFeedController#contentFilterProperty in class VersionFeedController

Content handler

VersionFeedController::changes() — Method in class VersionFeedController

Get page-specific changes in a RSS feed.

ArchiveAdmin::createArchiveGridField() — Method in class ArchiveAdmin

Create a gridfield which displays archived objects

CMSPageHistoryViewerControllerClass in namespace SilverStripe\VersionedAdmin\Controllers

The history viewer controller uses the React based HistoryViewerField to display the history for a DataObject} that has the {@link Versioned extension.

HistoryViewerController::compareForm() — Method in class HistoryViewerController
$ DiffField#comparisonFieldProperty in class DiffField
$ HistoryViewerField#contextKeyProperty in class HistoryViewerField

Unique context key used to differentiate the different use cases for HistoryViewer

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_LiveLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink::canView() — Method in class SilverStripeNavigatorItem_StageLink

Filters items based on member permissions or other criteria, such as if a state is generally available for the current record.

ProxyCacheAdapter::clear() — Method in class ProxyCacheAdapter
$ ProxyCacheFactory#containerClassProperty in class ProxyCacheFactory

Class name of a psr-16 cache

ProxyCacheFactory::create() — Method in class ProxyCacheFactory
ChangeSetClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

The ChangeSet model tracks several VersionedAndStaged objects for later publication as a single atomic action

$ ChangeSet#castingProperty in class ChangeSet
ChangeSet::calculateImplicit() — Method in class ChangeSet

List of all implicit items inferred from all currently assigned explicit changes

ChangeSet::canView() — Method in class ChangeSet
ChangeSet::canEdit() — Method in class ChangeSet
ChangeSet::canCreate() — Method in class ChangeSet
ChangeSet::canDelete() — Method in class ChangeSet
ChangeSet::canPublish() — Method in class ChangeSet

Check if this item is allowed to be published

ChangeSet::canRevert() — Method in class ChangeSet

Check if this changeset (if published) can be reverted

ChangeSet::can() — Method in class ChangeSet

Default permissions for this changeset

ChangeSetItemClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned

A single line in a changeset

$ ChangeSetItem#ChangeSetIDProperty in class ChangeSetItem

ID of parent ChangeSet object

ChangeSetItem::canView() — Method in class ChangeSetItem
ChangeSetItem::canEdit() — Method in class ChangeSetItem
ChangeSetItem::canCreate() — Method in class ChangeSetItem
ChangeSetItem::canDelete() — Method in class ChangeSetItem
ChangeSetItem::canRevert() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Check if the BeforeVersion of this changeset can be restored to draft

ChangeSetItem::canPublish() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Check if this ChangeSetItem can be published

ChangeSetItem::can() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Default permissions for this ChangeSetItem

ChangeSetItem::CMSEditLink() — Method in class ChangeSetItem

Get edit link for this item

ChangeSetItem::ChangeSet() — Method in class ChangeSetItem
DataDifferencer::ChangedFields() — Method in class DataDifferencer

Get a SS_List of the changed fields.

DataDifferencer::changedFieldNames() — Method in class DataDifferencer

Get an array of the names of every fields that has changed.

AbstractPublishOperationCreator::createOperation() — Method in class AbstractPublishOperationCreator
AbstractPublishOperationCreator::createOperationName() — Method in class AbstractPublishOperationCreator
CopyToStageCreatorClass in namespace SilverStripe\Versioned\GraphQL\Operations

Scaffolds a "copy to stage" operation for DataObjects.

CopyToStageCreator::createOperation() — Method in class CopyToStageCreator
PublishCreator::createOperationName() — Method in class PublishCreator
RollbackCreator::createOperation() — Method in class RollbackCreator
UnpublishCreator::createOperationName() — Method in class UnpublishCreator
$ Versioned#cache_versionnumberProperty in class Versioned

A cache used by get_versionnumber_by_stage().

$ Versioned#castingProperty in class Versioned

Ensure versioned records cast extra fields properly

Versioned::cleanupVersionedOrphans() — Method in class Versioned

Cleanup orphaned records in the _Versions table

Versioned::createDeletedVersion() — Method in class Versioned

Adds a WasDeleted=1 version entry for this record, and records any stages the deletion applies to