class GenerateCSVJob extends AbstractQueuedJob (View source)
Iteratively exports GridField data to a CSV file on disk, in order to support large exports.
The generated file can be downloaded by the user through a CMS UI provided in GridFieldQueuedExportButton.
Simulates a request to the GridFieldQueuedExportButton controller to retrieve the GridField instance, from which the original data context can be derived (as an {@link SS_List instance). This is a necessary workaround due to the limitations on serialising GridField's data description logic. While a DataList is serialisable, other SS_List instances might not be. We'd also need to consider custom value transformations applied via GridField->customDataFields lambdas.
Relies on GridField being accessible in its original CMS controller context to the user who triggered the export.
Provides extensions to this object to integrate it with standard config API methods.
Config options
sync_sleep_seconds | int | Optionally define the number of seconds to wait after the job has finished before marking it as complete. |
chunk_size | int | ||
permission_mode | string | ||
ignore_umask | bool |
protected | stdClass | $jobData | from AbstractQueuedJob | |
protected | array | $messages | from AbstractQueuedJob | |
protected | int | $totalSteps | from AbstractQueuedJob | |
protected | int | $currentStep | from AbstractQueuedJob | |
protected | bool | $isComplete | from AbstractQueuedJob | |
protected | $writer |
Sets a data object for persisting by adding its id and type to the serialised vars
Specifies what user ID should be when running the job valid values: null - (default) - run the job as current user 0 - run the job without a user greater than zero - run the job as a specific user
Method for determining whether the job is finished - you may override it if there's more to it than just this
No description
Gets custom config settings to use when running the job.
Sets custom config settings to use when the job is run.
Convenience methods for setting and getting job data
Resolves a queue name to one of the queue constants.
Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).
Gets the uninherited value for the given config option
This method is adapted from GridField->generateExportFileData()
Normally Director::handleRequest will register an HTTPRequest service (when routing via frontend controllers).
Extensions can have a construct but don't have too.
Without a construct, it's impossible to create a job in the CMS
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setObject(DataObject $object, string $name = 'Object')
Sets a data object for persisting by adding its id and type to the serialised vars
protected DataObject|null
getObject(string $name = 'Object')
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protected string
Generate a somewhat random signature
useful if you're want to make sure something is always added
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Specifies what user ID should be when running the job valid values: null - (default) - run the job as current user 0 - run the job without a user greater than zero - run the job as a specific user
This is useful in situations like:
- a job needs to always run without a user (like a static cache job)
- a job needs to run as a specific user (for example data migration job)
Note that this value can be overridden in the QueuedJobService::queueJob()
Performs setup tasks the first time this job is run.
This is only executed once for every job. If you want to run something on every job restart, use the prepareForRestart method.
Run when an already setup job is being restarted.
Generate export fields for CSV.
Method for determining whether the job is finished - you may override it if there's more to it than just this
Called when the job is determined to be 'complete'
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setJobData(int $totalSteps, int $currentStep, bool $isComplete, stdClass $jobData, array $messages)
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Gets custom config settings to use when running the job.
setCustomConfig(array $config)
Sets custom config settings to use when the job is run.
addMessage(string $message, string $severity = 'INFO')
No description
__set(mixed $name, mixed $value)
Convenience methods for setting and getting job data
__get(mixed $name)
Retrieve some job data
static string|null
getQueue(string|int $queue)
Resolves a queue name to one of the queue constants.
If $queue is already the value of one of the constants, it will be returned.
If the queue is unknown, null
will be returned.
static Config_ForClass
Get a configuration accessor for this class. Short hand for Config::inst()->get($this->class, .....).
uninherited(string $name)
Gets the uninherited value for the given config option
setGridField(GridField $gridField)
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setSession(array $session)
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protected Writer
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protected GridField
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outputHeader($gridField, $columns)
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outputRows(GridField $gridField, array $columns, int $start, int $count)
This method is adapted from GridField->generateExportFileData()
Normally Director::handleRequest will register an HTTPRequest service (when routing via frontend controllers).
If that hasn't happened yet, we will register one instead (e.g. for unit testing, or when running from the command line). Also register a new controller if one hasn't been pushed yet.